500字范文 > 小学五年级英语期末考前练习 提升期末考试成绩

小学五年级英语期末考前练习 提升期末考试成绩

时间:2023-11-30 15:28:07


小学五年级英语期末考前练习 提升期末考试成绩




1.选出不同类的单词( )

A. Tuesday B. clockC. FridayD. Saturday

2.选出不同类的单词( )

A. above B. clock C. beside

3.选出不同类的单词( )

A. green B. rabbit C. brown

4.选出不同类的单词( )

A. fresh B. fish C. duck

5.选出不同类的单词( )

A. sweet B. healthy C. tea


6.What can you _____ in the picture ( )

A. look B.see C.watch

7. Whats your math teacher like


A.Hes thin and strong. B.Hes fine. C.He likes sports.

8.Can she sing English songs


A.No, she can B.No, she doesn C.No, she isn

9.—________ the clock

—Its on the wall.

A. What isB. Where is C. Who is

10.John can do __________ kung fu.

A. a B.any C.some

11.There is ________ on the desk.

A.chair B.a cmoputer C.many books

12.Its a day of a week. It is after Wednesday.

A.Thursday B.Sunday C.Tuesday

13.I ________ a nice bedroom. ________ are two bedrooms in the house.

A.have; There B.have; Their C.Has; They

14.You ________ play sports every day.

A.are B.does C.should

15.What would you ______ to eat

桼ice and beef.

A.like B.likesC.liking




(1) d________

(2) h________

(3) f________

(4) s________

(5) h________


17.There ________ (be) two boys and a girl in the picture. 2-1-c-n-j-y

18.He is ________ (we) new English teacher.

19.My English teacher is very ________ (fun).

20.Would you like some ________(sandwich)

21.I have a robot. My grandpa made ________(he) . 2·1·c·n·j·y


22.a, the, clock, There, on, is, wall (.)(连词成句)

23.Chinese, have, English, art, I, and ( , ) ( . )(连词成句)

24.do, they, can, what ( ) (连词成句)

25.is, teacher, like, what ,your, head ( )(连词成句)

26.my, food, ice cream, favourite, is (.)




⑴Is your PE te_acher__strict ________A. She is young and beautiful.

⑵Is she young ________ B. Yes, she is. She is very young.

⑶Whos _your_m_aths teacher ________C. No, he isn . He is funny.

⑷Whats your art teacher like ________ D. Mr Zhang.

⑸Do you like your Chinese teacher ________ E. Yes, I do.



My name _is_Ben_. This is my family photo. This boy is me. My father is a doctor. He likes reading newspapers(报纸)very much. My mother is an engineer(工程师). She likes reading books. This is my little sister. She is five years old. She likes collecting(收集)toys. She has two teddy bears and three toy cats. I like playing football. I often play it with my friends on Saturdays and Sundays.

(1)Bens father is ________.

A.a teacher B.a doctor C.an engineer

(2)________ likes reading books.

A.Ben B.Bens sister C.Bens mother

(3)Bens sister is ________ years old.

A.5 B.15 C.6

(4)________ likes playing football.

A.Bens father B.Ben C.Bens brother

(5)There are ________ people(人)in Bens family.

A.six B.five C.four



1. B


2. B


3. B

解:_gree_n译为绿色, rabbit译为兔子, brown译为棕色。green和brown都是表颜色的词。而rabbit是动物,故选B。

4. A

解:_A °é B_鱼,C鸭子;BC都是名词,与选项A是形容词,不同。故选A.

5. C

解:A选项是:甜的_ Bé é _健康的;C选项是:茶。A选项和B选项都是形容词;只有C选项不是。故答案为:C。二、单选题

6. B

解:_é é _三个词都表示看的意思,而look一般不单独使用,常与at连用,为look at;see可以直接接宾语;watch一般表示看电视比赛等。所以答案选B。www-2-1-cnjy-com

7. A


8. A

解:句意:——她会唱英文歌曲吗?——不,她不会。对can引导的一般疑问句作出否定回答:No, sb. can ,故选A。

9. B

解:句意:——_é é ¨ é_——它在墙上。A是什么,B在哪里,C是谁。答语回答“在墙上”,可知询问在哪里,疑问词用where,故选B。

10. C

解:_ ° _一些功夫。根据句意排除A,any用于否定句和疑问句,some用于肯定句,这个句子是肯定的陈述句,故选C。

11. B

解:_ ¨è _桌上有……。A椅子,可数名词单数;B一台电脑,不定冠词+可数名词单数;C许多书,形容词+名词复数。本句是there be句型,is与不可数名词或可数名词单数搭配,可数名词前面用不定冠词修饰,与选项B相匹配。故选B.:

12. A

解:句意:_ ¤ ¨ _的一天。它在星期三之后。A星期四;B星期天;C星期二,根据常识,星期三之后是星期四。故选A.

13. A

解:句意:我......一间漂亮的卧室。房子里......两个卧室。第一句句子主语是I,和have搭配;第二空,their不能与are连用,they are two bedrooms,显然意思不合适,此处用there are构成there be句型。故答案为:A.

14. C

解:句_è _每天都运动。A.系动词是,不合题意;B.第三人称单数中, 构成疑问句的助动词,不合题意;C. 情态动词应该,符合题意,故答案为:C。

15. A

解:_ _…吃点什么?—米饭和牛肉。这里是固定搭配,would like,“想要”。故答案为:A。


16. (1)delicious





解:(1_ é è _,鸡肉特点是美味的,以首字母开头,单词是delicious。故答案为delicious.






17. are

解:句_ § _两个男孩和一个女孩。描述一个事实,该句子是一般现在时,There be句型采用的就近原则,boys是名词复数,因此be动词是are,故答案为are。

18. our

解:句意:他是……新_è ±è è __we我们,人称代词主格,作主语;teacher是可数名词单数,前面用形容词性物主代词修饰, we形容词性物主代词是our,我们的。故答案为our.

19. funny

解:句意:我_ è ±è èé _常……。 very是副词,副词修饰形容词, fun有趣,是名词,形容词是 funny有趣的。故答案为funny.


解:句意_ è _明治吗?some修饰可数名词复数,sandwich的复数在后面直接加es。故答案为sandwiches。


解:_ _有一个机器人。我爷爷制作了它。动词make后面跟人称代词宾格做宾语,故答案为him。五、连词成句

22. There is a clock on the wall.

解:a一,_theè _,clock闹钟,There那儿,on在……上,is是,wall墙,根据所给单词及标点可知,该句子是there be句型的肯定句。根据词义连成句子:墙上有一个闹钟。故答案为There is a clock on the wall.

23. I have Chinese, English and art.

解:Chinese语_have_有,English英语,art美术,I我,and和,根据所给的句号,可知句子是一个陈述句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:我有语文、英语和美术课。故答案为I have Chinese, English and art.

24. What can they do

解: do做, _they_, can能, what什么,根据所给的问号,结合词义,可知句子是一个特殊疑问句:他们能做什么?故答案为 What can they do

25.What is your head teacher like

解:_is ,__teacher老师, like喜欢, what什么 ,your你的, head头。根据所给句号这是组成疑问句,根据单词意思组成句子:你的班主任什么样?故答案为:What is your head teacher like

【点评】这是考查连词成句的题目。要掌握短语What ... like“......什么样”。

26._My_fa_vourite food is ice cream. / Ice cream is my favourite food.

解:_my_, food食物, ice cream冰激凌, favourite最喜欢的, is是, 根据所给单词我们首先组成短语My favourite food(我最喜欢的食物), 然后组成句子: My favourite food is ice cream. (我最喜欢的食物是冰激凌.)/ Ice cream is my favourite food.(冰激凌是我最喜欢的食物.)故答案为: My favourite food is ice cream. / Ice cream is my favourite food.




解:A. She is young and beautiful.她又年轻又漂亮。

B. Yes, she is. She is very young.是的,她是。她很年轻。

C. No, he isn . He is funny.不,他不是。他很有趣。

D. Mr Zhang.张先生。

E. Yes, I do.是的_

1_意:你的体育老师严厉吗?这是Is引导的一般疑问句,且主语是PE teacher。strict是描述性格的形容词,与C选项funny有趣的对应。故答案选:C。






28. (1)B





解:文章大意:_ è _了本的全家福。

(1)根据My father is a doctor.可知本的爸爸是一名医生。故选B。

(2)根据 My mother is an engineer(工程师). She likes reading books.可知本的妈妈喜欢读书。故选C。

(3)根据 This is my little sister. She is five years old.可知本的妹妹五岁了。故选A。

(4)根据 I like playing football.可知本喜欢踢足球。故选B。


