500字范文 > 学术论文写作 | (1) Introduction写作套路

学术论文写作 | (1) Introduction写作套路

时间:2018-08-12 23:15:58


学术论文写作 | (1) Introduction写作套路








首先开篇表明文章研究的问题是什么,阐明这个问题的重要性。简述过去的工作,这里可以是比较宽泛的介绍,比如分了什么流派呀,主干方法是什么呀。(话锋一转)虽然过去的工作做的非常好,但是还存在哪些哪些问题,这些都非常的challenge。突出问题的难度。针对某某问题,我们是怎么做的,为什么要这么做,这么做的好处是什么,进一步阐明motivation。前面晓之以理,动之以情,现在可以把实验结果狠狠的砸向审稿人啦!清晰的写明论文取得的效果,分点阐述本篇文章的contribution。contribution一般两点到三点就ok,如果有某一点的贡献非常突出,有两点就非常充分啦~~终于梳理完了文中最重要的部分[]( ̄▽ ̄)*(Intorduction最后也可以讲一下文章剩余部分的组织结构,各个部分主要讲什么)。





虽然我都清楚自己要写什么了(in mind),但是我的英语{{{(>_<)}}}。不慌不慌!学术英语写作跟中学英语作文还是差别很大的,不用担心!接下来把秘藏已久的论文写作葵花宝典献上~

Academic Phrasebank对于写作新手来说就是一个神器,按类目收集了很多论文中的常用表达。


当我们需要表达我们研究的问题多么多么重要的时候,可以这么写: X is fundamental to …X has a pivotal role in …X is frequently prescribed for(常用于) …X is fast becoming a key instrument in(X迅速成为……的关键工具) …X plays a vital role in the metabolism(代谢/更替) of …Xs have emerged as powerful platforms for …(X已经成为……的强大平台。)X is essential for a wide range of(广泛的) technologies.X can play an important role in addressing the issue of …Xs are the most potent … known.(X是已知的最有效的…) 阐述过去的工作时候,可以这么写: Recent evidence suggests that (最近的证据表明)Extensive(广泛的) research has shown that …Studies of X show the importance of …It has previously been observed that …(以前已经观察到……)Several attempts have been made to …Previous research has established that(表明) …Previous research comparing X and Y has found …The existing body of research on X suggests that …(关于X的现有研究表明…)There is a growing body of literature that recognises …(越来越多的文献意识到……)Existing research recognises the critical role played by …(现有研究认识到……的关键作用。) 过去的工作存在哪些问题,可以这么写: Previous studies of X have not dealt with …Researchers have not treated X in much detail.Such expositions(解释) are unsatisfactory because they …Most studies in the field of X have only focused on …Such approaches, however, have failed to address …Previous published studies are limited to(仅限于) local surveys(本地/局部 调查).Half of the studies evaluated failed to(失败/未能) specify(说明) whether …The research to date has tended to focus on X rather than Y.(迄今为止,研究倾向于将重点放在X而不是Y上。)Previously published studies on the effect of X are not consistent.(先前发表的有关X效应的研究不一致。) 阐述文章motivation时,可以这么写: The specific objective(具体目标) of this study was to …An objective of this study was to investigate(调查) …This thesis will examine the way in which the …(本论文将探讨…)This study set out to(旨在) investigate the usefulness of …This dissertation seeks to explain the development of …(本文试图解释……的发展。)This prospective study was designed to investigate the use of …(这项前瞻性研究旨在调查…的使用。)This thesis intends to determine the extent to which … and whether …(本文旨在确定……的程度以及是否……)This dissertation aims to unravel some of the mysteries surrounding …(本文旨在揭示围绕……的一些奥秘。)Drawing upon two strands of research into X, this study attempts to …(利用对X的两部分研究,该研究试图……)This study therefore set out to assess the effect of X …, and the effect of …(因此,本研究着手评估X…的影响以及…的影响。)There are two primary aims of this study: 1. To investigate … 2. To ascertain(确定) …One purpose of this study was to assess the extent to which these factors were …(这项研究的目的之一是评估这些因素在多大程度上……) 简单阐明工作怎么做的时候,可以这么说: Five works will be examined, all of which …This study was exploratory and interpretative in nature.(这项研究本质上是探索性和解释性的。)This study uses a qualitative case study approach to investigate …(这项研究使用定性案例研究方法来调查……)Qualitative and quantitative research designs were adopted to provide …(定性和定量研究设计被采用以提供……)A holistic approach is utilised, integrating X, Y and Z material to establish …(利用一种整体方法,将X,Y和Z材质集成在一起以建立……)The study was conducted in the form of a survey, with data being gathered via …(该研究以调查的形式进行,数据通过……收集。)The methodological approach taken in this study is a mixed methodology based on …(本研究采用的方法论方法是基于……的混合方法论。)A combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches was used in the data analysis.(定量分析和定性分析相结合,用于数据分析。) 自己的实验结果和贡献,可以这么夸: This is the first study to …This study provides new insights into …(这项研究为…提供了新的见解。)This work will generate fresh insight into …The study offers some important insights into …Understanding the link between X and Y will help …The importance and originality of this study are that it explores …(这项研究的重要性和独创性在于它探索……)The findings should make an important contribution to the field of ….Characterisation of X is important for our increased understanding of …(X的表征对于我们对…的进一步了解很重要。)This project provided an important opportunity to advance the understanding of …(该项目为增进对……的理解提供了重要的机会。)There are several important areas where this study makes an original contribution to …(该研究对以下几个重要领域做出了独特的贡献:)The experimental work presented here provides one of the first investigations into how …(这里介绍的实验工作提供了有关如何…的第一批调查之一。)
