500字范文 > 300个常考话题句型: 初中英语作文素材

300个常考话题句型: 初中英语作文素材

时间:2019-11-20 21:34:39


300个常考话题句型: 初中英语作文素材

From now on, I not only study harder but also try my best to get better grades.

14. 我偶尔喜欢去购物。

I like to go shopping now and then.

15. 我们一做完饭就应该把火灭掉。

We should put out the fire as soon as we finish cooking.

16. 我不喜欢炫耀自己。

I don t like to show off myself.

17. 我以前在电脑游戏上花费了很多时间以至于我在学习上失去了兴趣。

I used to spend so much time on computer games that I lost interest in study.


18. 我过去常常拜访我的朋友。

I used to call on my friends.

19. 明天我一到美国就给你打电话。

I will call you up as soon as I arrive in America tomorrow.

20. 我很高兴照顾我喜欢的人。

I am glad to care for the people who I care for.

21. 在我回家的路上,我碰见了我的老朋友。

I came across my old friend on my way home.

22. 每天直到我回来,我父母才睡觉。

My parents don t go to bed until I come back every day.

23. 我恭喜你取得很大进步。

I congratulate you on your great progress.

24. 我们应该互相学习。

We should learn from each other.

25. 听说你现在过得很愉快,我很高兴。

I am glad to hear that you enjoy yourself now.

26. 我害怕与他相处不好。

I am afraid to get on badly with him.

27. 我和我的朋友们玩得很高兴。

I have fun with my friends.

28. 我很高兴收到你的来信。

I am glad to hear from you.

29. 我经常看见他匆匆忙忙的去上学。

I often see him go to school in a hurry.

30. 我很高兴我们相互有共同之处。

I am glad that we have something in common with eachother.

31. 我很高兴你能信守诺言。

I am glad that you can keep your word.

32. 我刚才撞上了我的老朋友。

I knocked into my old friend just now.

33. 我的父母总是叫我别嘲笑别人。

Myparents always tell me not to laugh atothers.

34. 她总是一见到我就做鬼脸。

She always makes a face as soon as she seesme.

35. 他既不喜欢游泳也不喜欢跑步。

He likes neither swimming nor running.

36. 我过去常挨着他坐。

I used to sit next to him.

37. 他学习不如我努力。

He doesn t study so/ashard as I.

38. 当然,我们应该与别人和睦相处。

Of course, we should get on well with others.

39. 我奶奶以前反反复复给我讲过这个故事。

My grandmother used to tell me the story over and over again.


40. 就我所知,北京因它悠久的历史和丰富的文化而闻名于世。

As far as I know, Beijing is famous for its long history and rich culture.

41. 我们应该阻止人们砍伐树木。

We should stop people from cutting down trees.

42. 我们应该尽力阻止动物灭绝。

We should do our best to stop animals from dying out.

43. 每天做扫除很必要。

It s necessary to do some cleaning every day.

44. 这儿有许多可做的,例如,你可以帮助打扫干净城市公园。

There is much to do here, for example,you can help clean up the city parks.

45. 总之,保护环境对我们来说很重要。

In a word, it s very important for us to protect the environment.

46. 为什么不尽早拯救在危险中的动物呢?

Why not save the animal in danger asearly as possible?

47. 我认为回收废纸取代扔掉它更好。

I think it s better to recycle waste paper instead of throwing it away.

48. 我认为我们的城市缺少水。

I think that our city is in need ofwater.

49. 我想要大家都加入到环境项目中来。

I would like everyone to join in the environment project.

50. 勿踩草坪对环境来说是有好处的。

It s good for the environment to keep off the grass.

51. 我们应该不断关注我们的环境。

We should keep on taking care of ourenvironment.


52. 我父亲每天都给我一点钱。

My father gives me a bit of money every day.

53. 我妈妈昨天给我买了几本书。

My mother bought a few books for me yesterday.

54. 请你递给我一点儿水好吗?

Could you please pass me a little water?

55. 他上周借给我许多书。

He lent a number of books to me last week.

56. 他去年送了我一双鞋。

She sent me a pair of shoes last year.

57. 今天上午我们老师告诉过我们一则好消息。

Our teacher told usa piece of good news this morning.

58. 我奶奶反反复复给我讲过这个故事。

My grandma tells the story to me again and again.

59. 在海里有各种各样的鱼。

There are all kinds of fishes in the sea.

60. 天晴后,请你打扫一下你的院子好吗?
