500字范文 > 近三年中考英语满分作文解析(河北卷)


时间:2022-03-12 00:22:59



礼貌从我做起,从现在开始,从点滴小事做起。请根据下面的提示和要求,以 “When to Say Thank You”为题,写一篇短文。 提示:1) When should we say “thank you” at home? 2) When are we supposed to say “thank you” at school? 3) ... 要求:1) 短文须包括提示中的两个要点和一个补充要点,可适当发挥。 2) 短文中不要出现真实的地名、校名和人名。 3) 词数80个左右。(开头已给出,不计入总词数) 参考词汇:wash, encourage, open When to Say Thank You It’s polite to say “thank you” when others help us or say something kind to 考题解析 河北中考英语作文形式上没有了去年的观察图片;内容上注重了对个人文化品质的考查。 今年以“礼貌“为主题,按照提示写文章,侧重对学生英语学科核心素养文化品格的考查。近年来,作文题目多从热爱劳动、诚实守信、文明做人、道德品质等方面考查学生,引导其养成良好的行为习惯,成为一个有道德修养的人。When to Say Thank You教育学生感恩及把握感恩的时机等,给学生传递正能量,弘扬社会正气,教会学生感恩,培养学生的关键思维,这都促进了学生素养的形成,体现了“全人”教育的思想。 满分范文 When to Say Thank You Its polite to say "thank you" when others help us or say something kind to us. Being polite is a good tradition in our country. Nobody likes a person who is impolite. Its important for us to be polite. We should say "thank you" to parents when they cook for us. We should say "thank you" when they wash clothes for us. We should also be polite at school. When the teachers help us work out questions, we should say "thank you" to them. When we get bad grades and the teachers and classmates encourage us, we should say "thank you". When someone opens the door for us, we should say "thank you". We should say "thank you"as often as possible. If everyone is polite to others, the world will be more and more beautiful. 【名师点评】 这是一篇要求介绍我们在家和在学校怎么做个有礼貌的人。动笔前先要认真阅读要点,围绕要点组织材料,写出自己的观点和做法,并陈述理由,可用到平时积累的感谢类句型,1) I think we should be thankful to ...2) Thank you so much for doing sth. ...3) You are supposed to say ‘Thank you’ when ...条件状语从句(if引导)和时间状语从句(when引导),然后用正确的英语句子把这些内容表达出来,在此基础上亦可适当发挥,注意不要遗漏材料中给出的要点。结尾建议大家要养成表达感谢的好习惯。根据材料可知本文主要是应用第一人称,一般现在时态,注意标点符号及大小写等问题,不要犯语法错误。注意上下文之间的逻辑关系,语意连贯。 【写作亮点】 这是一篇优秀的作文,文章首先说明了向别人表达感谢的重要性,“Being polite is a good tradition in our country. Nobody likes a person who is impolite.礼貌是我国的优良传统,没有人喜欢不讲礼貌的人。并运用了定于从句,体现了作者运用复杂句式结构的能力。接下来短文根据提示中的两个要点,1) When should we say “thank you” at home? 2) When are we supposed to say “thank you” at school?分别表达出在家和在学校何时应表达感谢。要注意使用一般现在时。结尾照应前文,呼吁大家要向别人说谢谢”We should say "thank you"as often as possible.”本文条理清楚,能够围绕提示,表达准确。 其中的重点短语和句型:say"thank you"to sb 对某人说"谢谢",it’s+形容词+for sb to do. Sth. 做某事对某人来说怎么样,help sb do sth.帮助某人做某事,as often as possible尽可能经常的。
