500字范文 > 原创精选!牛津九年级上册各单元作文写作点拨+满分范文大集合丨Ekwing 独家

原创精选!牛津九年级上册各单元作文写作点拨+满分范文大集合丨Ekwing 独家

时间:2021-05-03 03:29:48


原创精选!牛津九年级上册各单元作文写作点拨+满分范文大集合丨Ekwing 独家

Good morning, everyone!

Its my pleasure to speak here. First, Id like to say something about myself. My name is Li Lei. Im a fifteen-year-old boy. I have good personalities. Im very outgoing and active. Im easy-going and I get on well with almost every- one at our school. Im also good at organizing all kinds of activities. As a student, Im helpful. Im always ready to help those in need. I have many hobbies such as sports, writing and making speeches. I especially like reading. Id like to be the chairman of our Students Union. If Im chosen, I will try my best and devote myself to the work of our union. Ill work with my partners and organize all kinds of meaningful activities.

Thats all. Thank you!


假设你叫李雷,你们班级要选拔新班长,你想向班主任王老师推荐张华。请根据表格内容,写一封 80 词左右的推荐信给王老师。信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。


Dear Mr Wang,

Im writing to recommend Zhang Hua as our new monitor.

I think he has some strong qualities for this position. Zhang Hang is confident. He is good at making speeches. He also does well in computer. He is hard- working, modest and organized. He often spends lots of time organizing after-school activities. He is very helpful too. He never minds doing extra work for our class. He always tries his best to help other students. He is very popular with us.

I think Zhang Hua is the most suitable person to be our monitor.I hope you can consider my recommendation.

Yours sincerely,

Li Lei


假设你是 Rose,你想找一份教英语的兼职工作。现在请你写一封求职信,并在信中列举三项个人优势,以便得到这样的工作。


(1) 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确;

(2) 80 词左右。

可 能 用 到 的 短 语:be interested in, my favorite subject, get good marks, speak English, think of

可能用到的句型:Im from ..., I would like to ...


Dear Sir / Madam,

Im writing to apply for the job as a part-time English teacher. My name is Rose. I am 14 years old and Im from No. 1 Middle School. Im interested in being a part-time English teacher.I would like to apply for the job for the following reasons. Firstly, English is my favorite subject. I always get good marks in English exams. I can also speak English well. Secondly,I can get on well with people, especially children.Thirdly, I am patient with kids. I can think ofmany ways to make English fun to them.

Im sure I can be a good English teacher.




假设你是 Lynn,得知某英文报社招聘兼职记者后,你有意应聘,请给报社写一封自荐信,80 词左右。


Dear Sir / Madam,

Im a student from Xingxing School. Im glad to learn that you want a part-time English reporter. Im quite interested in it.

I think Im suitable for the job. Firstly, I read a lot and know how to talk with different people. Secondly, Im interested in English and do well in both speaking and writing. Thirdly, Im easy to get along with and enjoy working together with others. So Im sure I can do the job well.

Im looking forward to your reply. Thank you very much.



Unit 2



假如你是琳达,你所在的学校正在征集夏季校服创意,请你给设计部的 Mrs Read 写一封信,从色彩选择的角度,谈谈你的看法吧!要求:80 词左右。


1. What colours should T-shirts for boys and girls be? Why?

2. What colour should skirts for girls be? Why?

3. Your advice for boys rousers. Why?


Dear Mrs Read,

Its my pleasure to tell you my opinions about our new school uniforms. In my opinion, the T-shirts for girls should be white with red ties because white is the colour of purity and in summer, well feel cool and clean. The skirts for girls could be red because red and white are a good match. It represents power and looks lovely.

As for T-shirts for boys, I think green is good because it is the colour of nature. Green can give us energy. What else, I think the colour of trousers for boys should be black because it looks cool.






1. 内容充实,语言流畅,书写工整;

2. 80 词左右。


Style A: blue and white T-shirt; blue shorts for boys; blue skirt for girls

Style B: black and white T-shirt; black shorts for boys; black skirt for girls


I prefer the style A. Firstly, I think wearing such school uniforms can make students look not only smart but also lovely. And they may feel cool and clean when they wear them. Secondly, I like the colours as well. Its good for little students to wear blue and white. They are a good match. They can make them feel less stressed. Thirdly, as little kids are usually noisy, wearing blue can make them feel calm. But I don like style B. It doesn look good on little kids. So I would rather choose the style A.


不同的人喜欢不同的颜色。你最喜欢什么颜色?请以“My favourite colour”为题,根据内容提示写一篇短文。

1. 你最喜欢的颜色及其象征意义;

2. 你喜欢这种颜色的原因。


(1) 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确;

(2) 80 词左右。


many different kinds of, such as, look at,be good for


There are ..., When I ..., I ...


My favourite colour

There are many different kinds of colours in the world, such as white, blue, orange and red. But my favourite colour is green. Do you know why?

Firstly, green gives me energy and represents new life. When I feel tired or weak, I always look at something green around me. Secondly,green is the colour of nature. Most plants are green, like grass and trees. I like nature.Thirdly, green is good for our eyes, too.When my eyes are very tired, I will watch the green trees or green grass. They can help me relax my eyes.


假设你是 Tina,你的好友 Susan 写信问你最喜欢什么颜色,请根据内容提示给她写一封回信。

1. 你最喜欢的颜色及其象征意义;

2. 你喜欢这种颜色的原因。


Dear Susan,

My favourite colour is blue. Firstly, blue is a calm colour and it brings peace to my mind and body. Every time I feel stressed, I would like to see something blue to calm down. Secondly, blue makes me feel relaxed. When I walk into a room painted blue, I always feel relaxed. So I painted the walls of my bedroom blue. Thirdly, blue is the colour of the sea. I like the sea best. So I will be happy when I see the blue sea.



Unit 3



假如你是北京的李梅,你收到了好友Mike 的来信,他最近心情不好,在信中他向你吐露了他的烦恼:

1. 感觉压力很大,作业太多,无暇顾及自己的爱好。

2. 感觉孤独,跟同学相处有困难。

3. 体重增加,爱吃零食。

请你根据以上问题,给 Mike 提一些建议吧!词数:80 词左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。


Dear Mike,

Im sorry to hear that you e not in a good mood these days. You feel stressed and lonely, and you also worry about your weight. The follow- ing are my suggestions for you:

First, I think you should make a plan for your study and hobbies. Find time to relax as much as you can.

Second, try to make more friends with your classmates. Be friendly and honest to others. If so, they will do the same to you.

Third, I think you should find out what makes you gain your weight. Maybe you eat too much snacks but exercise less. So why don you do some sports every day? Its good for your health.

I hope the suggestions will work well on you. Good luck!


Li Mei


假如你是大卫,你最近心情不好,原因是父母对你的要求太严格了。他们不允许你放学后出去跟朋友玩,不让你上网,也不让你打心爱的篮球。你曾跟他们说太累了,想放松一下,可是他们听不进去,说是快要中考了,得抓紧时间复习。为此你非常苦恼,于是写信向你的好朋友凯特倾诉。请你以大卫的口吻,给凯特写一封信吧!词数: 80 词左右。


Dear Kate,

Im feeling terrible these days because my parents are too strict with me. They don allow me to go out with friends after school. I can play basketball, either. But thats my favourite! They don allow me to go online. I have told them that I am so tired that I want to relax myself for a while, but they didn listen to me. They want me to study for the final exams. But I want to spend a little time on my favourite things because Im too tired. What should I do? Could you please give me some advice?




假设你叫 Eric,是一名九年级的学生。你很容易害羞,在课堂上回答老师的问题时会感到紧张,你也不喜欢在人多的地方发言。这些问题一直困扰着你,让你很难过。于是,你写了一封信向 Mr Brown 求助,希望他可以帮助你。词数:90 词左右。

可能用到的短语:deal with, laugh at ...

可能用到的句型:I wonder how I should deal with it, Can you offer me some suggestions?


Dear Mr Brown,

My name is Eric. Im a student of Grade Nine. I have a problem and it often makes me feel sad. I wonder how I should deal with it. My problem is that Im shy. I feel nervous when I answer the teachersquestions in class. I don like to talk in front of a big crowd of people. I prefer to stay at home rather than go out and have fun with friends. I think everybody will laugh at me. What should I do? Can you offer me some suggestions? I hope to

hear from you soon.




假设你是 David,上周日你和同学们一起去爬山。你未经允许就拿了你爸爸的照相机,而且不小心损坏了它。你心里很担心,不知道应该如何面对你的爸爸。于是你写了一封信,向 Mr Know-all 求助。词数: 90 词左右。(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)


Dear Mr Know-all,

Last Sunday, my classmates and I went to the hill. I wanted to take some photos with my friends there. My father was out at that time, so I took his camera without telling him. But the camera was out of my bag and dropped on the ground when I was climbing the hill. It didn work at all. I put it back quietly after I returned home. And I haven told my father till now. I don know how to tell him. When I face my father, I feel terrible. What should I do?



Unit 4



我们的成长过程中会有许多对自己影响很大的人,这个人不必是名人,却可能对你的成长有重大影响。为此,本周的班会上,班里的主题演讲话题为 The people that affects us most。假如你是凯特,请根据以下提示,写一篇演讲稿吧!要求: 80 词左右。


1. Who is the person that affects you most in your life?

2. Give a simple introduction of him or her.

3. What do you learn from him or her?


Good afternoon everyone,

Id like to tell you something about the person I admire most. Its my uncle Tom. My uncle was born in a poor family, so he didn finish his middle school education. However, he liked English very much, so he went on to learn English by himself at night after working in the day. Five years later, he took part in an exam, and became a translator. He has a better job than before because of his hard work.

My uncle Tom is a person who never gives up. Once he has a dream, he will keep to it and work hard for it. This is the most important thing that I should learn from him. I should work hard, keep to my dream and never give up!


常常听到人们说,小时候盼着自己长大,而长大了却非常怀念小时候。好像这永远是个讨论不完的话题。玛丽班里这周班会的主题就是 Talking about growing up。作为班长的玛丽,她今天要准备一个发言稿,谈谈她对这个话题的看法。假如你是玛丽,请根据下列提示,写一篇发言稿吧!


1. Do you like growing up?

2. Why do (don ) you like growing up?

3. Tell us your thoughts about growing up.


Good afternoon everyone!

Since I was a small child, I have wanted to grow up. Growing up is really a great thing to me. I like the feeling of being an adult, because I can become more responsible to my family and society. And I can make my own decisions, do my favorite things and have my own thoughts. As an adult, I can understand my parents better than before. I can make a living by myself and do more things for my parents.

Although we may meet some trouble on the way, we can become braver and stronger after getting over the trouble. So Im ready to grow up. What about you, friends?


在生活中,我们常常会受到别人的影响。谁是对你影响最大的人呢?请以 The person who has influenced me most 为题写一篇英语短文。不少于 80 词。

可能用到的短语:in many ways, in the world, give up...

可能用到的句型:The person who has influenced me most is ..., First ..., Second ...,Third ..., as ... as ..., I don think ...


The person who has influenced me most

The person who has influenced me most is my mother. She has influenced me in many ways.

First, she gives her full love to me and makes me feel safe in the world. Second,my mom has taught me about being brave.Although she experienced some difficulties in her life, she is always happy. So I will never give up easily when I meet some difficulties. Third, my mom always tells me to have an open heart to everyone and without her I don think I would be as friendly to people as I am today. I have a nice life because of my mom. I want to say thanks to her!


在我的生命中,有很多人对我都有影响,但影响最大的是我的姐姐。她总是告诉我要尽自己所能去做好每一件事情,她通过努力实现了自己的理想,成为了一名医生。请根据此描述展开自己的联想,写一篇不少于 80 词的英语短文。


The person who has influenced me most is my sister. Her name is Tina and she influences me in many ways. First, she is always telling me to try my best to do everything in my life no matter how hard it is. And whenever I meet difficulties, I will think of her words. Second, she is a hard-working girl. She wanted to be a doctor when she was young and she realized her dream through her hard work. She often says “Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it”. My sister is excellent. I want to be a person just like her.




九 (5) 班的同学正在教室里举行题为“Teenage problems”的主题班会。班长就青少年面临的问题及其解决办法在班级里进行了一次调查。请根据下列调查结果和讨论出的解决办法,写一篇 80 词左右的短文。


Teenage problems

Teenagers have some problems these days. Theres too much homework. They spend over ten hours learning their lessons every day. They have no time for their hobbies. Parents keep asking them to work hard at their lessons. Some of them don know what to do.

There e many ways to deal with these problems. They can talk with parents or teachers about their trouble and ask them for help. They can also plan their time carefully and make good use of time. Its important for them to keep a balance between their study and hobbies.


假如你是凯特,你们班准备开展一个“Talk about myself”的活动,目的是通过这个活动,让大家也让自己更好地了解自己,发现自己的问题,让自己变得更好。请根据以下提示,写一篇小短文,向大家做一下介绍吧!


Hello, everyone! Im Kate. Im a 16-year-old girl. And I was born in the Year of the Snake. I like basketball, listening to music as well as collecting stamps. Im a helpful girl, and Im always ready to help others when they e in trouble. Im confident and patient enough, so Im good at my lessons. My favourite color is yellow, because its warm and its also the color of wisdom. Im not perfect, because sometimes Im careless and Im not very good at expressing myself. Ill try harder to make myself better in the future.


在青少年的成长过程中总会遇到各种各样的问题,请以“The problems of growing up”为题,写一篇英语短文,谈论一下青少年在成长过程中会遇到哪些问题。要求:语言通顺、连贯,条理清晰。不少于 80 词。

可能用到的短语:all kinds of, get on with,care about, make true friends, talk to ...

可能用到的句型:Its not easy to do, wish to do, find it difficult to do, have problems doing ...


The problems of growing up

For teenagers, its not easy to grow up. They would meet all kinds of problems.

First, many teenagers can get on with their parents. They think parents are too strict with them, so they wish to have more free time to relax themselves. Second, teenagers think their schools have too many rules for them. Teachers care about their grades more than their feelings. Third, most teenagers find it difficult to make true friends. Sometimes they have problems knowing who is honest and kind to them.

What should teenagers do? They should talk to their parents or teachers about their problems. Also, they should have their own correct ways to solve the problems.


假设你是 Peter,你正在和几位朋友谈论各自生活中遇到的问题。请根据下列表格里的内容并适当发挥,以“Our problems”为题写一篇短文,90 词左右。(文章开头已经给出,不计入总词数)


Our problems

My name is Peter. Now my two friends Jane and Tony and I are talking about our own problems in life. Jane says that her parents never let her go out with friends on weekends. She only wants to make more friends, so she expects her parents to agree with her. Tony says that he had a fight with his best friend last week. Later he thought he was wrong and he should write a letter to his friend to say sorry. As for me, I was once laughed at by some classmates that Im too short and not good-looking. I think we students should learn to respect and understand each other.

Unit 5



请以“The art form I like best”为题,写一篇80 词左右的英语文章。要求语法正确,语句连贯,可适当发挥。


1. 我最喜欢的艺术形式是唱歌;

2. 我有唱歌的天赋;

3. 老师鼓励我坚持唱歌;

4. 唱歌的好处(缓解疲劳 relieve sbs tiredness;改进口音 improve sbs accent)。


The art form I like best

Different people like different art forms. My favorite art form is singing. It is fun and it makes me feel proud. All my teachers and classmates think I have a real gift for singing. My music teacher often encourages me to keep singing and sing more wonderful songs.

Singing can be used to relieve my tiredness, and can help me improve my accent. Singing makes me happy when Im sad. I always sing at home to express my joy and sadness. I really like singing. I enjoy myself in the world of music every time I sing.


假如你是 Tony,你的英国笔友 Mary 写信问及你所喜爱的艺术形式,请你根据下列提示,给她写一封信,谈谈你的观点吧。词数: 80 词左右。


1. 我最喜欢音乐;

2. 和流行音乐相比,更喜欢古典音乐;

3. 古典音乐具有永恒的艺术价值,值得我们去欣赏;

4. 在闲暇时间经常去古典音乐会,希望越来越多的人能喜欢古典音乐。


Dear Mary,

Thanks for your last letter. Id like to tell you about my favorite art form. There e many kinds of art forms, but I like music best, especially the classical music. I think classical music has a lasting value and its more attractive than pop music, so its worth enjoying. I have been to many concerts for classical music in my free time and I enjoy all of them and feel really great. However, it seems that most young people prefer pop music and they think pop music is cool. Whatever happens, I won change my love for classical music. I hope more and more people will love it, too.




有几个好朋友正在谈论各自最喜欢的艺术形式。请根据下面表格中的内容,写一篇 90 词左右的英语短文。

可能用到的短语:talk about, look beautiful,keep healthy, take photos, feel relaxed, as for ...

可能用到的句型:like / love ... best; help sb do ...; like doing ...


Four good friends are talking about their favourite art forms.

Sally loves dancing best. She thinks it looks beautiful and it can help to keep her healthy. Drawing is Peters favorite art form. Why? Because he thinks it can help him gain more knowledge and make him become cleverer. Millie is different. Her favourite art form is photography. She likes taking photos because she can enjoy beautiful sights and feel relaxed through photography. As for Daniel, he likes dramas best. He thinks they can help him know more about traditional culture and make him learn more things.


假设你是李芳,是一个十足的音乐迷。在下周即将举行的主题班会上,你打算谈谈音乐这个话题。请根据下面的文字提示,以“My stories about music”为题写一篇短文,90 词左右。(文章开头已经给出,不计入总词数)

◎ 从小痴迷音乐,爱唱歌,有一定的音乐天赋;

◎ 音乐能让人开心,放松,忘记不快的事情;

◎ 希望将来成为一名音乐家,创作很多好的音乐作品。


My stories about music

Hello, my name is Li Fang. Im quite a music fan. Since I was a kid, Ive been crazy about music. Then I enjoyed singing and had a certain gift for music. I love music because this art form can make me happy and feel relaxed. And it can help me forget about something unhappy. So whenever Im sad or in trouble, Ill always sing a song or listen to music. I love music so much that I hope to become a musician in the future and create a lot of good music works for people.

Unit 6



张华和李雷喜欢不同的电视节目。请根据下表提示,对他们所喜爱的电视节目进行简要介绍,同时发表你自己对不同电视节目的喜好和观点。要求语言流畅,不少于 80 词。


Zhang Hua likes animals very much, so he likes the programme Animal World. It is about all kinds of animals in the world. The host is able to make the programme lively and interesting. He can know a lot and gain some knowledge about animals lives.

CCTV News is Li Leis favourite TV programme. It is about the events that take place in China and the world. It is covered at seven every evening. He loves the programme because he can get a lot of information from it.

I like comedies best because the characters are always funny and they can make me laugh.


假如你是琳达,你所在的班级正在讨论所喜爱的电视节目,请你根据下列提示,写一篇题为 My favourite TV programmes 的小短文,谈谈你对电视节目的看法。词数:80 词左右。


1. Whats your opinion about TV programmes?

2. What kind of TV programmes do you like to watch?

3. Why do you like such programmes?

4. What can you learn from TV programmes?


My favourite TV programmes

Nowadays, there e more and more TV programmes. Some of them are wonderful while some of them are boring. Watching TV is a good way to relax ourselves. Of all the TV programmes, I like documentaries and the news best, such as Human and Nature and Morning News. I like the two programmes because I can learn a lot about nature and what happens around the world every day. Watching TV opens my mind and makes me happy and relaxed in life.


假设你叫韩芳,是一个音乐迷。你喜欢在空闲的时候看有关音乐方面的电视节目,请以“TV programmes”为话题,写一篇英语短文,介绍一下你喜欢看的电视节目。词数: 90 词左右。

可能用到的短语:be useful to, stay at home, a number of ...

可能用到的句型:There are many ..., Its my favourite ..., When I ..., I always ...


Television is useful to people. We can stay at home and get news and pictures from different places on TV. There are many different programmes on TV. As a music fan, I know a number of famous singers. On Friday I love to watch Sing! China on TV. Its my favorite programme. From this programme, I can listen to and enjoy many beautiful songs. Music can make me happy and relaxed. I also like watching concerts. When I finish my homework, I always search for some music programmes on TV.What about you?


假设张华和李雷是你的好朋友,你们喜欢不同的电视节目。请根据下表提示,对他们所喜爱的电视节目进行简要介绍,同时发表你自己对不同电视节目的喜好和观点。要求语言流畅,不少于 80 词。


I have two good friends. They are Zhang Hua and Li Lei. We like different TV programmes.

Zhang Hua likes animals very much, so he likes the programme Animal World. It is about all kinds of animals in the world. The host is able to make the programme lively and interesting. He can know a lot and gain some knowledge about animals lives.

CCTV News is Li Leis favourite TV programme. It is about the events that took place in China and the world. It is covered at seven every evening. He loves the programme because he can get a lot of information from it.

I like comedies best because the characters are always funny and they can make me laugh.

Unit 7



同学们,你们听说过 The Hunger Games这部电影吗?你对它的女主角 Jennifer Lawrence 又了解多少呢?请根据下列表格中的内容提示,写一篇短文,简要介绍这位女演员吧!要求: 80 词左右。


Hello, everyone! Id like to tell you something about a famous actress in America — Jennifer Lawrence. She was born on August 15, 1990 in Kentucky, the USA. She works as a TV and film actress. As an actress, she is very different from other actresses. She never had any acting classes. She played hockey and basketball for an all-boy team when she was young. At the age of fourteen, she wanted to be an actress so she went to New York City. She acted in Winters Bone in and she played the role of Katniss Everdeen in the film The Hunger Games in . She became very successful. If you haven seen her films, have a try!


同学们,请根据下列表格提示,写一篇短文,为你的朋友推荐一部电影 Around the World in EightyDays,要求: 80 词左右。


Id like to recommend a film Around the World in Eighty Days. It is a great adventure film directed by Michael Anderson and John Farrow. David Niven, Cantinflas and Finlay Currie played in this film. They acted really wonderfully. It is about an exciting story of an English gentleman Mr Phileas Fogg, who made a bet with his clubmates and managed to travel around the world in 80 days. It gives us a vivid deion of the difficulties he met during the journey. It tells us that we should be brave enough to face difficulties and find ways to solve them. We are heroes of ourselves.


假设你叫李芳,你很喜欢看电影上周你在学校电影社团看了一部名叫《霸王别姬》 的电影,请以“Seeing Farewell My Concubine”为题,写一篇观后感。要求: 80 词左右。

可能用到的短语:hold a film activity,get married with ...

可能用到的句型:It was directed by ...;It tells us that ...


Seeing Farewell My Concubine

Our school film club is holding a film activity.We saw FarewellMy Concubinelast week.It was directed by Kaige Chen and it won some awards. Its about the story of two young men who decided to play in FarewellMy Concubine in life. But both of them had different opinions about the play and different ideas about life. Then one of the young men got married with another girl. In the end, neither of them had a happy life. The film tells us that we should be brave in our life because life in the world is not easy!


假设你叫王明,上周二你看了一部名叫《南京!南京!》的电影,请根据下列问题,以“Seeing CityofLifeand Death”为题写一篇英文观后感。要求:80 词左右。


1. When did you have the film activity?

2. Which award did the film get?

3. What did the film tell us?

4. How did you feel after you saw the film?


Seeing City of Life and Death

Our school film club is holding a film activity. We saw City of Life and Death last Tuesday afternoon. It was directed by Lu Chuan. And the film won the Golden Shell Award. The film is about the story of the falling of Nanjing. The Japanese broke into the city — Nanjing. They killed quite a number of Chinese people and made Nanjing a river of blood. When we saw the film, we all couldn help crying. The film tells us that we should study hard to make our country stronger and stronger. We also should remember the history.

Unit 8



下面是一个小故事的前半部分,请根据故事内容,发挥你的想象力,接着写完下面的故事吧! 90 词左右。

Who was the thief?

Tom, an 8-year-old boy was very happy because his school was reopening. He missed his friends very much after a long summer vacation. Another reason why he couldn wait to go to school was that he wanted to show his friends his brand-new pen which his uncle had bought him from Singapore. In the class,when he opened his pencil case, he found the pen missing. He was in tears. He remembered when he took it out to write something in his notebook,Martin who sat beside him said, “What a lovely pen! Where did you get it from?”


Tom had a feeling that it was Martin. So Tom asked Martin if he had taken his pen by mistake. Martin shook his head. But Tom still couldn believe him. He was sure about his feeling. So he told Martin if he didn give back his pen, he would tell their head teacher about it. Martin felt so sad that he began to cry. At this moment, Daisy came in with a new shining pen. “Whose pen is this? I picked it up in front of our class-room!” Toms face turned red when he saw this.


请根据下列提示,写一篇小短文介绍一下发生在李德太太 (Mrs. Read) 身边的一件“奇怪”的事情。词数: 90 词左右。

1. 时间:上周六

2. 事件:李德太太的朋友珍妮来访,李德太太向她展示了她的一条名贵项链,在珍妮走后,项链不翼而飞。李德太太怀疑是自己的朋友拿走了,于是打电话询问,被珍妮一口否认,这让李德太太很生气。于是她打电话报警,正在这时候,李德太太 18 岁的女儿回来了,手里拿着她的项链。

3. 结果:李德太太对珍妮很抱歉,向她道歉,珍妮原谅了她,但心里总是觉得不舒服。


Last Saturday, Mrs. Reads friend Jenny came to visit her. She showed Jenny her new expensive necklace. Jenny said it was really beautiful. After Jenny left, Mrs. Read couldn find her necklace. So she thought that it was Jenny who took the necklace away. She called Jenny to make sure, but Jenny said she didn take the necklace. Mrs. Read was angry with Jenny. While she was going to call the police for help, her daughter came back with her necklace. Mrs. Read felt sorry about Jenny and called to apologize. Jenny forgave her but she didn feel comfortable because her friend didn trust her.


假设你叫王明明,是一名九年级的学生。你很喜欢看侦探小说,请根据本单元所学的知识,以“A detective story”为话题,写一篇英语短文。要求:80 词左右。

可能用到的短语:come back, break into,call the police ...

可能用到的句型:be surprised to see ...;be sure that ...; Who stole ...?


Mr Li was surprised to see the door was open when he came back home from work. He was sure that someone had broken into the house. So he went into the room and checked everything carefully. He found his computer and his wifes necklace missing. He decided to call the police. When he was calling the police, a man with dark glasses rushed and hurt him with a knife. After ten minutes, his wife found him lying on the ground and sent him to the hospital. Who stole the things?

The police are trying to find the truth.


假设你叫李华,昨天晚上你看完电影在回家途中目击了一起抢劫案。请根据以下信息,写一份给警方的书面材料,要求:80 词左右。材料的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。


Dear Sir / Madam,

Im writing to report a robbery to you. At about nine last night, I was on the way back home from the cinema when suddenly I heard someone crying for help from behind. I turned around and found a tall man with a pair of dark glasses and a short man robbing a young woman at the street corner near the cinema. The woman wore a gold necklace. She fought against them. I ran towards them but when I arrived, the two robbers had run away by car. They robbed the woman of her gold necklace. But luckily, the woman wasn hurt.

I hope the information will help you catch the robbers.

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua

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审 核 :贾丹彤


