500字范文 > 翻译点津:“留守儿童”用英语怎么说


时间:2019-04-27 07:53:55




误译:Their parents have gone to the city to do odd jobs, while the left-over children stay with their grandparents in their village。

正译:Their parents have gone to the city to do odd jobs, while the left-behind children stay with their grandparents in their village。

解释:left-over 的意思是not used up,即“没有用完的”或“剩下的”,用来修饰物品,如 left-over food(剩饭);而不能用来修饰人。在这里,“留守的”的意思是“遗留在原地没有动的”,应译为left-behind。“留守儿童”,英语可以译为 child left behind, left-behind child。例如:

1. 据统计,目前我国农村留守儿童人数将近2,000万人。According to statistics, there are nearly 20 million children left behind in the rural areas of our country。

“留守”的第一个意思是“古代皇帝离开京城时命令大臣驻守”。英语可以译为 to leave sb behind to safeguard the capital city。例如:

2. 皇帝御驾亲征,派一位元帅留守京城。The emperor led his army to go out for a battle, leaving a marshal behind to safeguard the capital city。

“留守”的第二个意思是“军队、机关、团体等离开原驻地时留下少数人在原驻地负责守卫或联系工作”。英语可以译为 to stay behind for garrison or liaison duty。例如:

3. 总司令命令说第一师将派往前线,而第二师将留守。The General-in- Chief ordered that the First Division would be sent to the front while the Second Division would stay behind for garrison duty。

“留守”的第三个意思是“居留下来看管”。英语可以译为 to stay behind to take care of sth。例如:

4. 全家人都搬到新房子去了,让这个老仆人留守老宅子。The whole family had moved to the new house, letting the old servant stay behind to take care of the old house。 (实习编辑:顾萍)
