500字范文 > 期末押题 九年级英语作文 10 大必考话题(附满分范文)!Ekwing 期末加油站

期末押题 九年级英语作文 10 大必考话题(附满分范文)!Ekwing 期末加油站

时间:2019-12-05 23:00:57


 期末押题 九年级英语作文 10 大必考话题(附满分范文)!Ekwing 期末加油站

My changes I have changed a lot in the past few years._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


1.used to 曾经……;过去……

2.be good for 对 ……有好处

3.make progress 取得进步

4.I used to…, but now… 我过去……,但现在……

My changes

I have changed a lot in the past few years. I used to like reading comic books when I was a child. But now I like reading novels and magazines. I used to like eating junk food because I thought it was delicious. But now I like eating healthy food because its good for my health. I used to watch cartoons when I was young, but now I like watching action movies. I used to play games with my classmates at school, but now I like doing sports after class. I think I have made more progress than before because Im growing up.

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发明改变世界。不少中学生都梦想成为发明家,请你介绍一项自己喜欢的发明。请根据下面的要点提示,以“My favorite invention”为题,写一篇短文,谈谈你的观点。


1. 简要说明自己喜欢的发明是什么;

2. 发明它的人物、时间;

3. 发明的用途。


1. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

2. 词数 80 左右。


1. be invented by 由……发明

2. not only...but also... 不但……而且……

3. One of my favorite inventions is... 我最喜欢的发明之一是……

4. It is used for... 它被用来做……


My favorite invention

There are lots of inventions in our life. One of my favorite inventions is the mobile phone. The first mobile phone was invented by an American named Martin Cooper in 1973 and it was quite big. Then it was improved to be smaller. And people can carry it anywhere easily. It is used not only for communication,but also for taking photos, watching TV, playing games and so on. I love this invention because it is still developing quickly and bringing surprises to us.

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假设今天上午你和几个同班同学踢球的时候在操场上捡到一个书包。书包里有一本九年级的英语教材、一本绿色的笔记本、一部粉色的手机和一个黑色的钱包。通过这些物品,大家纷纷猜测失主是谁。请用英语记叙此事,要求不少于 80 词。


1. 通过粉色的手机和九年级的课本可以断定, 失主是一名九年级的女生。

2. 通过笔记本中的笔迹,Tom 认为失主可能是 Linda。但是 David 认为失主是 Sarah,而且 David 记得 Sarah 有一个黑色的钱包。

3. 最终你们把书包交到了学校的失物招领处。


When I ..., I ...; textbook; notebook; wallet; agree; owner; because; lost and found 等。

This morning when I played soccer with some classmates, I found a schoolbag on the playground. There was an English textbook of Grade 9, a green notebook, a pink mobile phone and a blackwallet in it. We all thought the owner must be a girl of Grade 9. And by the handwriting in the notebook, Tom thought the owner might be Linda. But David didn agree. He thought the owner could be Sarah because he remembered Sarah had a black wallet.

I was not sure who the owner was. So I sent the schoolbag to the lost and found office of our school.

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1. 所写内容必须包含所给提示,可适当发挥;

2. 90 词左右。


talk loudly, be (not) allowed to do sth, smoke, take ... out of, remember to do sth, on time, in order to, make sure 等


Hello, everyone! Im the librarian of the school library. Welcome to our school! Here I will tell you some library rules.

The library is a quiet place, so you shouldn talk loudly. In order to keep the reading rooms clean, you aren allowed to eat snacks or smoke there. Books can be taken out of the reading rooms. After you finish reading, the books should be put back on the shelves. You can borrow books, but remember toreturn them on time and keep them clean.

In order to make sure all of you have a good time in the library, everyone should follow the rules. Thank you.

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1. 包括表格信息,可适当发挥以使行文连贯;

2. 80 词左右,发言稿的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。

Hello, everyone! As we all know, the environment is getting worse and worse. ________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thank you for listening!


do harm to 对……有害

cut down 砍伐

cause sandstorms 引起沙尘暴


Hello, everyone! As we all know, the environment is getting worse and worse. Pollution can do great harm to people. Air pollution makes the air dirty. It’s bad for our health to breathe the dirty air. Water pollution makes a lot of fish die. Cutting down too many trees can cause sandstorms. We should pay more attention to all these problems. In my opinion, everyone should realize the importance of protecting the environment. And we should try our best to take care of it.

Thank you for listening!

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假如你是李磊,你们学校的学生会(StudentsUnion)要选举一名学生会主席(chairman),许多同学都纷纷参加竞选,你也想参加竞选,请你根据以下提示,为参加竞选写一篇演讲稿,向大家介绍一下你的情况吧!要求:80 词左右。


be pleasure to… 很高兴…… be good at 擅长……


Good morning, everyone!

Its my pleasure to speak here. First, Id like to say something about myself. My name is Li Lei. Im a fifteen-year-old boy. I have good personalities. Im very outgoing and active. Im easy-going and I get on well with almost every- one at our school. Im also good at organizing all kinds of activities. As a student, Im helpful. Im always ready to help those in need. I have many hobbies such as sports, writing and making speeches. I especially like reading. Id like to be the chairman of our Students Union. If Im chosen, I will try my best and devote myself to the work of our union. Ill work with my partners and organize all kinds of meaningful activities.

Thats all. Thank you!

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请根据下面的提示,以“My family life”为题,向大家介绍一下你的家庭生活。


80 词左右,可适当发挥。


1. 我叫王芳,我们家里有五口人;我祖父母以前是工人,多年前就退休了;爸爸是一位医生,妈妈是一名教师,我是一名学生;

2. 家庭财产:一个小公寓、一台电视机、一辆小轿车和一些其他的东西;

3. 妈妈每天做大部分家务,我有时会帮忙;

4. 我们家人经常一起看电视;一些电视节目使我们大家都很高兴;

5. 父母给我制定了一些家庭规则,例如我晚上不能回家太晚;

6. 我喜欢我的家庭,希望我的家人永远快乐。

1.TV show 电视节目

2. retire 退休

3.flat 公寓


1. There be...

2. used to be

3. make+sb.+adj. 意为“使某人怎么样”。


My family life

My name is Wang Fang. There are five people in my family. They are my grandparents, my parents and me. My grandparents used to be workers and they retired many years ago. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher and I am a student.

We have a small flat, a TV, a car and some other things. My mother does most of the housework every day. I help her sometimes. We often watch TV together. Some TV shows make all of us very happy. My parents set some family rules for me. For example, I can go home too late at night.

I love my family. I hope my family will be happy forever.

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要求:80 词左右,可适当发挥。


1. 这是一则关于海伦·凯勒(Helen Keller)所写的《我的人生故事》的报告;

2. 这个故事有两位主要人物:海伦·凯勒和莎莉文老师(Miss Sullivan);

3. 海伦·凯勒很小的时候就看不见,听不见,也不能说话;在七岁的时候,她遇到了莎莉文老师,她是一位好老师;莎莉文老师帮助她学习如何拼写英语单词;她尽力记住这些单词;并且她不断地学习;最后她写作并出版了很多著名的作品;

4. 这个故事告诉我们:“只要你用心,没有什么事情是做不到的”。


出版 publish


1.report 报告

2.character 人物


1. be able to do sth. 意为“有能力做某事”。

2. learn how to do sth. 意为“学习如何做某事”。

3. try to do sth. 意为“尽力做某事”。


This is a report on the story My life story written by Helen Keller.

This story has two main characters: Helen Keller and Miss Sullivan.

Helen Keller wasn able to see, hear or speak when she was very young. When she was seven years old, she met Miss Sullivan. She was a good teacher. Miss Sullivan helped her learn how to write English words. She tried to remember these words. And she kept learning. In the end, she wrote and published many famous works.

The story tells us that “Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it”.

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要求:80 词左右,可适当发挥。


1. 在小学毕业那天,语文老师送给我一本诗集作为我的毕业礼物;

2. 我从小就喜欢诗歌。在上小学期间,我喜欢上了一本诗集———《离骚》,但到处都买不到。在小学毕业那天,语文老师递给我一本。当时我非常高兴以至于抱住了我的老师,并向她表示了感谢;

3. 那本诗集对我很重要,它现在还放在我书柜里。对我而言,它不仅仅是一份礼物,而且体现着老师对我的期望。


小学 primary school

诗集 poetry book


1. be important to sb. 意为“对某人重要”

2. notonly...butalso... 意为“不仅……而且……”

3. so ... that ... 意为“如此……以至于……”


On the day I graduated from primary school, my Chinese teacher sent a poetry book to me as my graduation present.

I began to like poems when I was a little child. In primary school, I started to like a poetry book- Li Sao.However, I could not buy one anywhere. On the day Igraduated from primary school, my Chinese teacher held one out. At that time I was so cheerful that I hugged my teacher and expressed my thanks to her.

The poetry book is very important to me and now is still in my bookcase. For me, it is not only a present, but also expresses the teacher’s hope for me.



假如你是 Julie,在这周的英语角,同学们谈论的话题是国家的传统节日。请根据你的切身体验,参考下列提示,向大家介绍一下中国的传统节日—— 中秋节吧!要求 80 词左右,可适当发挥。


1. Chinese lunar calendar 中国农历

2. family reunion 家庭团聚

3. according to... 根据;按照

4. the English corner 英语角


1. Id like to tell you something about...

2. Its adj.to do sth.

3. Its a time for...


Hello everyone! Id like to tell you something about one of the most important festivals in China — The Mid-Autumn Festival. Its on August 15th in the Chinese lunar calendar. According to the ancient story, there was a rabbit and a lady called Change on the moon. Its a time for us to have a family reunion. We usually celebrate the festival with a big dinner. We also eat the traditional food called mooncakes on that day. Its very relaxing to enjoy the moon while eating! Its really a great festival in China!


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声 明

责任编辑:赵 旋

排 版:赵 旋



审 核:贾丹彤

