500字范文 > 甘肃教师招聘专业基础知识备考:单选精编


时间:2024-05-22 22:52:32




-09-01 16:06:13 在线咨询



1. Backward somewhat technologically _____ we are for the moment, we have confidence in our ability to catch up in time.

A. although B. if C. as D. once


2. Only after talking to two students _____ that having strong motivation is one of the biggest factor in reaching goals.

A. I did discover B.did I discover C. I discovered D. discovered


3. _____ by cold weather in an otherwise warm spring, Tianmen Mountain in Zhangjiajie is covered by snow on Apr.8.

A. Hitted B. Hitting C. To hit D. Hit


4. What a pity! George _____ will quit the trip to Hangzhou.

Let me phone him for the final decision.

A. can B. must C. shall D. may


5. It s high time we _____ effective _____ to improve your working conditions.

A. take; means B. made; measures C. took; measures D. do; actions


6. When I met him the other day, it was the first time we _____ each other since we graduated from school.

A. saw B. have seen C. were seeing D. had seen


7. With his attention _____ on his mobile phone, he didn t notice his head teacher s appearance.

A. fixed B. having fixed C. fixing D. to fix


8. The professor in the end decided to give the prize to _____ he believe had a good command of English.

A. who B. anyone C. whoever D. whomever


9. The natural environment should be protected because of the important role _____ plays in human survival and development.

A. which B. the one C. it D. that


10. Martin Luther King, Jr. put it that peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means _____ we arrive at that goal.

A. that B. where C. by which D. with which


11. The ancient Silk Road _____ China and Europe has become an ideal place for studying and traveling.

A. among B. along C. across D. between


12. You _____ give me a lift. I want to walk home for exercise.

A. needn t B. couldn t C. can t D. mustn t


13. The manager asked him if he _____ for the extra work the next weekend.

A. had come B. will come C. would come D. came


14. What a drive! I m tired out.

No wonder! You have been driving for such a long time ________ taking a break.

A. by B. without C. through D. in


15. _____ news hit _____ Venice Film Festival unexpectedly: Hayao Miyazaki, the world s most honored creator of animated features, was ending his movie career.

A. 不填; the B. 不填; 不填 C. The; 不填 D. The; the


1.【答案】C。解析:考查让步状语从句。A. although尽管;B. if如果;C. as虽然;D. once一旦。句意:虽然我们技术上暂时有点落后,但我们有信心有能力及时赶上。此处表示让步,意义上A、C都可以,但although不用于倒装句,as用于让步状语从句只能用于倒装句,故选C。



4.【答案】D。解析:考查情态动词。A. can能,会;B. must必须;C. shall将要;D. may可能。句意: 太可惜了!George可能要放弃杭州之旅。 我打电话问他最后的决定。此处表示可能性,用may不用can,may只是有可能,不如can肯定。根据后面要打电话确认,故是不太肯定,有可能放弃,故选D。

5.【答案】C。解析:考查固定词组和虚拟语气。固定词组take measures采取措施;固定句型:It is high time +过去时/should+动词原形,构成虚拟语气。句意:是我们采取措施来提高你的工作条件的时候了。故选C。

6.【答案】D。解析:考查固定句式。本题的固定句式为:It/This is/was the序数词 time that从句,句意:是某人第几次做某事的时候了。如果前面是is,后面就使用现在完成时;如果前面是was,后面就是过去完成时。本句前面是was,所以后面使用过去完成时。句意:当我那天遇见他的时候,这是自从我们毕业以来第一次遇见对方。故D正确。

7.【答案】A。解析:考查with的复合结构。句意为:他只顾看自己的手机,没有注意到班主任老师的出现。 with+名词/代词+分词/形容词/副词/介词短语 为with的复合结构,在句子中作状语,表行为方式、伴随、时间等。固定搭配:fix one s attention on sth.集中注意力于,为固定搭配,本题中attention与fix构成动宾关系,故应用过去分词。

8.【答案】C。解析:考查关系代词。本句意思是:教授最终决定把这个奖给他认为对英语十分精通的人,无论这个人是谁。have a good command of 意思是 精通,熟练掌握 。he believed是个插入语,he指代前面的(句子)主语 the professor ,whoever既作了to的宾语,同时作了had a good command of English的主语,give the prize to whoever had a good command of English = give the prize to anyone who had a good command of English.(把奖给任何人,只要他熟练掌握英语。)whoever = anyone who +定语从句。故选C。

9.【答案】C。解析:考查代词。句意:自然环境应该被保护,因为它在人类生存和发展方面起着重要作用。此处用it指代The natural environment,在从句中作主语,it用于替代上文出现的同一事物,所指的是同名同物;one用于替代上文提到的可数名词单数,表示泛指;that用于替代上文出现的可数名词单数或不可数名词,表特指。one和that所指的是同名异物。不能用which,如果是which的话,那构成定语从句,先行词是role,但这不符合语境。故只能选C。

10.【答案】C。解析:考查定语从句。句意:马丁 路德金提出的和平不仅仅是我们寻求的一个遥远的目标,而且是一种手段,我们达成目标的手段。原句为a means we arrive at that goal by which,定语从句把by which提前。故选C。

11.【答案】D。解析:考查介词。句意:中国和欧洲之间的古代丝绸之路现在已经变成了一个学习、旅游的好场所。between...and...在 和 之间,故选D。

12.【答案】A。解析:考查情态动词。A. needn t不必;B. couldn t不能;C. can t不会;D. mustn t禁止,不允许。句意:你不必让我搭车。我想步行回家锻炼身体。故选A。


14.【答案】B。解析:考查介词。句意: 我感到筋疲力尽。 难怪!你一直开这么长时间没有休息。

15.【答案】D。解析:考查冠词。第一空特指 这个新闻 第二空是专用名词 威尼斯电影节 。可知用定冠词the,故选D。

