500字范文 > 辞职和面试 对于我们上班族最熟悉不过了 用英语怎么说

辞职和面试 对于我们上班族最熟悉不过了 用英语怎么说

时间:2022-03-04 18:39:52


辞职和面试 对于我们上班族最熟悉不过了 用英语怎么说

1.你为什么辞职? Why do you quit?What made you decide to leave the company?

What“s the reason for you to change job?2.你想到我们公司就职吗?Do you want to work in our company?Do you have a desire to come to our company?Do you want to become our company s employee?3.为什么他有兴趣申请我们公司的这个职位?Why is he interested in applying for this job in our company?What interests him most about this job?(他对这份工作最感兴趣的是什么?)4.这儿没有升迁的机会。There is no opportunity for promotion.

There isn t any opportunity for advancement.5.他有何资历?What qualifications has he got?How do you think about his qualifications?Why do you consider him qualified for this job?(你为何认为他符合这职位的资格?)6.你会使用电脑吗?Can you use a computer?Can you operate a computer?7.你掌握日语熟练吗?Can you speak fluent Japanese?(你能讲流利的日语吗?)Are you proficient in Japanese?Do you have a good command of Jap

8.你是怎样打发业余时间的?How do you spend your leisure time?What do you do when you are not working?(工作之余你有什么消遣活动?)9.你有什么嗜好呢?Do you have any hobbies?What”s your hobby?10.你喜欢的运动是什么?What is your favorite sport?What kind of sports do you like?(你喜欢哪种体育活动?)11.你的优点(缺点)是什么?What are your strengths (weaknesses)?What do you consider your strengths (weaknesses)?Tell me about your weaknesses (strengths)。

12.你打算在这里待多久呢?Do you have any idea how long you plan to stay here?How long do you want to stay here?13.你离开原来的那家公司的原因是什么?What“s the reason for your leaving the previous company?What”s the reason why you left your previous employer?What“s the reason why you are resigning the present position?14.如果两家公司都录用你,你将接受哪家的聘用?If you are engaged by both companies,whose offer will you accept?If you are accepted at both places,which company will you choose?

15.你知道本公司的股东是谁吗?What companies are stockholders in this company,do you know?Do you know who is the investor of this company?16.你3到5年内的规划是怎样的?What is your plan in the next three or five years?What do you intend to be five years later?
