500字范文 > 绘画本体 the Essence of Painting英语短句 例句大全

绘画本体 the Essence of Painting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-23 22:47:22


绘画本体 the Essence of Painting英语短句 例句大全

绘画本体,the Essence of Painting

1)the Essence of Painting绘画本体


1.On the Noumenon of Art-Comparative St udies of the Courses of Chinese and West ern Painting Noumenon;艺术本体论——中西绘画本体发展历程比较研究

2.On the Similarity Poems and Paintings and Wonderful Workmanship--On Shu Slui s Paintings;诗画本一律 天工与清新———谈苏轼的绘画

3.a drawing of the outlines of forms or objects.描绘形态、物体的轮廓的一种绘画。

4.Epistemology of Subjective Language and Teaching Conception in Decoration Design Ation;装饰绘画教学中对本体语言认识观和教学观的探析

5.The Influence of Japanese Yamato-e on French Impressionism Drawing浅谈日本浮世绘对法国印象派绘画的影响

6.On the Painting of the Characters Dress and Adornment in the Dream of the Red Chamber by Sun Wen of Qing Dynasty;清代孙温绘全本《红楼梦》中人物服饰绘画研究

7.The Methods Used in the Painting of the Characters in The Dream of the Red Chamber Drawn by Sun Wen;孙温绘全本《红楼梦》中人物绘画的借鉴手法

8.Musicality of Painting and Other Problems--Textual Interpretation of Kandinsky s Painting Art;绘画的音乐性及其他——对康定斯基绘画艺术的文本解读

9.Both Poems and Paintings Are Originally the Same.They are Natural,Neat and Clean--Su Shi′s Theory about Painting;诗画本一律 天工与清新——苏轼的绘画理论

10.All the pictures in this exhibition are for sale.本次展览中的所有绘画作品都出售。

11.This book on Chinese painting traces its origins, development, subjects, styles, and techniques.这是一本有关中国绘画的知识性读物。

12.These pictures represent Japanese landscapes at all seasons of the year.这些画描绘日本一年四季的风景。

13.White-and-Black Rainbow--Trace Back Zhang Ding’s Decorative Painting黑白虹——张仃装饰绘画本源探寻

parison between Zhuxianzhen Graphic Arts and Ukiyoe;朱仙镇木版年画与日本浮世绘之比较

15.To make(a picture) with paints.绘画用油漆作(画)

16.The Establishment of the System of Chinese Painting History in Modern Times-Comment on Three Works of Painting History during the Republic of China;现代中国绘画史学体系的建构——评民国时期三部绘画史著作

17.trompe l"oeil: Style of representation in which a painted object is intended to deceive the viewer into Believing it is the object itself.视幻觉法:绘画中将物体逼真地表现出来,让观看者以为是真的物体本身的艺术技巧。

18.Shallowly Discussed Two Song "the Courtyard Body" the Drawing and "the Painting of a Scholar" Gives the Later Generation the Influence;浅谈两宋“院体”绘画和“文人画”予以后世的影响



3)cubist painting立体绘画

1.The paper selects the American modernist writer Stein′s cubist writing style and Spanish cubist painter Picasso′scubist painting as researched object, by the means of contrast and in terms of psychological time and cubist techniques to interpret the influences of Picasso′scubist painting on Stein′s cubist writing style as well as the similarities between the two.选取美国现代派作家斯泰因的立体文体与西班牙“立体派”画家毕加索的立体绘画作为研究对象,采用比较的方法,从文本表现人内心的心理时间与立体技巧两方面考察毕加索的立体绘画对斯泰因的立体文体形成的影响,并比较两者的相似性。

4)human body painting人体绘画

1.The two trends take turn to dominate the history and change along with the time, bringing about different styles of beautifulhuman body painting.作为西方艺术的有机构成,西方人体绘画艺术的艺术理念源于古希腊柏拉图的先验主义模仿论与亚里士多德的经验主义模仿论,主张人体艺术的主观表现或客观再现,这两种倾向交替更迭,因时代的变迁而产生风格的差异,由此演化出跌宕多姿的西方人体绘画艺术的造型美。

5)New-style painting新体绘画

6)substance painting实体绘画


