500字范文 > 传统环境观 Traditional view of environment英语短句 例句大全

传统环境观 Traditional view of environment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-24 21:23:54


传统环境观 Traditional view of environment英语短句 例句大全

传统环境观,Traditional view of environment

1)Traditional view of environment传统环境观

2)traditional environmental landscape传统环境景观

3)the traditional Chinese concept of the built environment中国传统建筑环境观


1.An Analysis to the Impact of the Chinese Traditional Architecture Environmental View on the modern Architecture Design解析中国传统建筑环境观对现代建筑设计的影响

2.The art pursuits of Chinese traditional architectural environment from grandview garden从大观园看中国传统建筑环境的艺术追求

3.About the Ecology of the Natural Environment of the Traditional Folk Houses of Guizhou Province;贵州传统民居建筑的环境自然生态观

4.The Traditional Chinese Architecture and Modern Environment Art Design;中国传统建筑装饰语素与现代环境艺术设计

5.Type"s Domain Research on Preservation of Lighting Environment of Traditional Chinese Architecture中国传统建筑光环境保护的类型域研究

6.Architectural Environment and Space Expression Based on the Chinese Traditional Way of Thinking基于中国传统思维模式的建筑环境与空间表达

7.The Character of Chinese Traditional Building’s Interior Environment is the Expression of the Spirit about Convenance and Harmony中国传统建筑室内空间环境的本质:礼乐的表达

8.The Conservation and Reuse of Historic Building in the Historic Context;历史环境中的传统建筑保护与再利用

9.The exterior presentation and inner culture s deep intension of traditional architecture of China;中国传统建筑的外在表观与内在文化

10.On environmentalism in academic education;在建筑学专业教育中树立系统的环境观

11.Research on Environmental Evolution in Traditional Dwelling Houses;传统民居建筑环境发展演变机理研究

12.The Study on Auspicious Patterns of Chinese Traditional Buddhist Architecture中国佛教传统建筑景观的吉祥纹样研究

13.The View of Nature and the Eco-concept of Architecture in Ancient China中国古代的自然观与传统建筑的“绿色”理念

14.Traditional Civilian Residential Housing in China from the Aesthetic Perspective of Harmony between Man&Nature“天人合一”审美观对中国传统民居建筑的影响

15.Research on Chinese Lucky Culture in Traditional Architecture and the Application in Modern Environmental Design of Art;中国传统建筑中的吉祥文化及其在现代环境艺术设计中的应用研究

16.Creating Harmony between Man and Nature with Capture of Light and Shade--Role of Chinese Literati in Creating Indoor Environment of Traditional Architecture以追光蹑影之笔,写通天尽人之怀——中国文人在传统建筑室内环境创造中的作用

17.Views on the Environment Outlook and the Nature in China Traditional Culture;试论中国传统文化中的环境观及其特质

18.The Forms of Display of Traditional Folk Arts(Non-material Cultural Heritage) in Chinese Traditional Architectural Landscape Design;民间文化艺术(非物质文化遗产)在传统建筑环境中的展现形态


traditional environmental landscape传统环境景观

3)the traditional Chinese concept of the built environment中国传统建筑环境观

4)traditional context theories传统语境观

1.The context theory developed in the framework of Relevance Theory sees context as a dynamic concept,thus overcoming some of the drawbacks found intraditional context theories.近年来在关联理论框架下发展起来的语境概念将语境视为动态概念,克服了传统语境观的一些不足,对于解释语篇连贯,特别是缺少显现衔接的会话语篇的连贯性方面显示出了较强的解释力。

5)Systematical environment theory系统环境观

6)traditional environmentology传统环境学

1.Relationship between selection and general layout of the power plant site andtraditional environmentology;电厂厂址选择及厂区总布置与传统环境学的关系


