500字范文 > 中国当代文学史 Chinese the present age history of literature英语短句 例句大全

中国当代文学史 Chinese the present age history of literature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-27 19:01:38


中国当代文学史 Chinese the present age history of literature英语短句 例句大全

中国当代文学史,Chinese the present age history of literature

1)Chinese the present age history of literature中国当代文学史

1.Chinese the present age history of literature curriculum teaching needs to step off difficult position must carry out an educational reform,realize the entirety optimization.中国当代文学史课程教学要走出困境必须进行教学改革,实现整体优化。


1.A Cultural Poetic Perspective in Studies of the History of Modern Chinese Literature;中国当代文学史研究的文化诗学视角

2.The Position of Taiwan and Hongkong Literature in the History of Contemporary Literature of China;台港文学在中国当代文学史上的地位

3."Canonization" of Texts and the Construction of the History of Chinese Contemporary Literature;文本“经典化”与中国当代文学史的建构

4.Project Teaching of "History of Contemporary Chinese Literature"《中国当代文学史》项目化教学初探

5.On The Literary History Narrate of 17 Years Literature-From “Shigao of Contemporary Chinese Literature”to “History of Contemporary Chinese Literature”;论十七年文学的文学史叙述——从《中国当代文学史稿》到《中国当代文学史》

6.Brand New Approaches to Modern Literature History;当代文学史著述的全新尝试——评南大版《中国当代文学史新稿》

7.On the Controversy on the Misty Poetry in the History of the Contemporary Chinese Literature;论中国当代文学史上的“朦胧诗”论争

8.Imagination and Elucidation--On the Construction of Contemporary Literature History of China;想像与阐释——谈中国当代文学史建构

9.Several Thinkings on Overall Curriculum Teaching Optimization of Chinese Contemporary age History of Literature;中国当代文学史课程教学整体优化的当下之思

10.Historical Consciousness and Reflections on Literary History历史意识与文学史反思——以洪子诚中国当代文学史研究为线索

11.On the Historical Study of Chinese Contemporary Literature;20世纪90年代以来的中国当代文学史研究

12.The Loss of Ethical dimensions in the Compilation and Teaching of Contemporary Chinese Literary History;中国当代文学史写作与教学中的伦理维度缺失

13.The Absence of Folk Literature in the New Research of Literary History;新文学史研究视镜中的民间缺失——兼论陈思和《中国当代文学史教程》

14.Thinking on the Teaching Reform of Chinese Contemporary Literature中国当代文学史课程教学改革的几点思考

15.The Powerful Works of“Rewriting Literature History” --Comment on “A Course in Chinese Contemporary Literature History”edited by Chen Sihe;“重写文学史”的扛鼎之作——评陈思和主编的《中国当代文学史教程》

16.On the Curricula of the Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature Discipline;中国现当代文学学科史中的课程问题

17.The Shelter of Chinese Literary History and the Space of Regional Literary History;“中国文学史”的遮蔽与“区域文学史”的空间——以“现当代文学史”为中心

18.On Construction and Teaching of the History of Criticism on Chinese Contemporary Literature;谈中国当代文学批评史的构建与教学


Course of Chinese Contemporary Literature History《中国当代文学史教程》

1."Polysemic Interpritation" Doesn t Mean the Explanation out of the Text at Will——Looking for Blemish in ACourse of Chinese Contemporary Literature History by Chen Sihe;“多义性的诠释”不是脱离文本的随意阐释——为陈思和主编的《中国当代文学史教程》指瑕

3)The New Modern Chinese Literature History《中国当代文学史新稿》

1.The study of "literature history" should be the root of all study of "literature",the responsibility of literature history is painting the hidden track of human spirit in the literature development,"the self-conscious establishment of human modern recognition" should be the core support of modern literature,The New Modern Chinese Literature History provide a entirely new truss for present study.“文学史”研究应当是全部“文学”研究的最终落脚点,文学史的根本责任也正是要勾画出文学演进过程中所隐含的人的精神轨迹,“人的自觉的现代意识的确立”应当是作为独立学科的当代文学的核心支撑点,《中国当代文学史新稿》一书在这方面为我们现有的研究确立了一种全新的构架。

4)the history of modern and contemporary Chinese literature中国现当代文学史

5)Chinese contemporary historiography当代中国史学

1.In the midst of 80s, discussing "the crisis of historiography" is a autocriticism and reorientation ofChinese contemporary historiography.80年代中期有关“史学危机”的讨论是当代中国史学的一次自我反省和重新定位。

6)China"s contemporary historiography中国当代史学


