500字范文 > 清末民初 late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China英语短句 例句大全

清末民初 late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-11 13:36:34


清末民初 late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China英语短句 例句大全

清末民初,late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China

1)late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China清末民初

1.Liberty Trend of Thought and Literature Thoughts in Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China;清末民初自由思潮与文学思想

2.The Controversy and Practice of "Quick Establishment of Republicanism" in the Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China;清末民初“速定共和”的论争与实践


1.Wang Hsueh-t`ao王雪涛[清末民初人

2.Study on Prohibiting Opium in Guangdong from the End of Qing Dynasty to the Beginning of Republic of China (1906-1917);清末民初广东禁烟初探(1906-1917)

3.Chinese Foreign-Educated Students and Foreign Language Education during the Period between the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republican China;中国留学生与清末民初外语教育初探

4.Modern Reformation in Chinese Calligraphy and Painting in the Late Qing Dyanasty and Early Republic of China;清末民初中国书画的现代化转型初探

5.On the Limitations of the Trend of Thoughts of "New Citizen" During the Last Years of the Qing Dynasty and the Early Years of the Republic of China;试论清末民初“新国民”思潮的局限

6.The Crime of Underclass Citizens in Tian"jin at the Turn of Qing and Republic of China清末民初天津下层市民犯罪问题研究

7.A Study on Femal Crimes in Late Qing Dynasty and Early Repulic of China (1901-1919);清末民初女性犯罪研究(1901-19)

8.Study on Tusi Society in the Period from the End of Qing Dynasty to the Beginning of the Public of China in the Boundary of Daxin Country in Guangxi Province;清末民初广西大新县境土司社会研究

9.Norms in Fiction Translation and Translators" Reaction Towards Them in the Late Qing and Early Republic of China;清末民初小说翻译规范及译者的应对

10.On "Female-Hero" Discourse in Literature and Ideology at the End of Qing Dynasty and the Beginning of the Republic of China;论清末民初思想和文学中的“英雌”话语

11.Development of English Methodist Mission Society in Southchina in the End of the Ching Dynasty and the Beginning of the Republic of China;清末民初循道公会在华南地区的发展

12.The Evolution and Communication of Feminine Periodicals in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China;清末民初女性期刊的演化与传播探析

13.Studies on Legal Education in Guangdong from Late Qing Dynasty to the Early Period of the Republic of China (1905~1924);清末民初广东法律教育浅探(1905~1924)

14.Research on Christian Unity in Late Qing Dynasty and Early People s Republic(1900-1927);清末民初教会合一运动研究(1900-1927)

15.The Social Ideological and Its Influence in Literature Thought;清末民初社会思潮对文学观念的影响

16.A Study on the Evolution of the Chinese-and-Westerners Lawsuits-Trying Pattern in the Period of Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republican China;清末民初华洋诉讼理案模式演变研究

17.On the Literary Version s "Japanization" from Late Qing Dynasty and Early Min Country;论清末民初文学文本中的“日化”现象

18.The Controversy and Practice of "Quick Establishment of Republicanism" in the Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China;清末民初“速定共和”的论争与实践


the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China清末民初

1.Modern view on personality of the Revolutionists betweenthe late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China;清末民初革命派的近代人格思想——以刘师培、蔡元培为考察中心

2.Duringthe late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, the Chinese women sports developed rapidly advocated by social far-sight people, intellectual women and the attention of the government.清末民初时期是我国女子体育活动获得快速发展的重要时期,在社会有识之士的倡导、知识女性的倡扬和政府的重视下,女子体育活动在学校和民间普遍开展起来,同时还参加了国际性和区域性的体育竞赛活动,这在一定程度上促进了广大妇女的思想解放和女性意识的觉醒与确立。

3.In the Late Qing dynasty and the Early Republic of China, more and more returned students were engaged in politics including the American returned students who were good at natural science and engineering science.清末民初中国政坛上出现了一股留学生从政热潮,一向以理工科见长的留美生也纷纷卷入其中。

3)The late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China清末民初

1.The National Federation of Agricultural Services and Agricultural Improvement in the Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China清末民初全国农会联合会与农业改良

2.In the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China,the pace of Western powers invading China was greatly accelerated.清末民初,西方列强侵略中国的步伐大大加速,掀起了瓜分中国的狂潮。

3.During the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China the network structure of Chinese commerce chamber had mainly developed to maturity.清末民初中国商会网络结构基本发育成熟。

4)the end of Qing dynasty and the beginning of the republic of China清末民初

1.It’s the historical interim of social transformation which the Chinese traditional society went to the latter-day society, from the end of Qing dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China , when the politics、economy and culture of the country had changed deeply a lot, and further ,people’s social life.清末民初是中国传统社会向近代社会过渡的历史性变革时期,出现了政治、经济和文化的强烈变迁。

5)late Qing and early Republic of China清末民初

1.On the National Steamship Industry in Late Qing and Early Republic of China;略论清末民初的民族轮船航运业

2.There are three fluctuations of social psychology happened during the period oflate Qing and early Republic of China.清末民初的社会心理经历了从“幼稚静默”到“亢奋纷扰”的变化,表现为三次大的心理波动:一是1894年甲午战争之后的变法维新与《天演论》所引发的新旧对峙,二是癸卯年(1903年)知识界的“新觉醒”与《民约论》所唤醒的个人和民族权利之争,三是19《新青年》的崛起、“五四”新文化秩序的确立以及苏联十月革命的回声。

3.It established in thelate Qing and early Republic of China in Shanghai,and caused two sensations of the literature market in the 20~(th) century.它创刊于清末民初的上海,在20世纪曾经两度引起文学市场的轰动,具有巨大的社会影响力。

6)translation during the period of Late Qing and early Republic of China清末民初翻译


