500字范文 > 传统戏曲元素 Elements of traditional opera英语短句 例句大全

传统戏曲元素 Elements of traditional opera英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-13 02:32:06


传统戏曲元素 Elements of traditional opera英语短句 例句大全

传统戏曲元素,Elements of traditional opera

1)Elements of traditional opera传统戏曲元素


1.The Performance of Elements of Chinese Traditional Opera in the Oil Painting论中国传统戏曲元素在油画中的可表现性

2.It concentrates the quintessence of Chinese opera, integrates the modern fashion with the ancient civilization.通过时空的跳越和传统戏曲元素的浓缩,集中表现了古老文明与现代时尚的完美融合。

3.Research on the Elements of Chinese Opera in Chinese Cartoons--Giving the Examples of the Monkey King and the Story of Nezha中国动画电影中的戏曲元素研究——以《大闹天宫》、《哪吒传奇》等为例

4.Cartoons of Drama Creatively Changing Traditional Drama Art论戏曲动画片对传统戏曲艺术的创造性转换

5.Opera in the Han Dynasty was not the source of Chinese traditional opera. it only contained some of the elements of traditional opera.汉代百戏并不是中国戏曲的源头, 它只是有一些戏曲的元素。

6.On the Folk Factors Influence in Yuan-Qu on the Traditional Confucian Ethics;试论元曲中的民间因素对传统儒家伦理的冲击

bination of Cultural Spirit and Artistic Elements of Chinese Xiqu Opera中国戏曲文化精神与艺术元素的组合

8.Discourse in the Model Operas, its Inheritance and Deviation from the Ancient Chinese Opera;“样板戏”话语对传统戏曲话语的传承与偏离

9.On the Precious Materials of Folk Operas:A Review of the Traditional Theatrical Piece of Siping Opera研究民间戏曲的珍贵资料——《四平戏传统剧目》述评

10.Domestication and Foreignization of Shakespeare s Drama in Chinese Traditional Opera-Two Adapted Versions of Hamlet in Peking Opera and Shaoxing Opera;莎剧在中国传统戏曲中的归化与异化

11.The Effects of Traditional Martial Arts Repertoire on the Fighting Formation in Drama;传统武术套路对戏曲武打形成的影响

12.A Probe into the Operating Mechanism of the Social Educational Functions of the Traditional Opera;传统戏曲社会教化功能作用机理探微

13.The Relation between Quanzhou Opera,Folk Dance and Traditional Religion;泉州戏曲、民间舞蹈与传统宗教之关系

14.Pre-Modern Reformation of the Stage Practice in Chinese Traditional Theatre论中国传统戏曲舞台实践的近代变革

15.Impact of the Traditional Theatre on Spoken Drama中国传统戏曲对话剧舞台艺术的影响

16.The Breakthrough of the Traditional Ideas of Dramatic Criticism by L(u|¨) Tiancheng’s“Qupin”;试论吕天成《曲品》对传统戏曲批评观念的突破

17.Return of Tradition;回归传统——论中国当代先锋戏剧对中国传统戏曲的借鉴陈吉德

18.Sign Without Soul:Loss of Traditional Chinese Opera from the Perspective of Shaoxing Opera;没有灵魂的符号:“诗落”的中国传统戏曲——以越剧为话题的戏曲诗学观


Traditional opera morpheme传统戏曲语素

3)Elements of Chinese Opera戏曲元素

1.Research on theElements of Chinese Opera in Chinese Cartoons——Giving the Examples of the Monkey King and the Story of Nezha中国动画电影中的戏曲元素研究——以《大闹天宫》、《哪吒传奇》等为例

4)traditional drama传统戏曲

1.This paper is to study the transformation of thetraditional drama in the early stage of China from the angle of content integration and ideology interpretations and explain the original force of the transformation and the value trend in the development oftraditional drama .本文从内容整合和意识形态阐释的角度出发,研究建国初期旧剧改革对传统戏曲进行改编的过程,阐发旧剧改革的原动力和在传统戏曲发展过程中的价值指归。

5)traditional opera传统戏曲

1.Inclusion And Interdependence of Fictitiousness And Actuality——A brief account on the "fictitiousness" aesthetic characteristics of thetraditional opera;含虚蓄实,虚实相生——略论传统戏曲的“虚拟性”审美特征

2.Chinesetraditional opera has experienced several big changes in the 20~(th)century, which deeply reflected west- ern culture s influence and shock towards Chinese traditional culture and Chinese intellectual s criticism, reform, reflection towardstraditional opera.20世纪,中国传统戏曲经历了几次比较大的戏改运动,深刻反映出西方强势文化对中国传统丈化的影响和冲击,以及中国知识分子对于传统戏曲的批判、改造、反思,并由此探求作为传统文化象征的戏曲在中国知识分子心中既敬畏其内蕴深厚、博大精深又不满其故步自封、缺乏创新的复杂情结。

3.About the social educational functions of thetraditional opera,our seniors all gave a positive opinion,but when we examined relevant views carefully,it is limited to principled conclusion,neither did it elaborated the specific content,nor did it touch the operating mechanism of the social educational functions of thetraditional opera.关于传统戏曲的社会教化功能,前人大都给予肯定,不过细察前人与时人的有关论述,却仅限于"药人寿世"、"助成教化"等原则性结论,不仅在具体内容上语焉不详,而且对戏曲社会教化功能发挥的内在机制更是缺乏系统研究。

6)traditional operas传统戏曲

1.The new historical opera luoshen Fu succeeds in embodying Mei Lanfang s styles of novelty,beauty,magnificence and elegance by combining the expression technique of implicitness and explicitness intraditional operas with that of modern stagecraft.中国传统戏曲的魅力与戏曲艺术表现手法上虚和实的辩证统一 ,及其所创造的耐人寻味、令人神往的艺术境界是不无关系的。


