500字范文 > 信用证诈骗罪 Letter of Credit Fraud Crime英语短句 例句大全

信用证诈骗罪 Letter of Credit Fraud Crime英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-16 16:59:23


信用证诈骗罪 Letter of Credit Fraud Crime英语短句 例句大全

信用证诈骗罪,Letter of Credit Fraud Crime

1)Letter of Credit Fraud Crime信用证诈骗罪


1.On the Composition of Crime and Sphere of Validity of Fraud by L/C;论信用证诈骗罪的犯罪构成及其效力范围

2.On Hot Problems in Judicial Application on Credit Card Defrauding Committment;当前信用证诈骗罪司法适用若干疑难问题研究

3.The Constitutions Elements of the Crime of L/C Fraud and Analysis of Penalty Application;信用证诈骗罪的构成要件和刑罚适用探析

4.On the Primary Object of the Crime of L/C Fraud--Take the amendent of civel procedure law as object信用证诈骗罪的主要客体初探——以民事诉讼法修正案为对象

5.Legal Analysis of Fraudulent Activities with Documentary Letters of Credit;跟单信用证诈骗与反诈骗的法律分析

6.Identification of fraud crime by using false I.D to get credit card;使用以虚假的身份证明骗领的信用卡诈骗罪的认定

7.On Crime of Fraud Concerning Credit Card--Also on the amendment to the crime of fraud concerning credit card in《The Amendment to Criminal Law(the fifth)》;浅析信用卡诈骗罪——兼谈《刑法修正案㈤》对信用卡诈骗罪的修改

8.Discussion on the Meaning of Using Another s Credit Card As One s Own;论信用卡诈骗罪中的“冒用”的含义

9.Judicial Determination and Legislative Perfection of the Guilty of Credit Card Cheating;信用卡诈骗罪的司法认定与立法完善

10.The crime of fraud against portfolio is a kind of familiar financial frauding crime.有价证券诈骗罪是一种常见的金融诈骗犯罪。

11.carrying out fraudulent activities with letters of credit in other ways.以其他方法进行信用证诈骗活动的。

12.The Cause, Harm and Prevetion of Letter of Credit Fraud;试论信用证诈骗的原因、危害及防范

13.Letter of credit soft items cheating and risk prevention analysis信用证软条款诈骗及其风险防范浅析

14.On the Crime of Fraud of Credit Card in Our Country Legislates;对我国信用卡诈骗罪立法的反思与建议

15.Some Theoretical Disputes over Determining Fraud Crime on Credit Card;信用卡诈骗罪认定中的理论争议问题研究

16.On the Legal Recognition of Credit Card Fraud and Improvement;论信用卡诈骗罪的司法认定与立法完善

17.How to Define the Crime of Fraud on Credit Card;信用卡诈骗罪客观方面要件的认定探讨

18.It is a new tendency of the present economic domain crime of utilizing the cell- phone message to bilk.利用手机短信实施诈骗犯罪是当前经济领域犯罪的新动向。


crime of swindling on L/C信用证诈骗犯罪

3)Research on Letter of Credit Fraud Crime论信用证诈骗罪

4)WANG X x"s criminal case for swindling on L/C王某某信用证诈骗罪案

5)The Research on the Crime of Fraud on Letter of Credit信用证诈骗罪研究

6)Research on the Fraud on the Letter of Credit信用证诈骗罪探析


