500字范文 > 中西药结合 integrated Chinese and Western medicine英语短句 例句大全

中西药结合 integrated Chinese and Western medicine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-09 23:15:45


中西药结合 integrated Chinese and Western medicine英语短句 例句大全

中西药结合,integrated Chinese and Western medicine

1)integrated Chinese and Western medicine中西药结合

1.Method: To divide randomly 214 hysteromyoma patients into theintegrated Chinese and Western medicine group、the Chinese medicine group and the Western medicine group.目的:观察中西药结合治疗子宫肌瘤的临床疗效。


1.Integrated Used of Chinese Drugs and Western Drugs as the Main Means to Development of Integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine with Western Medicine;中西药结合是实现中西医结合的主要途径

2.Effects of Integrated Chinese Herbs and Western Medicine on Swine Toxoplasmosis中西药结合对猪弓形虫病的疗效研究

3.Clinical Obsevation of Intergrating Traditional Chinese and Western Medcine on Treating 30 patients with Chronic Renal Failure中西药结合治疗慢性肾功能衰竭30例

bination of Chinese and Western medicines in treating ulcerative colitis received 60 cases of clinical observation中西药结合治疗溃疡性接结肠炎60例临床观察

5.Study of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine on mixed type Hyperlipidemia中西药结合治疗混合性高血脂症的研究

6.The Quality Control and Stability of the New Preparation of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine of Libao;中西药结合新制剂“痢宝”质量控制及稳定性研究

7.Studies on the Effect of the Combination of Chinese Herbs and Colchicines on Liver Damage Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride in Dogs;中西药结合对犬实验性肝损伤治疗的研究

8.The Clinical Study on the Treatment of Vulvovaginal Candidiasis in Pregnancy with Integration of Modern Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine;中西药结合治疗孕期外阴阴道念珠菌病

9.The clinical observation of66cases with trichomonal vaginitis treated by combining using of Chinese traditional and Western medicine;中西药结合治疗滴虫性阴道炎66例临床观察

10.The clinical curative effects observation of the Chinese medicine combined with the western medicine for treating cervical erosion中西药结合治疗宫颈糜烂的临床疗效观察

11.42 Cases of Combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine with Western Medicine in the Treatment of Recurrent Genital Herpes中西药结合治疗复发性生殖器疱疹42例

12.Clinical efficacy analysis of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy and combination of western and Chinese medicines to treat calculi in urinary system体外震波碎石和中西药结合治疗泌尿系结石的临床疗效分析

13.Clinical experience on integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine in treatment of 58 patients with constipation type irritable bowel syndrome中西药结合治疗58例便秘型肠易激综合征临床体会

14.Clinical Effect of Traditional Chinese Medicine Combined with Interferon in the Treatment of Herpers Genitalis:A Observation of 32 Cases中西药结合治疗复发性生殖器疱疹32例临床疗效观察

15.Therapeutic Effect of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine on Hypohepatia Induced by Antitubercular Drugs中西医结合治疗抗结核药所致肝损害疗效观察

16.The Role of Integrative Medicine in the Innovation and Development of Chinese Medicine中西医结合医学在中医药创新发展中的作用

17.The clinical research on treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus by western medicine combining with traditional Chinese medicine中西医药结合治疗2型糖尿病的临床研究

18.Clinical Observation of Lung-Purging,Blood-Activating and Fu-Unblocking Herbs with Western Medicine in Treating Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease泻肺活血通腑中药结合西药治疗COPD急性期临床观察


Integrated traditional and western medicine中西药结合

1., integrated traditional and western medicine treats leucorrhoea disease, 270 patients with chronic hepatitis were randomly divided into three groups.将270例带下病患者随机分为中西药结合、西药和中药3组进行治疗。

3)the combinat ion of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy with Western Pharmacy中西医药结合

4)Chinese medicine combined with western medicine中西药物结合

1.Objective:To assess the effectiveness and safety ofChinese medicine combined with western medicine in the treatment of opioid withdrawal symptoms.目的:系统评价中西药物结合治疗阿片类依赖急性戒断症状的有效性与安全性。

5)the treatment of integration of modern medicine and traditional Chinese herb中西药结合治疗

6)TCM-WM drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics中西结合药动学


非结合环与非结合代数非结合环与非结合代数on-associative rings and algebras非结合环与非结合代数【珊心胭仪妇柱视血娜.d alge-b旧s;。eaceo””姗.oe.二、双a.幼。6P。」具有两个二元运算+与,,除了可能不满足乘法结合律外,满足结合环与代数(a洛。clati记nn邵and目罗b璐)之所有公理的集合.非结合环与代数的第一批例子出现在19世纪中叶,是不结合的(Ca外呀数(c盯触yn山n1比IS)和更一般的超复数(h”姆rComp恤nUmber)).给定一个结合环(代数),如果用运算〔a,bl二ab一ba代替原有的乘法,其结果是一个非结合环(代数),这是个Lie环(代数).另一类重要的非结合环(代数)是Jo攻lan环(代数),它们可由在特征非2的域(或有1和1/2的交换的算子环)上的结合代数中定义运算a·b=(ab+ba)/2得到.非结合环与代数的理论已经发展成代数学的一个独立分支,展现出与数学的其它领域以及物理学、力学、生物学及其他学科的许多联系.这个理论的中心部分是熟知的拟结合环和代数(n比ly一别粥戊泊石wn刀乡缸记a】罗bras)的理论,它们有:Lie环和珠代数,交错环和交错代数,北攻坛幻环与Joltlan代数,MaJ几哪B环和Ma月五U口B代数,以及它们的某些推广(见Ue代数(Lieal罗bra);交错环与代数(司加叮必tiverm邵alld目罗b挑);J加止川代数(Jo攻协nal罗bIa);M幼城e。
