500字范文 > 办公室秘书 office secretary英语短句 例句大全

办公室秘书 office secretary英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-09 03:30:58


办公室秘书 office secretary英语短句 例句大全

办公室秘书,office secretary

1)office secretary办公室秘书

2)secretary in college office高校办公室秘书

1.The article aims to discuss how to strengthen the competence and work consciousness forsecretary in college office under the new circumstances.高校办公室秘书工作在高校管理中发挥着承上启下、参谋助手的作用。

2.This article is mainly to discuss the function and the position of thesecretary in college office.高校办公室秘书作为秘书工作领域的一部分 ,在高校的管理工作中发挥着承上启下、参谋助手的作用 ,了解其角色定位和角色意识 ,对于加强办公室秘书工作 ,改善机关工作作风 ,提高办事效率 ,具有重要的理论意义和现实意


1.A Discussion about the Specialty Capability of the Secretaries in College Offices;浅议现代高校办公室秘书之专业能力

2.A Brief Discussion on the Advisory Function of the Positions of Secretaries in the General A dministrative Office of Universities;浅论高校办公室秘书工作的参谋职能

3.Ideology on Modern Management of Office Secretary in University;试论高校办公室秘书的现代管理意识

4.Basic Requirements for Developing the Personal Qualities of University Office Secretaries in the New Era提高新时期高校办公室秘书素质的基本要求

5.How to Develop Work Consciousness for Secretary in College Office under The New Circumstances;新形势下如何培养高校办公室秘书的工作意识

6.Analysis of University Office Secretary Optimization Functional Environment and Countermeasures;高校办公室秘书优化职能环境的分析与对策

7.Work Changes of Office Secretaries in Colleges in Digitized Times;数字化时代高校办公室秘书工作的转变

8.This article discusses the specialty capability the secretaries in co llege offices should possess: the specialty knowledge, the specialty capability and the specialty tender regards.现代高校办公室秘书所应具备的专业能力主要包括专业知识、专业技能、专业情意三个方面。

9.T his paper briefly reviews the importance and characteristics on the advisory fun ction of the secretaries in the general administrative office of universities an d how to do it properly.本文试就高校办公室秘书工作发挥参谋职能的重要性、征以及如何发挥等问题进行了浅议。

10.Office of the Assistant Secretary-General助理秘书长办公室(助秘办公室)

11.Office of the Executive Assistant to the Secretary- General秘书长执行助理办公室

12.Go to the office and ask for the secretary.到办公室找秘书去。

13.Quality & Competence of Secretaries at General Administrative Office试述高校办公室文秘人员素质与能力

14.Characteristics of Office Work and Qualities of Secretaries in Institution of Higher Leaning;高校办公室工作特点与文秘人员素质

15.Office of the Spokesman for the Secretary General秘书长发言人办公室(发言人办公室)

16.When the headmaster"s secretary finally lead us into his office,校长秘书终于领我们进了他的办公室后,

17.A Talk on the Quality of the Office Director and the Office Basic Functions of Academic Library高校图书馆办公室主任的素质与办公室职能

18.Office of the Chef de Cabinet秘书长办公厅主任办公室


secretary in college office高校办公室秘书

1.The article aims to discuss how to strengthen the competence and work consciousness forsecretary in college office under the new circumstances.高校办公室秘书工作在高校管理中发挥着承上启下、参谋助手的作用。

2.This article is mainly to discuss the function and the position of thesecretary in college office.高校办公室秘书作为秘书工作领域的一部分 ,在高校的管理工作中发挥着承上启下、参谋助手的作用 ,了解其角色定位和角色意识 ,对于加强办公室秘书工作 ,改善机关工作作风 ,提高办事效率 ,具有重要的理论意义和现实意

3)Office of the Secretary General秘书长办公室

4)Office of the Press Secretary新闻秘书办公室

5)Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General秘书长特使办公室

6)Office of Executive Board Secretary执行局秘书办公室


