500字范文 > 《中国新文学大系》 The Collection of Chinese New-Vernacular Literature Works英语短句 例句大全

《中国新文学大系》 The Collection of Chinese New-Vernacular Literature Works英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-20 01:25:46


《中国新文学大系》 The Collection of Chinese New-Vernacular Literature Works英语短句 例句大全

《中国新文学大系》,The Collection of Chinese New-Vernacular Literature Works

1)The Collection of Chinese New-Vernacular Literature Works《中国新文学大系》

1.Questioning the "New Literature" Orientation ofThe Collection of Chinese New-Vernacular Literature Works《中国新文学大系》的“新文学”本位观质疑——以学衡派的定位为例


1.The Criticism Thoughts of China New Literature Collection s Preface;论《中国新文学大系》导言中的批评思想

2.The Series of China Contemporary Literature in Chinese Contemporary Literature Research View;现代文学研究视野中的《中国新文学大系》

3.Questioning the "New Literature" Orientation of The Collection of Chinese New-Vernacular Literature Works《中国新文学大系》的“新文学”本位观质疑——以学衡派的定位为例

4.On the Compiling of the Anthology of the Chinese New Vernacular Literature 1917~1927;论《中国新文学大系》(第一个十年:1917-1927)的编纂

5.Observing Zhao Jiabi s Editing Features on An Expanded Family of Chinese New Literature;从《中国新文学大系》看赵家璧的主编特色

6.On Renaissance of Humanity:One of Prefaces of Chinese New Literature(1977-2000)·Literary Theory人文的复兴——《中国新文学大系(1977—2000年)·文学理论卷》导言之一

7.(The writer is a student in the Chinese Studies Department, NUS.·作者是国大中文系学生。

8.A Study on Preface of Selections of Novels in the Great Series of the New Literature 1917-1927;《中国新文学大系(1917-1927)·小说选集·导言》研究

9.Mass Culture: A New Perspective on the Reformation of Literary Studies in China;大众文化:重建中国文艺学的新思路

10.Unconsciousness of knowledge and cultural pedigree of Chinese new literature;知识无意识与中国新文学的文化系谱

11.Study on the Chinese Mainland Literary Theory and Aesthetics History in New Century;新世纪中国大陆文艺美学学术史研究

12.On the Gender Tactic of the Chinese Neo-Literature Florilegium: Novels Collections, Vol. I -On Bing Xin s Early workds;试析《中国新文学大系·小说一集》的性别策略——以冰心早期创作为中心

13.Marxism in the Construction of History of Chinese New Literature--A Case Study of the Syllabus of A History of Chinese New Literature马克思主义与中国新文学史的建构——以《〈中国新文学史〉教学大纲》为例

14.Discusses the Relationship between Chinese New Poets Group and Week Literature of DagongBao;“中国新诗派”与《大公报·星期文艺》关系论

15.Historical Reflection on the Model of the Great Series of the Chinese New Literature in Modern Chinese Literature History中国现代文学史《大系》模式的史学反思

16."Backbone of Chinese Literary Department of Tsinghua"--Wen Yiduo and Chinese education in College;“清华中国文学系的柱石”——闻一多与大学中文教育

17.On the Great Development of Literature and Art in China since the New Period;试论新时期以来中国文艺学的大发展

18.Self-Awareness in China s New Literature and the Debate over “Orienting Literature towards the Masses”;“大众化”讨论与中国新文学的自觉


An Expanded Family of Chinese New Literature (1917-1927)《中国新文学大系(1917-1927)》

3)The Syllabus of A History of Chinese New Literature《中国新文学史》教学大纲

4)Preface of Selections of Novels in The Great Series of the New Literature 1917-1927中国新文学大系·小说选集·导言

5)Chinese New Literature中国新文学

1.A Textual Research on the Relationship Between the "Symbols of Depression" andChinese New Literature;《苦闷的象征》与中国新文学关系考辨

2.Though the 20-year study of Chinese new literature history is booming after its breakthrough, I was still in deep confusion of the frame of the scientific theory and the best literary history pattern.20年中国新文学史研究“突出重围”后出现欣欣向荣的学术景观,但我并未完全走出“突围”后的种种困惑,这主要体现在建构何种科学理论框架和最佳文学史格局上。

6)Chinese new literature in recent one hundred years中国新文学


