500字范文 > 20世纪中国文学史 the history of Chinese literature in the 20th century英语短句 例句大全

20世纪中国文学史 the history of Chinese literature in the 20th century英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-15 23:42:12


20世纪中国文学史 the history of Chinese literature in the 20th century英语短句 例句大全

20世纪中国文学史,the history of Chinese literature in the 20th century

1)the history of Chinese literature in the 20th century20世纪中国文学史


1.Phenomenon of Indefinite Editions of the Same Literary Workin the History of 20th Century Chinese Literature;20世纪中国文学史中的“无定本”现象

2.Change in Research Methodology of History of Chinese Literature in 20th Century;20世纪中国文学史研究方法之变迁

3.Reflections on the Methodology of Chinese Literary History Research of 20th Century;20世纪中国文学史研究方法论反思

4.Reviewing Jauss and Re-writing the History of Chinese Literature in the 20th Century重温姚斯与20世纪中国文学史的重写

5.The Significance of Hong Kong Literature in Rewriting Chinese Literary History of the 20~(th) Century;香港文学对于“重写”20世纪中国文学史的意义

6.Literary expectation in the new century --Reflection of culture phenomenon of Chinese literary history written in the 20th century;新世纪的文学期待——20世纪中国文学史写作的文化现象反省

7.The Meaning of Individual Case of Zhang Henshui in the 20~(th) Century History of Chinese Literature;20世纪中国文学史上张恨水的个案意义

8."The Totality Theory of Five Dimensionalities" and Research on 20th Century Chinese Literary History;“五维度总体性理论”与20世纪中国文学史研究

9.The Significance of the Review of the Academic History of China s Literary Studies in the 20th Century;研究“中国20世纪文艺学学术史”的意义

10.LIU Xi-cheng and The Academic History of Chinese Folk Literature刘锡诚与《20世纪中国民间文学学术史》

11.On Fan Wen - lan s Standing in Chinese History during the 20th Century;论范文澜在20世纪中国史学中的地位

12.On the Interrelation Ships of Three Subjects in Chinese Literature Since 20th Century;20世纪以来中国文学主题的历史演变

13.Reviewing Chinese Modernism Literature in the 20~(th)Century;20世纪中国现代主义文学的历史反思

14.Historical Consciousness and the Study of the Integrality On the 20th Century Chinese Literature;史识与20世纪中国文学的“整体性”研究

15.Ideology and the History of Literary Translation in 20th Century China;意识形态与20世纪中国翻译文学史(1899-1979)

16.History and Logical Process of Chinese 20~( th ) CenturyLiterature Theory Critics (Part Ⅰ);中国20世纪文学理论批评的历史、逻辑进程(上)

17.An Important Line of Demarcation in the History of 20~(th)-century Chinese Literature: The Breakout of the Anti-Japanese War;抗战爆发:中国20世纪文学史上的重要分界线

18.On the Historical Study of Chinese Contemporary Literature;20世纪90年代以来的中国当代文学史研究


Chinese history science of the 20th cetury20世纪中国史学

3)Chinese literature in the 20th century20世纪中国文学

1.Dionysian spirit has evident influence on theChinese literature in the 20th century,especially on the revolution narration.酒神精神对20世纪中国文学颇有影响,尤其与革命文学叙事纠缠甚深。

2.Literature s departure from "human being" even influenced the achievement ofChinese literature in the 20th century.五四运动孕育和催生的20世纪中国文学是在对"人"的发现和追寻中开始的。

4)Chinese literature of the 20th century20世纪中国文学

1.Moral reason andChinese literature of the 20th century;道德理性与20世纪中国文学

2.This paper probes into the developing trace of the realistic spirit inChinese literature of the 20th century.分析了20世纪中国文学现实主义精神的发展轨迹,概括了从五四时期到新时期各个阶段的特点,探讨了底层文学如何继承并发扬了现实主义精神,从而获得其在文学史上的价值。

5)20th Chinese literature20世纪中国文学

1.Wen Yiduo always touches the chord of the development of the20th Chinese literature characterized by "modernity of cultural aesthetics" .闻一多诗学探索路途中的种种变调表象说明,站在中西文化地平线上的闻一多其实一直在践履着这样一个自然原道:“风震于上而波动于下者也”——遵命20世纪中国文学发展的“文化审美现代性”脉动。

6)20th century Chinese literature20世纪中国文学


