500字范文 > 任意实Banach空间 arbitrary real Banach space英语短句 例句大全

任意实Banach空间 arbitrary real Banach space英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-16 17:02:56


任意实Banach空间 arbitrary real Banach space英语短句 例句大全

任意实Banach空间,arbitrary real Banach space

1)arbitrary real Banach space任意实Banach空间

1.Let X be anarbitrary real Banach space and T∶X→X be a Lipschitz continuous accretive operator.设X是任意实Banach空间,T∶X→X是L ipsch itz连续的增生算子,在没有假设∞∑n=0αnnβ<∞之下,证明了由xn+1=(1-αn)xn+αn(f-Tyn)+un及yn=(1-nβ)xn+βn(f-Txn)+vn,n≥0生成的、带误差的Ish ikawa迭代序列强收敛到方程x+Tx=f的唯一解,并给出了更为一般的收敛率估计:若un=vn=0,n≥0,则有xn+1-x*≤(1-γn)xn-x*≤…≤n∏j=0(1-γj)x0-x*,其中{γn}是(0,1)中的序列,满足nγ≥12max{η,1-η}-14m in{η,1-η}αn,n≥0。

2.Let X be anarbitrary real Banach space and T : X →X be a Lipschitz continuous accretive operator.设X是任意实Banach空间,T:X→X是Lipschitz连续的增生算子。

3.Let K be a closed convex subset of anarbitrary real Banach space X,and T ∶K→K be a Lipschitz strictly pseudocontractive mapping such that Tx=x for some x∈X.设K是任意实Banach空间X中的闭凸子集,T∶K→K是Lipschitz严格伪压缩映象,在没有假设∑n=0∞αnβn<∞之下,本文证明了由xn+1=(1-αn)xn+αnTyn+un与yn=(1-βn)xn+βnTxn+vn,n∈N,生成的带误差的Ishikawa迭代序列强收敛到T的唯一不动点,并给出了更为一般的收敛率估计:若un=vn=0,n∈N,则有‖xn+1-x*‖≤(1-γn)‖xn-x*‖≤…≤∏j=0n(1-γj)‖x0-x*‖,其中{γn}是(0,1)中的序列,满足γn≥1/(1+k)min(ε,η-ε)αn。

2)arbitrary real Banach spaces任意实Banach空间

1.By using a new analysis technique,some sufficient and necessary conditions on strong convergence of sequence{x_n}generated from the Ishikawa iteration method with random errors to fixed points of asymptotically demicontractive mappings are established inarbitrary real Banach spaces.利用新的分析技巧,建立了任意实Banach空间中具随机误差的Ishikawa迭代法生成的序列{xn}强收敛于渐近半压缩映射的不动点的一些充要条件。

3)arbitrary Banach spaces任意Banach空间

1.In this paper,by virtue of a definition of normalized duality mappings,we give convergence Theorems of Ishikawa iteration of fixed points for strongly pseudocontractive mappings inarbitrary Banach spaces.利用正规对偶映射的定义,给出了任意Banach空间Lipschitz强伪压缩映射不动点的Ishikawa迭代收敛定理。

4)arbitrary Banach space任意Banach空间

1.The paper studies the iterative approximation problem of solutions for K-positive definite operator equations inarbitrary Banach space.研究了在任意Banach空间中,K-正定算子方程的解的迭代问题,所用迭代方法是新的,且所得结果推广和改进了现有文献的相关结果。

2.Let X be anarbitrary Banach space with a dual X and let A:D(A)X→X* be a K-positive definite operator with D(A)=D(K).设X为任意Banach空间,X*为其共轭空间,A:D(A)X→X*为可闭的K-正定算子,D(A)=D(K),则存在常数α>0使得x∈D(A),有‖Ax‖≤α‖Kx‖,而且A为闭算子,R(A)=X*,f∈X*,方程Ax=f有唯一解。

5)real Banach space实Banach空间

1.Let be areal Banach space and be Lipschitzian and strongly accretive operator with an open domain.设E为实Banach空间,T:D(T)"E→E是Lipschitz强增生算子,具有开定义域D(T)。

2.Let E be areal Banach space and T:D(T)E→E be a Lipschitzian and strongly accretive operator with an open domain D(T).设E为实Banach空间,T:D(T)E→E是Lipschitz强增生算子,具有开定义域D(T)。

3.Let E be an arbitraryreal Banach space, and T∶E→E be a Lipschitz strongly accretive operator.设E是任意实Banach空间 ,T∶E→E是Lipschitz强增生算子 。


1.A System of Nonlinear Set-valued Implicit Variational Inclusions in Real Banach Spaces实Banach空间上的非线性集值隐式变分包含组

2.Iterative sequences for asymptotically pseudo-contractive mappings in arbitrary real Banach spaces实Banach空间中渐进伪压缩映像的迭代序列(英文)

3.The Convergent Theorems of Generalized Mann Iterative Sequence with Errors in Real Banach Spaces实Banach空间中带误差项的广义Mann迭代序列的收敛定理

4.Banach Frame in Banach Spaces;Banach空间中的Banach框架

5.Generalized Perturbation Results of Banach Frames and Atomic Decompositions on Banach SpacesBanach空间上Banach框架和原子分解的扰动

6.Ball-Covering Property of Banach Space and Quotient Space;Banach空间及商空间的单位球面覆盖性质

7.The Hille-Yosida C-Semigroups of an Arbitary Operator in a Banach Spaces;Banach空间中任意算子的Hille-YosidaC-空间

8.Strong Convergence Theorems for Non-expansive Mappings in Real Reflexive Banach Spaces实自反的Banach空间中非扩张映射的强收敛理论(英文)

position Operators between Some Banach Spaces of Analytic Functions;某些解析函数Banach空间之间的复合算子

10.Research on the Solutions of Differential Equations in Banach Spaces;Banach空间微分方程解的研究

11.Solutions of Boundary Value Problems for Integro-Differential Equations in BANACH Spaces;BANACH空间中积分—微分方程边值问题的解

12.Nonlinear Evolution Equations in Non-reflexive Banach Spaces;非自反Banach空间中的非线性发展方程

13.Iterative Equations on High Dimensional Space and Wiener Type Banach Algebra;高维空间上的迭代方程及Wiener型Banach代数

14.Differentiability and Approximation of Convex Functions in Banach Spaces;Banach空间中凸函数的微分理论和逼近

15.Study on the Strongly Ireducible Operators on Banach;Banach空间上强不可约算子的初步探讨

16.Iterative Approximation Problems for Nonlinear Operators in Banach Spaces;Banach空间中非线性算子的迭代逼近问题

17.The Study on the Several Kinds of Convexity and Smoothness in Banach Spaces;Banach空间的几种凸性与光滑性之探讨

18.The Study on the Some Dentablity and Convexity of Banach Spaces;Banach空间若干可凹性与凸性研究


arbitrary real Banach spaces任意实Banach空间

1.By using a new analysis technique,some sufficient and necessary conditions on strong convergence of sequence{x_n}generated from the Ishikawa iteration method with random errors to fixed points of asymptotically demicontractive mappings are established inarbitrary real Banach spaces.利用新的分析技巧,建立了任意实Banach空间中具随机误差的Ishikawa迭代法生成的序列{xn}强收敛于渐近半压缩映射的不动点的一些充要条件。

3)arbitrary Banach spaces任意Banach空间

1.In this paper,by virtue of a definition of normalized duality mappings,we give convergence Theorems of Ishikawa iteration of fixed points for strongly pseudocontractive mappings inarbitrary Banach spaces.利用正规对偶映射的定义,给出了任意Banach空间Lipschitz强伪压缩映射不动点的Ishikawa迭代收敛定理。

4)arbitrary Banach space任意Banach空间

1.The paper studies the iterative approximation problem of solutions for K-positive definite operator equations inarbitrary Banach space.研究了在任意Banach空间中,K-正定算子方程的解的迭代问题,所用迭代方法是新的,且所得结果推广和改进了现有文献的相关结果。

2.Let X be anarbitrary Banach space with a dual X and let A:D(A)X→X* be a K-positive definite operator with D(A)=D(K).设X为任意Banach空间,X*为其共轭空间,A:D(A)X→X*为可闭的K-正定算子,D(A)=D(K),则存在常数α>0使得x∈D(A),有‖Ax‖≤α‖Kx‖,而且A为闭算子,R(A)=X*,f∈X*,方程Ax=f有唯一解。

5)real Banach space实Banach空间

1.Let be areal Banach space and be Lipschitzian and strongly accretive operator with an open domain.设E为实Banach空间,T:D(T)"E→E是Lipschitz强增生算子,具有开定义域D(T)。

2.Let E be areal Banach space and T:D(T)E→E be a Lipschitzian and strongly accretive operator with an open domain D(T).设E为实Banach空间,T:D(T)E→E是Lipschitz强增生算子,具有开定义域D(T)。

3.Let E be an arbitraryreal Banach space, and T∶E→E be a Lipschitz strongly accretive operator.设E是任意实Banach空间 ,T∶E→E是Lipschitz强增生算子 。

6)real Banach spaces实Banach空间


ANSYS中在任意面施加任意方向任意变化的压力方法在任意面施加任意方向任意变化的压力 在某些特殊的应用场合,可能需要在结构件的某个面上施加某个坐标方向的随坐标位置变化的压力载荷,当然,这在一定程度上可以通过ANSYS表面效应单元实现。如果利用ANSYS的参数化设计语言,也可以非常完美地实现此功能,下面通过一个小例子描述此方法。 !!!在执行如下加载命令之前,请务必用选择命令asel将需要加载的几何面选择出来 !!! finish /prep7 et,500,shell63 press=100e6 amesh,all esla,s nsla,s,1 ! 如果载荷的反向是一个特殊坐标系的方向,可在此建立局部坐标系,并将 ! 所有节点坐标系旋转到局部坐标系下. *get,enmax,elem,,num,max dofsel,s,fx,fy,fz fcum,add !!!将力的施加方式设置为"累加",而不是缺省的"替代" *do,i,1,enmax *if,esel,eq,1,then *get,ae,elem,i,area !此命令用单元真实面积,如用投影面积,请用下几条命令 ! *get,ae,elem,i,aproj,x !此命令用单元X投影面积,如用真实面积,请用上一条命令 ! *get,ae,elem,i,aproj,y !此命令用单元Y投影面积 ! *get,ae,elem,i,aproj,z !此命令用单元Z投影面积 xe=centrx !单元中心X坐标(用于求解压力值) ye=centry !单元中心Y坐标(用于求解压力值) ze=centrz !单元中心Z坐标(用于求解压力值) ! 下面输入压力随坐标变化的公式,本例的压力随X和Y坐标线性变化. p_e=(xe-10)*press+(ye-5)*press f_tot=p_e*ae esel,s,elem,,i nsle,s,corner *get,nn,node,,count f_n=f_tot/nn *do,j,1,nn f,nelem(i,j),fx,f_n !压力的作用方向为X方向 ! f,nelem(i,j),fy,f_n !压力的作用方向为Y方向 ! f,nelem(i,j),fz,f_n !压力的作用方向为Z方向 *enddo *endif esla,s *enddo aclear,all fcum,repl !!!将力的施加方式还原为缺省的"替代" dofsel,all allsel
