500字范文 > 中医专科 Speciality of Traditional Chinese Medicine英语短句 例句大全

中医专科 Speciality of Traditional Chinese Medicine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-04 00:29:18


中医专科 Speciality of Traditional Chinese Medicine英语短句 例句大全

中医专科,Speciality of Traditional Chinese Medicine

1)Speciality of Traditional Chinese Medicine中医专科


1.Investigation on the Building of Speciality of Traditional Chinese Medicine in County-Level Hospitals of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Guangdong Province广东县级中医院中医专科建设的调查研究

2.Methods and experience of specialized nurse training in TCM hospitals中医医院专科护士的培训方法与体会

3.Function and establishment of general practice in general hospital综合性医院中全科医学专科的建立与职能

4.Catering to the Community and Taining Generalist from Secondary Medical School but with College Level;面向基层 培养中专起点专科层次的全科医生

5.The Application of Computer Assisted Instruction(CAI) to Clinical Teaching of Traditional Chinese Medical Anus-Cut;CAI在中医肛肠专科临床教学中的应用

6.Analysis of the Effect of PACS/RIS System in Training of Nuclear Medicine Specialists;浅析PACS/RIS系统在核医学专科医师培训中的作用

7.Investigation and Analysis on Non-medicine Majors in Medical Universities and Colleges;医科院校中非医学专业学生基本情况调查分析

8.Explorative Learning of Ancient Medical Literature - a Must for TCM Undergraduate Students;论中医专业本科生应探索性学习古医籍

9.Exploration into Teaching Mode for Western Surgery for Seven-year Schooling Students Majoring in Integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine with Western Medicine;七年制中西医结合专业西医外科教学模式探讨

10.a specialist in gynecology.专攻妇科医学的医生。

11.Focus on Development and Application of the TCM Specialty Databank in Junior Colleges of Traditional Chinese Medicine中医学专科教育应重视中医专业课数据库的开发和应用

12.Deepening specialty construction of undergraduate program of Chinese medicine, increasing employment rate深化中医学本科专业建设 提高本科生就业率

13.Deepening specialty construction of undergraduate program of Chinese medicine, increasing employment rate;深化中医学本科专业建设 提高本科生就业率

14.internal medicine内科〔专科医生名册〕

15.A physician who specializes in obstetrics.产科医生一个专攻产科医学的医生

16.generalist [Chinese medicine]全科医师〔中医药〕

17.Hospitals at or above county level are divided into comprehensive and specialized hospitals.其中县及县以上医院按业务性质分为综合医院和专科医院。

18.The Exploration and Practice of Setting up Western Medicine Clinical Curriculum System in Traditional Chinese Medicine Specialty某医科大学中医学专业西医临床课程体系的探索与实践


special medical center医学专科中心

1.Practice and thoughts on buildingspecial medical center in middle-small military hospital;军队中小医院创建医学专科中心的实践与思考

3)class of Chinese medicine for the countryside农村中医专科


1.Enhance the resident training and improve joining it with thediplomate training;加强住院医师培训 做好与专科医师培训衔接工作

2.The author elaborated the functions ofdiplomate training in medical education system,summarized“3+ X”mode,introduced the standardization training of resident doctors anddiplomate.本文简述了专科医师培养在医学教育体系中的重要作用,概括了“3+X”阶段性培养专科医师模式的特点,介绍了上海市住院医师规范化培养工作及专科医师培养工作,分析了上海市开展专科医师培养的有利条件,并对今后开展专科医师培养作了展望。

5)special hospital专科医院

1.Tendency onspecial hospital organization structure development;专科医院组织结构体系的发展趋势

2.Discuss problem and countermeasure of hospital information system inspecial hospital;浅谈专科医院信息系统建设中的问题与对策

3.Challenge to battle and chance element as well as strategy ofspecial hospital in new public health system;专科医院在新卫生体系中的挑战、机遇及对策


1.Unceasingly Consummate the Work of Standard Resident Training in Peking University and Set up theSpecialist Training System;不断完善北京大学住院医师规范化培训,初步创建专科医师培训制度

2.Promoting countryside and community and specialist training面向基层大力推进专科医师培训工作

3.Adhere to the four co-ordinate and promote the implementation of specialist system in the new situation坚持四个统筹 推进新形势下专科医师制度的实施


