500字范文 > 中医证候规律 Syndrome discipline of Chinese medicine英语短句 例句大全

中医证候规律 Syndrome discipline of Chinese medicine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-11 11:37:58


中医证候规律 Syndrome discipline of Chinese medicine英语短句 例句大全

中医证候规律,Syndrome discipline of Chinese medicine

1)Syndrome discipline of Chinese medicine中医证候规律


1.Study on the Symptom Complex Law in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome;传染性非典型肺炎中医证候规律研究

2.Study on the Syndromes Defined by Traditional Chinese Medicine in Mild Cognitive Impairment轻度认知损害患者的中医证候规律探讨

3.The Chinese Medical Syndrome of State of Evil Domination Distributing Rule and Analysis in Chronic Renal Failure慢性肾衰竭中医邪实证证候分布规律

4.The Study on the Distributive Regulation of TCM Symptom-sign in Lupus Nephritis Patients;狼疮性肾炎中医证候分布规律的研究

5.Study on the Regularization of Chinese Medical Syndrome Differentiation and the Development Rule of Chinese Medical Syndromes of Chronical Renal Failure;慢性肾衰竭中医辨证规范化及证候规律的研究

6.The Clinical Research about Pattern of Syndrome and the Rule of Differentiation of Symptoms and Signs of Essential Hypertension高血压病中医证候与辨证规律的临床研究

7.Research on the Distribution of Chinese Medicine Syndrome Differentiation Factors and Syndrome Types of Parkinson Disease帕金森病中医证候要素及证型分布规律的研究

8.Objective: To explore the rule of quantitative diagnosis of syndromes in apoplectic sequela.目的:探讨中风后遗症中医证候的计量诊断规律。

9.The Features and Evolution Regularity of TCM Syndrome for Ischemia Stroke缺血性中风病中医证候特征和演变规律

10.The Research of Distributed Regularity of Traditional Chinese Medical Syndrome in Motor Neuron Disease;运动神经元病的中医证候分布规律研究

11.The Study on Regulation of TCM Sympton-sign in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease;胃食管反流病中医证候分布规律的初步研究

12.The Study of Distribute Regulation of TCM Symptom-sign in Chronic Renal Failure Patients;慢性肾功能衰竭中医证候分布规律调查性研究

13.Distribution of TCM Syndrome in Perioperation of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting;冠脉搭桥手术围术期中医证候分布规律

14.Discussion on the Regulation of Distribution According to Traditional Chinese Symptomatology for Suffering of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) Infection of Uterine Cervix;宫颈HPV感染者中医证候分布规律的探讨

15.Disposition Rule of Syndrome Differentiation in Traditional Chinese Medicine in Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in Guangzhou Area;广州地区慢性盆腔炎中医证候分布规律研究

16.The Study on Syndromes of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Patients after Gynecologic Abdominal Surgery;妇科腹部手术后中医证候分布规律的研究

17.Disposition Rule of Syndrome Differentiation in Traditional Chinese Medicine in Pelcic Inflammatory Disease of Chronically Repeatedly Attacked盆腔炎反复发作中医证候分布规律的研究

18.Study on Distribution Rules of Clinical Symptom of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Hyperprolactinemia高催乳素血症的中医临床证候分布规律的研究


Syndrome principle证候规律

3)TCM syndrome differentiation rule中医辨证规律

4)certificate type law of traditional Chinese medicine中医证型规律

5)TCM syndrome中医证候

1.Explore of the TCM Syndrome Distribution and Threshold Value for Diagnosis Patterns in Hyperplastic Disease of Breast;乳腺增生病中医证候分布规律及证候分级阈值初探

2.P-SVM Applications in TCM Syndrome Classifications;支持向量机算法在中医证候信息分类中的应用

3.Modern methodology ofTCM syndrome study(I):Data mining technology ofTCM syndrome;中医证候研究的现代方法学述评(一)——中医证候数据挖掘技术

6)TCM syndromes中医证候

1.Distribution and clinical characteristics ofTCM syndromes in depressive insomnia;抑郁障碍相关性失眠的临床特点及中医证候分布情况初步研究

2.Epidemiological study onTCM syndromes of mild cognitive impairment;轻度认知障碍中医证候流行病学研究

3.Clinical and pathological types and their correlation toTCM syndromes in 243 cases with kidney puncture and biopsy;243例肾穿刺活检病例的临床、病理分型及与中医证候相关性分析


