500字范文 > 母婴保健法 Mother and Infant Health Law of the peoples Republic of China英语短句 例句大全

母婴保健法 Mother and Infant Health Law of the peoples Republic of China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-01 09:46:19


母婴保健法 Mother and Infant Health Law of the peoples Republic of China英语短句 例句大全

母婴保健法,Mother and Infant Health Law of the people"s Republic of China

1)Mother and Infant Health Law of the people"s Republic of China母婴保健法


1.A study of Medical Examination before marriage regulations About the 《Mayyiage Registers Regulation》and 《Mother And Baby Health Care Pyinciples》;论《婚姻登记条例》与《母婴保健法》关于婚检的规定

2.Adapt to the new position of health reform, and strengthen enforcing law and monitoring of mother and infant health care适应卫生改革新形势 加强母婴保健执法监督

3.Questions and Thought Existed in the Management Practice of Mother and Infant Health by Law;母婴保健依法管理实践中存在的问题与思考

4.The State shall support and assist the maternal and infant health care undertakings in outlying and poverty-stricken areas.国家对边远贫困地区的母婴保健事业给予扶持。

5.Gender Analysis on Maternal and Newborn Healthcare in Village of An xian, Sichuan Province;四川省安县农村母婴保健的社会性别分析

6.Kennedy Town Maternal and Child Health Centre坚尼地城母婴健康院

7.Anne Black Maternal and Child Health Centre柏立基夫人母婴健康院

8.Madam Yung Fung Shee Maternal and Child Health Centre元朗容凤书母婴健康院

9.Mrs. Wu York Yu Maternal and Child Health Centre伍若瑜夫人母婴健康院

10.Maurine Grantham Maternal and Child Health Centre葛量洪夫人母婴健康院

11.Tuen Mun Wu Hong Maternal and Child Health Centre屯门湖康母婴健康院

12.The undertakings of maternal and infant health care shall be included in the plans for national economic and social development.母婴保健事业应当纳入国民经济和社会发展计划。

13.Promote the standard management of county MCH organs with the Program of Maternity and Infant Safety以“母婴双安”项目推动县级妇幼保健机构规范化管理

14.Application of structure equation model in the study of gender affected model on maternal and newborn healthcare in rural area结构方程模型在农村母婴保健社会性别影响模式研究中的应用

15.They say breast milk is the best food for the health development of teeth.他们说,母乳是最好的有助于牙齿健康发展的婴儿喂养方法。

16.Tseung Kwan O Po Ning Road Maternal and Child Health Centre将军澳宝宁路母婴健康院

17.Influence of taking meals early after caesarean section on the health of puerperae and their babies剖宫产术后早进食对母婴健康的影响

18.Investigation and Research on Maternity Service and the Maternal and Newborn Health;月嫂护理对母婴健康影响的调查研究


legislation for health care of the mother and infant母婴保健立法

3)Health care母婴保健

1.Medical examination for marriage is very important legislation in Mother and Baby s health care law of the People s Republic of China.1994年颁布的《中华人民共和国母婴保健法》,确立了强制婚检法律制度。

4)Maternal and Infant Prepayment Scheme母婴保健保偿制

1.Policy Analysis Results ofMaternal and Infant Prepayment Scheme;母婴保健保偿制政策分析结果

2.The Analysis of willingness to pay forMaternal and Infant Prepayment Scheme;母婴保健保偿制项目需方支付意愿分析

3.The Cost Analysis ofMaternal and Infant Prepayment Scheme;母婴保健保偿制项目的成本分析

5)Healthcare knowledge of women and children母婴保健知识

6)maternal and child health母婴健康

1.Effects of yoga for pregnant women onmaternal and child health孕妈咪瑜伽对母婴健康的效果观察


