500字范文 > 档案整理 archival arrangement英语短句 例句大全

档案整理 archival arrangement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-17 00:46:58


档案整理 archival arrangement英语短句 例句大全

档案整理,archival arrangement

1)archival arrangement档案整理

1.Having a correct recognition to the theory and practice of thearchival arrangement is the key to do other works better.档案整理工作是整个档案管理活动的核心内容,是提高其他环节档案管理工作质量和效率的基础和前提。


1.Leave off from typing for now because the filing is more important.暂时停止打字因为档案整理工作更重要。

2.The Problems of Arranging Personnel Archives in Higher Education Institutes and its Corresponding Solutions;高校人事档案整理中存在的问题与对策

3.Flexible Use of Archival Arrangement Skill in Carrying out the"Regulations"档案整理技巧在执行《规则》时的灵活运用

4.Discussion on the Working Methods of Organizing Files in P.E.Institute对高等体育院校档案整理工作方法的探讨

5.Some thinking and Tentative Ideas of Sorting out University Personnel Files对高校人事档案整理的几点思考与设想

6.Besides the general duties of a clerk such as typings and filing, I have also provided administrative support for the department such as arranging meetings and maintaining personnel records.除了职员的日常工作如档案整理及打字外,亦兼做部分行政工作如安排会议及处理人事档案。

7.On the Implementation of "the Regulations of Filing Documents" in College and University Archives;关于高校档案实施《归档文件整理规则》的探讨

8.Understanding of The Rules of Archives Arrangement Applied in College and University Archives;高校档案应用《归档文件整理规则》的几点认识

9.preservation and methodical arrangement as of documents and papers etc: "I having some filing to do".系统地整理和保存档案资料。

10.a person in charge of collecting and cataloguing archives.负责收集和整理档案的人。

11.Don" t mess the files around, I" ve just put them in order.别把档案弄乱了, 我刚整理好.

12.Strengthen the Archives Management at the Turning Point of Adjusting the Construction of Colleges and Universities;以高校格局调整为契机 加强档案管理

13.On the Collection and Arrangement of Scientific Research Files of Institutes of Education;浅谈教育学院科研档案的收集与整理

14.CATV Machine Room File Management in DTV Integrated Transformation数字电视整体转换中机房档案的管理

15.On the Practice of Filed Document Arrargement Regulation in the College Filing Work;浅谈《归档文件整理规则》在高校档案工作中的实践

16.a school where secretarial skills (typing and shorthand and filing etc) are taught.教授秘书技巧的学校(打字、速记和整理档案等)。

17.The Colelction and Arrangement of the Data of the Special Subject Archives cf the Datong-Yanggao 6.1Ms Earthquake大同—阳高6.1级地震专题档案资料的收集与整理

18.On the collection and filing of archival material for assessment of the higher vocational colleges;浅谈高职高专院校评估档案材料的收集与整理


Archives Administration and Arrangement《档案管理与整理》

3)methods of archives rearrangement档案整理方法

4)the principles of archives arrangement档案整理原则

5)Eight Modes for the Arrangement of Archives《整理档案八法》

6)Rules for the Arrangement of Archives《整理档案规程》


