500字范文 > 【七年级下册英语复习资料】七年级下册英语自主学习指导答案人教版 七年级下册英语自

【七年级下册英语复习资料】七年级下册英语自主学习指导答案人教版 七年级下册英语自

时间:2021-10-23 20:08:39


【七年级下册英语复习资料】七年级下册英语自主学习指导答案人教版 七年级下册英语自

英语(English)是印欧语系-日耳曼语族-西日耳曼语支下的语言,是最多国家使用的官方语言(作为母语),也是世界上最广泛的第一语言,也是欧盟以及许多国际组织和英联邦国家的官方语言,拥有世界第三位的母语使用者人数,仅次于汉语和西班牙语母语使用者人数。下面是小学作文网小编整理的七年级下册英语自主学习指导答案人教版 七年级下册英语自主学习指导课程答案,供大家参考!七年级下册英语自主学习指导答案人教版 七年级下册英语自主学习指导课程答案





( )6.A.My birthday is May 5. B.Her birthday is April 9. C.I’m fifteen.

( )7.A.She likes documentaries. B.Yes,I do. C.No,she doesn’t.

( )8.A.No,I can’t. B.I can play the guitar. C.I can’t sing.

( )9.A.It’s time to go to bed. B.At 9:00 in the evening. C.OK.

( )10.A.Because it’s exciting. B.I like P.E. C.Mr.Smith.


( )11.A.April twentieth. B.April twenty-nintg. C.April ninth.

( ) 12.A.Yes,she does. B.Action movies. C.They’re exciting.

( ) 13.A.play the guitar.B.play the violin C.sing and dance

( ) 14.A.6:30 B.6:13 C.5:15

( ) 15.A.Monday and Tuesday B.Monday abd thurday. C.Thurday


( )16.Tom and Mary want to _______.

A.go to a movie B.buy something C.play soccer ball

( ) 17.Mary likes ________.

edies B.action movies C.A and B

( ) 18.There is _______.

A.a Beijing Opera. B.a comedy C.an action movie

( ) 19.Tom thinks it’s_______.

A.funny,interesting and exciting B.sad and exciting

C.scary and interesting

( ) 20.They go to the movie________.

A.at four B.at five C.at six


At six All22___ At two

pm At5:00

pm At six pm

Kate Go to 21__ work Play the

23___ Have 24 Goto25_____


( )26.Tom can ________many things.

A.does B.doing C.do D.to do

( )27.How many ______ like Chinese action movies?

A.people B.peoples C.people are D.peoples are

( )28.They ________ go to school __________Saturday.

A.don’t;on B.doesn’t;on C.aren’t;in D.not;in

( )29.Tom can’t play the guitar very ________.

A.much B.well C.good D.nice

( )30.Can you __________ French?

A.talk B.speak C.say D.tell

( )31.Lily is ______American school girl.

A.a B.the C.an D./

( )32.Tom _________ breakfast.

A.hasn’t B.don’t have C.doesn’t have D.doesn’t has

( )33.“Do you like English ?” “Yes,it is ________.”

A.boring B.not interesting C.fun D.bad

( )34.Li Mei and Wei Hua ________at school today.

A.isn’t B.am not C.aren’t D./

( )35.Jimmy________like basketball. He ________computer games.

A.don’t;like B.doesn’t; like C.don’t;likes D.doesn’t;likes

( )36.The girl is Alice Brown. What’s he family name?

A.Alice B.Brown Alice C.Brown D.Alice Brown

( )37. “_________is Jim’s backpack?” “It’s green.”

A.What B.How C.What color D.Where

( )38.His mother ________on weekends.

A.doesn’t works B.don’t work C.doesn’t work D.isn’t work

( )39.—________ do you eat breakfast? —At home.

A.Where B.When C.How D.What time

( )40.They want _______home earlier.

A.go B.going C.to go D.goes


A:Hi,Lucy!_ 41 ?

B:Well, I live near my school,so I get up at a quarter to seven.I never(从不)go to school late.

A:Do you have breakfast at home?

B:Yes, 42 ?

A:When do you go to school ?

B: 43 ,so I go to school at seven forty-five.

A: 44 ?

B: I leave school at five past five and___45___.



(一) I am a middle school student. My name is Tom. My good friend is Jack.We are in the same grade of the same school. But we are in different classes. I’m in class One. He is in Class Four. We go to school and go home together.We go to school at seven o’clock in the morning.And we go home at five o’clock in the afternoon. Now it’s four o’clock in the afternoon.We must go and play games.

46.Tom and Jack are _______.

A.brothers B.brother and sister C.teacher and student D.good friends

47.They’re in the same ________.

A.class B.team C.row D.school

48.Jack is in Class ________.

A.One B.one C.four D.Four

49.They _______together.

A.go to school B.go home

C.go to the classroom D.A and B

50.They go and play games at _______o’clock.

A.14 B.5 C.7 D.16

(二) Mr George works at the school lost and found.He works very carefully.Every day when he gets a lost thing, he takes notes(记录)about it.There are pens,books,school uniforms(校服),keys,walkmans and many other things in the lost and found.Most of them are the students’.If you lose your things,it’s easy for you to go to the lost and found for help.But you must tell Mr George what it is,its color and the day when you.can’t find it.I think Mr George is very helpful(乐于助人的),and you will be happy when you find your lost things there.


51.Who works at the school lost and found?

A.Mr Brown B.Mr King C.Mr George D.Mrs Brow

52.There are _____things in the lost and found.

A.many B.not C.much D.lot of

53.If you lose your things,you’d better go to ask______.

A.Ben B.Mr George C.your teacher D.your friend

54.Most things Mr George takes care of are the_____.

A.boy’s B.girls’ C.students’ D.boys’ and girls’

55.If you lose your things and go to the lost and found for help,you needn’t(不必)tell Mr George ______.

A.what it is B.how much it is C.its clolor D.when you can’t find it

(四) I have two brothers and two sisters.We all enjoy(喜爱)school very much!My brother Tom likes to work with numbers.His best class is math.My sister Janet likes sports,so she likes P.E. best. My brother Alex loves to study plants and animals.He gets good grades(分数)in biology.My sister Veronica likes to study different languages,and her favorite class is French.I really enjoy learning about the presidents(总统).I do well in (擅长于)history.

56.How many children does the family have?


57.Who likes math?


58.Does Janet like sports?


59.What’s Alex’s favorite subject?


60.Is history Veronica’s favorite subject?



部分 第Ⅰ卷 第Ⅱ卷 总分

五 六 七 八



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.

46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.




/i:/__________ ____________/aI/__________ ___________

/e/__________ ____________/\:/____________ __________

/Q/__________ ____________/ju:/___________ ___________

/tF/__________ ____________/EJ/__________ ___________

/C:/___________ ____________/B:/___________ ___________

六.词汇:A 根据句类及所给音标、汉语或首字母的提示写出单词。

1.S_______10th is Teachers’ day in China..

2.T_______is the fifth day of the week.

3.December is the _________ /twelfth/ moth of the year.

4.After school we have sports for an ________/auE /

5.What’s you favorite subject?

My favorite subject is _________/saiEns/

6.Mr.Bean is a ________(成功的) comedy.

7.Do you have an e—mail ________(地址)?

8.I can play the ______(钢琴).But I can’t play it well.

9.I learn about much about Chinese _______(历史).

10.I can paint .So I want to joini the a______ club.


11.I love to ___________________music after class.

12.Lily _____________________her teeth in the morning.

13.I usually _______________________school at 7:30.

14.—___________________birthday to you,Nick. —Thank you.

15.He often ___________________at 9 in the evening.

16.My parents usually _________________TV after dinner.

17.—When do people usually eat dinner


18.I don’t like history because it is______________.

19.Zhou Jielun is a _______________singer and actor.

20.What time does Jerry ___________________from school in the afternoon?

七 .你来当翻译


2.Mary 通常6:10起床。__________________________________









Name Favorite subject Why When

Nancy Math Interesting From Mon.to Fri.

Sophia Music Relaxing Wednesday

paul history fun Thursday

英 语






(五).21.bed 22.night 23.piano 24.lunch 25.work

二.(15分)( 每题一分)26.CAABB CCD CAC



46.DDDDD 51.CABCB 56.Five 57.Tom 58.Yes,she does. 59.biology 60.No.


1.speek chinese 2.find science 3.second them 4.birth word 5.funny subject 6.music Tuesday 7.March teacher 8.go old 9.talk draw 10.art party


1.September 2.Thursdany 3.twelfth 4.hour 5.science 6.successful 7.address 8.piano 9.history 10.art

11.listen to 12.brushes 13.get to 14.Happy 15.has a shower 16.watch 17.in the evening 18.aifficult 19.successful 20.go home


1.My father’s birthday is June 5th.

2.Mary gets up at six ten.

3.What time do you go to school.

4.Can your friend play the piano?

5.What club do you want to join.

6.His favorite science is biology.

7.Why do you like math?Because it’s difficult,but it’s interesting.

8.What kind of movie do you like?I like comedies and action movies.



七年级下册数学学习指导答案八年级下册英语自主学习指导课程答案七年级下册数学《新课程学习指导》笞案七下学习指导与评价数学答案七年级英语帮扶过程小学英语教师家长会发言稿没有规矩,不成方圆。my mother最难忘的一段经历韩语短文对话我的寒假我明白了九年级英语学科小结初中教师个人述职美丽的秋天短文my weekend pian酒店前厅部表扬词工商银行守库监控中心社会化管理的利与弊小学数学学期教学反思小学英语教师工作述职校本研修成果趣味知识竞赛题库-1.你是LiMing,是一名非常优秀的学生,学习非常刻苦,英语数学成绩突出;乐于助人;有许多爱好,喜欢打篮球,踢足球、听音乐、绘画、集邮等,在家里经常...全国统一考试英语2全国各地高考模拟卷用下面的短语组成人教版七年级英语下册知识点归纳仁爱九年级英语期末复习选择题滨海新区五校联考英语.吉林高考复习检测博士学位高考新课标2英语语法填空全国统一考试英语湖北卷完型初三政治知识点46级英语词汇lastspring完形填空翻译it用法练习题及答案五年级家长怎样与老师沟通的发言稿mydaystarted会计师职称asageneralrule完形填空翻译仁爱九年级上册期末复习你叫李华你最喜欢的运动你追喜欢乒乓球mottoisashortstatementgivingaruleonhowtobehave的语法填空,和翻译做语法填空的技巧信息化教学设计教案itwasasaturdayMom阅读理解八年级上册人教版地理复习大题Sheisoneofthegirlswhoisveryinterestedinmaths改错七选五therearemanyreasonswhypeoplesufferfromstress答案whatdoyourdreamsmean任务型阅读

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【七年级下册英语复习资料】七年级下册英语自主学习指导答案人教版 七年级下册英语自主学习指导课程答案
