500字范文 > 人名翻译 name translation英语短句 例句大全

人名翻译 name translation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-01 04:26:54


人名翻译 name translation英语短句 例句大全

人名翻译,name translation

1)name translation人名翻译

1.The reflection on the change ofname translationmethod from the angle of cultural communication;从文化交流角度看外国人名翻译方法的变化


1.On Hawkes s Distinctive Names Translation in the Story of the Stone;试论霍克斯《红楼梦》中人名翻译的特色

2.The reflection on the change of name translationmethod from the angle of cultural communication;从文化交流角度看外国人名翻译方法的变化

3.Naturalisation and Dissimilation in Translating a Play upon Words Name of A Dream of Red Mansion;《红楼梦》双关语人名翻译中的归化与异化

4.A translator might also be an interpreter, of course.当然,一个翻译也可能是一名口译人员。

5.On the Translation of Punning Geographical and Biographical Names in Hong Lou Meng;论《红楼梦》地名人名双关语的翻译

6.Translating English Proper Names into Chinese:Three Approaches in Chinese Mainland,Hong Kong and Taiwan两岸三地外国人名地名翻译异同对比

7.On the Inconsistency and Non-standardization of Name Translation--Current Translating Situation and Translator Cultivation:Some Observations;从译名的不统一谈起——关于翻译现状及翻译人才培养的思考(一)

8.The Context and the Translation of Titles--A Reflection on the Translation of the Titles of An After-thought on Money Can Move the God and Dignity and Rice Bowls;语境与篇名翻译——关于《〈钱能通神〉读后感》、《人格与饭碗》篇名翻译的思考

9.The Characteristics of the Chinese Names in Outlaws of the Marsh And Their Translation by Sidney Shapiro;《水浒》中人名的特点及其翻译(英文)

10.Toni Morrison s Appellation of Her Characters and Their Chinese Translation;托妮·莫里森的人物命名方式及其翻译

11.On the Naming for Characters in Medicine by Lu Xun and the Translations for Them从鲁迅的《药》中人物命名与翻译谈起

12.The Translation of Vietnamese Names into Chinese Names;越语人名与汉语人名的对比与翻译问题

13.A Few Words on Acceptability of Translation小议翻译的可接受性:从校名翻译谈起

14.Film Title Translation from the Perspective of Communicative Translation Theory;交际翻译理论视角下的电影片名翻译

15.Vocative Text:the Translation of Brand Names;从呼唤文本翻译角度看品牌名的翻译

16.Functionalist Approaches to Proper Name Translation;功能翻译理论指导下的专有名词翻译

17.The Translation of Trade Nameson View of Principle of Equivalence;等效翻译理论视角下的商标名称翻译

18.Movie Title Translation from the Perspective of Functionalist Approaches功能翻译理论视角下的电影片名翻译


On the Translation of Personal Names between Chinese and English论中英人名翻译

3)translation of formula name方名翻译

4)translation of chinese dishes菜名翻译

5)translation of placenames地名翻译

6)terms translation名词翻译


