500字范文 > 戏曲发展 development of the traditional opera英语短句 例句大全

戏曲发展 development of the traditional opera英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-21 06:15:03


戏曲发展 development of the traditional opera英语短句 例句大全

戏曲发展,development of the traditional opera

1)development of the traditional opera戏曲发展

1.Influence of the Ming literary and art trend on thedevelopment of the traditional opera;明中叶文艺思潮对戏曲发展的影响


1.China Drama"s Development Prospect from Drama Development History从戏曲发展史看中国戏曲的发展前景

2.A General View of Some Modern Minority Nationalities Traditional Opera (1949-1966);当代若干少数民族戏曲发展概观(1949——1966)

3.The Development of Opera Music during the Song-Yuan period and Ming-Qing period;宋元戏曲音乐与明清戏曲音乐之发展

4.The Research on the Development of Play-within-a-play in Chinese Classical Dramas;中国古典戏曲中“戏中戏”的发展研究

5.On Wenzhou Zaju, Xiwen, Traditional Opera in Yongjia and Various Tunes of Nanxi -Four Stages during the Development of Nanxi in the Song and Yuan Dynasties;温州杂剧·戏文·永嘉戏曲·南戏诸腔——宋元南戏发展史的四个阶段

6.The development of marionette had a great influence on the future development of opera.木偶戏的发展对以后的戏曲有十分重要的影响。

7.On the Function of Chinese Opera-house in Chinese Traditional Opera;论戏楼在中国古典戏曲艺术发展中的作用

8.On Conventional Development and Manifestation of Traditional Chinese Opera in the Southern Song Dynasty;论南宋临安戏曲的世俗化发展与表现

9.The Contribution Of Pi-Huang Tune To Developing The Traditional Chinese Opera;论皮黄腔在戏曲声腔发展史中的贡献

10.On Development of Chinese Theatrical Art--Concurrently on the Influence of MAO Ze-dong s Art Thoughts on Chinese Theatrical Art;略论戏曲艺术的发展——兼论毛泽东文艺思想对戏曲艺术的影响

11.On Evolvement of Dramatic Form From Its Creative Function;从创作功用观透视戏曲形式的发生与发展

12.Further improvements were made on traditional opera-style dance, which was displayed in such high-skilled performances as在戏曲舞蹈基础上的发展创造,很富于表现力。

13.On Reference and Development of Explorative Drama in the New Period to Traditional Chinese Opera;论新时期探索话剧对戏曲的借鉴与发展

14.Research on the Development of Traditional Opera in Ancient China from the Point of View of Catalogue;从目录学角度探究中国古代戏曲文献之发展

15.On Guan Han-qing s Remarkable Contribution to the Chinese National Opera Art;论关汉卿对发展中国民族戏曲艺术的杰出贡献

16.A Comparison of Discrepancy between Traditional Opera and Modern Culture Industry Development论传统戏曲与当代文化产业发展的差异性

17.The Assimilation, Fusion and Development of Chinese Operatic Arts and National Vocal Music in Terms of Kunqu Singing从昆曲演唱艺术看民族声乐对戏曲声腔艺术的吸收、融合与发展

18.Paintings in dramas and dramas in painting are known throughout the world.戏中画,画中戏,人间情,戏曲文化与民间美术总是把握这一鲜明的主题而发生发展。


Literary history conception当代戏曲发展

3)the development and prosperity of the local opera戏曲繁荣与发展

4)On the development of Local Operas地方戏曲发展刍议

5)development of dramatics戏剧发展

6)the five stages from sacrificial ceremony to opera由祭仪到戏曲的五个发展阶段


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