500字范文 > 传统哲学语言观 view of traditional philosophical language英语短句 例句大全

传统哲学语言观 view of traditional philosophical language英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-15 04:37:27


传统哲学语言观 view of traditional philosophical language英语短句 例句大全

传统哲学语言观,view of traditional philosophical language

1)view of traditional philosophical language传统哲学语言观

2)philosophy language view哲学语言观


1.Consideration On Language’s Structure --Commentary On Saussure’s Philosophy Language;语言的结构之思——索绪尔哲学语言观述评

2.Languages, Life and Worlds--the Language in the Perspective of Marxist Philosophy of Living;语言、生活与世界——生活哲学的语言观

3.Philosophical, Linguistic and Communicative Views in Translation Studies;翻译研究中的哲学观、语言观与交际观

4.Bickerton s Philosophical View on Language and Its Implications on Foreign Language Teaching and Learning;Bickerton的语言哲学观与外语教学

5.The Philosophical Origin of and Viewpoint on Language of Universal Grammar " for Transformational Generative Linguistics;转换生成语言学“普遍语法”的哲学渊源和语言观

6.On Vygotsky"s Psycholinguistic Philosophy论维果茨基心理语言学研究的哲学观

7.Searles Indir-ect Speech Act Theory and It s Linguistic Philosophy;论塞尔的间接言语行为理论及语言哲学观

8.Martin Buber s Language View in the Visual Threshold of Relation Philosophy;马丁·布伯关系哲学视阈下的语言观

9.Language philosophy of Derek Bickerton and constructive education;Derek Bickerton的语言哲学观与建构主义教育

10.On the Evolution of Language Conception in the 20th Century Western Philosophy;论语言观在20世纪西方哲学中的演变

11.Embodied,Cognitive and Dialectical View of Language by Xunzi--Rethinking the Philosophy of Language:The Fifth Paper on Linguistic Embodiment;荀子论语言的体验认知辩证观——语言哲学再思考:语言的体验性(之五)

12.Metalinguality and the Dimension-view of Metalanguage;论明达语言性及明达语言维度观——语言哲学系列研究(一)

13.Concordance between China s Extra-linguistic Message and Western Philosophy of Implied Sage;浅议中国传统言意观及西方语言哲学的融通

14.Different Verbal Signs of English and Chinese and Their Reflections in Linguistic Philosophy英汉语符意指系统的差异及其语言哲学观体现

15.A Comparison between the Philosophical Outlook in Cognitive Linguistics and Marxist Epistemology;认知语言学的哲学观与马克思主义认识论比较

16.The Philosophical Foundations and Defects of Chomskyan Linguistics and the Introduction to Compositional Language Faculty;乔姆斯基语言学的哲学基础及其缺陷——兼论语言能力的合成观

17.Theory of Picture or Theory of Language-Games--The analysis of Wittgenstein s intention of Linguistic philosophy throughthe representation of concept about cause and effect in the Chinese Language;语言图象还是语言游戏——从因果观念的汉语表现看维特根斯坦的语言哲学观

18.On the linguistic philosophical similarities between CB and RT;复合空间理论与关联理论相似的语言哲学观


philosophy language view哲学语言观

3)philosophical views on language语言哲学观

1.The article attempts to arouse teachers thinking on foreign language teaching and learning based on sharing Bickerton sphilosophical views on language, so that the teachers will reflect on what they believe in language teaching and take correspondent actions to improve their teaching quality.从Bickerton的语言哲学观点出发,引发外语教师对语言教学的思考,从而达到对语言教学信念的反思、改进教学行为的目的。

4)Traditional Linguistics传统语言学

1.Since 1950s foreign studies of translation norms have been conducted mainly from three approaches:traditional linguistics,text-linguistics,and translation studies.20世纪 5 0年代以来的国外翻译规范研究大体上可分为 3个方面 :传统语言学、篇章语言学和翻译研究学派。

2.First,she pays attention to the inheritance and innovation of traditional linguistics.王宁是中国当代著名语言学家,她的学术思想体现在五个方面:一是传统语言学的继承与创新;二是重视语言实证研究,并在科学实践中完善理论与方法;三是强调传统语言学理论建设,以及学术研究的体系化和科学化;四是传统语言学学术研究实现普及、提高与应用三结合;五是强调传统语言学术研究的"为实"精神与学风建设。

5)the philosophical basis of cognitive linguistics认知语言学的哲学观

1.This paper presents some views onthe philosophical basis of cognitive linguistics from the perspectives of the development of human cognition, Maxist Cognition and cognitive science.本文从人类的认识论发展史、马克思主义认识论以及认知科学等方面思考认知语言学的哲学观:从人类的认识论发展史来看,所谓“第一代与第二代认知科学”的划分值得商榷;从马克思主义认识论看,所谓“心智的体验性”存在着认识方面的片面性,其合理部分在马克思主义认识论中已有阐述;所谓“认知的无意识性”则违背了马克思主义认识论,与认知科学观也有差距。

6)philosophy of language语言哲学

1.Zhuangzi s thought about difficult problems of the human language is also views of the modern westphilosophy of language.庄子对人类语言困境的思考也是现代西方语言哲学思考的问题,庄子对这一困境根源的认识与现代西方语言哲学的认识具有同一性,而对解决这一困境,庄子与现代西方哲学的观点在本质上也是相通的。

2.Confucian sphilosophy of language of Pre-Qing dynasty began from Confucius,who exploredphilosophy of language on the base of "relationship between name and actuality "and "relationship between language and meaning".先秦儒家语言哲学肇始于孔子,他开创性地围绕"名实"、"言意"关系两大语言哲学重要问题,以正名理论为基础,展开对语言哲学的探索。

3.This paper begins with a critical survey of the two schools of naming theory inphilosophy of language: the Description Theory represented by the Frege-Russell-Wittgenstein school on the one hand, and the historic cause-effect reference theory, advoca- ted by Kripke on the other.本文首先简述语言哲学中关于命名理论的两大流派:以弗雷格、罗素、维特根斯坦为代表的摹状词理论和以克里普克为代表的历史因果指称论,然后扼要地探讨两种理论的优缺点。


