500字范文 > 清末民国 the late Qing dynasty and the republic of China英语短句 例句大全

清末民国 the late Qing dynasty and the republic of China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-17 19:27:22


清末民国 the late Qing dynasty and the republic of China英语短句 例句大全

清末民国,the late Qing dynasty and the republic of China

1)the late Qing dynasty and the republic of China清末民国

1.The textbook becomes the important hotbed ofthe late Qing dynasty and the republic of China changes in society.伴随着西方教科书的引进,学堂、书坊、官方等新式教科书的编撰出版,教科书成为清末民国社会变革的重要策源地。

2.Historically, the period of the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China witnessed the havoc of various rare natural calamities in East-Shaanxi region-drought, flood, hailstone, frozen disaster, locusts etc which spread over vast areas with serious damage by frequent occurrences in short intervals with the characteristics of many calamities happening simultaneously or by relays.清末民国时期是秦东地区历史上罕见的自然灾害高发期,旱灾、水灾、冰雹、冻灾、蝗灾等多种灾害频繁肆虐。


1.The Process of the Central Government s Running Schools in Tibet during the Period of the Late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China;清末民国时期中央政府在西藏办学始末

2.A Research on Chinese Teaching Plans of Primary Schools during the Period of the Republic of China at the End of Qing Dynasty (1906-1949);清末民国(1906-1949)小学语文教案研究

3.The "Free Prostitutes" and "Eradicate Prostitutes" in Beijing during the Late Qing and the Nationalist Periods;清末民国时期北京的“救娼”与“废娼”

4.Advantages and Disadvantages in the Legal System Construction in Mongolia and Tibet;清末民国蒙藏地区法制建设的得与失

5.Xinjiang s Currency and Financial Characteristics atthe Turn of the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China;清末民国时期的新疆货币、金融特征

6.On the Church Elementary and Secondary Schools in Wuhan during the Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic Period清末民国时期武汉教会中小学校探析

7.The Population and Distribution Pattern of Xinjiang Nationality in the Late Qing and People s Country Period;清末民国时期新疆民族人口与分布格局

8.On the Limitations of the Trend of Thoughts of "New Citizen" During the Last Years of the Qing Dynasty and the Early Years of the Republic of China;试论清末民初“新国民”思潮的局限

9.National Education during Late Qing and Early Republic Period and the Transformation of Modern Chinese National Character清末民初的军国民教育与近代中国国民性改造

10.The Begining and End of Salt Cause in Huai Nan Salt Region during the Period of the Late Qing to the Early Min Guo;清末至民国年间淮南盐区盐垦事业始末

11.Translations of Foreign Novels in China from 1898 to 1919: A Survey;清末民初对外国小说的译介:1898-1919

12.The Emergence and Cause of China’s Agricultural Education between Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China;清末民初我国农业教育的兴起及原因

13.An Enlightening History Book-Zhongguo gudai shi and Young Learners of the Late Qing and Early Republican Period;启蒙之史─《中国古代史》与清末民初学子

14.Chinese Foreign-Educated Students and Foreign Language Education during the Period between the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republican China;中国留学生与清末民初外语教育初探

15.The American Returned Students and the Political Modernization During late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China;留美生与清末民初中国政治的近代化

16.On History Education of Chinese Middle and Primary Schools in the Late Qing Dynasty and Early Years of the Republic of China;略论清末民初中国的中小学历史教育

17.Germany s economic and political presence in yunnan at the end of Qing Dynasty;清末民初德国在云南的政治经济存在

18.The United States Government and the Tibet Issue during the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China;美国政府与清末民初的“西藏问题”


the period of late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China清末民国

1.Duringthe period of late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, the local government of Shandong took a lot of measures to improve agriculture, such as establishing agriculture promoting organizations, introducing and popularizing fine seeds and fertilizer and renovate the techniques of irrigation works.清末民国的山东地方政府采取并实施了大量的农业改进措施,这包括成立农业推广组织,引进和推广良种与化肥,革新水利灌溉技术等等。

3)the end of Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China清末与民国

4)the Late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China清末至民国

1.Environmental Changes of the Grass Lake in the Middle Tarim River——Discussion According to the Grass Lake Dispute Affairs duringthe Late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China塔里木河中游地区草湖环境的演变——基于清末至民国草湖纠纷事件的讨论

5)the last years of the Qing dynasty清末民国时期

1.Shanxi Wu Qing pu s discussion about Wu Ping Yao s medical collectioninthe last years of the Qing dynasty;清末民国时期晋人武庆普氏《武平遥医集》评议

6)the Last Period from Qing Dynasty to the Republic China清末民国年间


《清末筹备立宪档案史料》中国档案汇编。故宫博物院明清档案部编。中华书局1979年出版。平装上下两册83万余字。所载史料均选自故宫博物院明清档案部所藏清廷军机处上谕档、录副奏折及宫中硃批奏折等有关清末筹备立宪活动的文件,共401件。起自光绪三十一年(1905)迄于宣统三年(1911),包括诏令文书,内外臣工有关筹备立宪不同意见争论的奏闻、条陈或议复有关筹备立宪的刑律、制度、条例、章程、大纲、办法等事项的奏折、夹片、呈文、清单等档案文件,御史谏臣的奏折以及中央部院大臣及各省督抚大员的奏、咨文书。其次,也有一些中央部院的司员、地方州县官员及监生、举人、留学生等人的呈文。该书按所辑文件的内容分为两编:第一编是清末统治集团对筹备立宪的策划和议论,下分出洋考察政治的情况、预备立宪的宣布和策划、统治集团内部的议论 3个专题;第二编是清末筹备立宪各项活动情况,下分官制、议院、咨议局和地方自治、法律和司法、满汉关系、教育、财政及官报8个专题。
