500字范文 > 东干人 Donggan英语短句 例句大全

东干人 Donggan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-27 19:19:55


东干人 Donggan英语短句 例句大全



1.On the Replacement of Environment and the Formation of Ethnic Group:TakingDonggan as an Example环境置换与群属特征的形成:以东干人为例

2.The Life of Muslims in Former Soviet Union:A Case Study ofDonggan People苏俄时期的穆斯林生活:东干人的个案


1.The Life of Muslims in Former Soviet Union:A Case Study of Donggan People苏俄时期的穆斯林生活:东干人的个案

2.On the Influences of Social Environment on National Traits--An Example of the Donggan in Central Asia;社会环境对民族特征的影响——以中亚东干人为例

3.On the Replacement of Environment and the Formation of Ethnic Group:Taking Donggan as an Example环境置换与群属特征的形成:以东干人为例

4.Reflecting on Researches of Chinese Ethnic Minorities Living Overseas--Also about the Cultural Intermediary of Donggan People;少数民族海外华人研究的思考——兼谈东干人的“文化中介”意义

5.Learn wisdom by the follies of others.从别人干的傻事中学习有益的东西。

6.She loved these Japanese things, while she hated the Japanese aggressors who invaded the Northeast provinces.她爱这些东洋货,她又恨那些东洋人; 好好儿的发兵打东三省干么呢?

7.Never did he call for anything but stale bread.这个人除干面包以外从不买任何别的东西。

8.In East Africa five years of drought have brought about a holocaust in which millions have died.东非地区五年的干旱引起上百万人的死亡。

9.Who achieved all this? Is it not the generation educated in Mao Zedong Thought?这些事情,还不是毛泽东思想教育的一代人干的?

10.The next day, the workers cleared away the remains of the old bridge.第二天工人们把旧桥剩下的东西都清除干净了。

11.Neither coast does any more actual work than the Other.东西海岸的人实际上谁也不比谁干得更多。

12.Pondering over issues of introducingthe investment of overseasChinese in South east Asia;关于引进东南亚华侨华人资本若干问题的思考

13.International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners国际干货船东协会(干货船东协会)

14.I had the strong impression that what I had accumulated was simply bad news that nobody wanted to hear.我强烈地感到,收集起来的这些东西,干脆就是些没人要听的坏消息。

15.Her skin would be considered fair among Orientals, but unfortunately it looked stale and dry;皮肤在东方人里,要算得白,可惜这白色不顶新鲜,带些干滞。

16.Morgan was the main attraction, the conspicuous personality here.可是嫫干才是这儿的最惹眼的东西,最出众的人物。

17.When the visa finally arrives, she decides to leave Lang for Bian.与此同时,她认识了干警边强(解小东饰),俩人的情感日益澧烈。

18.All material objects around announced thier irresponsibility with terrible iteration.所有身外一切东西,全都令人可怕地反复申明,自脱干系。



3)Tong-gan written symbols and Tong-gan language东干文与东干语

4)Donggan dialect东干语

1.Li or lie denoting the completion of actions inDonggan dialect and Han dialect of Wulumuqi is the counterpart of le in Mandarin.东干语与汉语乌鲁木齐方言有血脉相承的历史。

5)Donggan Language东干语

1.The Enlightenment of Phonemic Character and the Word Type Writing of "Donggan Language"to the Language Planning of Chinese——The Study ofDonggan Language in the Central Asia;“东干语”音素文字及其词式书写的启发——汉语语言规划在中国境外的成功范例

2.The Study of Writing by Words ofDonggan Language;东干语词式书写及其正词法研究

3.This paper mainly discusses the historical differences between the Donggan language and Chinese Putonghua and the existing state and development of the Donggan language in new situations.本文主要论述了在历史发展过程中东干语和汉语的区别,并讨论了新形势下东干语的存在状态和发展前景。

6)Donggan poetry东干诗歌


