500字范文 > 成功就在脚下:揭开成功人士的18个成功秘诀


时间:2020-08-11 09:16:41



Success doesn"t come with aninstructionmanual. Instead, there"s a lot of trying, failing, and constantly struggling. Success did not come to them in thethunderclaps of theirEureka! moments. Talent was just the beginning ... their progress toward their goals was furthered by their fierce dedication to the day-to-day struggle for achievement.成功没有附带说明书。相反,成功需要很多的尝试、失败,并不断的奋斗。对于成功者而言,成功并不是突然发生的。天资是第一点……他们向目标前进的过程中更重要,成功的人每天都为了成就而努力奋斗。

1. When you try to emulate someone successful, you end up with a second-rate version of it.当你尝试着模仿别人的成功,你会以其二流版本结束。

2.You can"t always change your conditions, but you can always change the way you deal with them.你不可以改变现状,但你可以改变你和别人交流的方式。

3. If everyone else thinks your idea isridiculous, then you have no competition, and higher potential rewards.如果其他人都认为你的想法很荒谬,那你就没有竞争了,而且之后会有更高的潜在回报。

4. Keep being kind even when things are at their worst.即使事情处于最坏的情况,仍然要善待它。

5. You can"t influence people unless theygenuinely like you.除非别人真心喜欢你,不然你无法影响他们。

6. Being bland won"t engage anyone. Flaws are often the mostcompelling thing about someone.平庸不会吸引任何人。缺陷往往会引人注目。

7. You can"t create or believe in your company"s core values until you figure out your own.在发现自己的价值观前,你不能创造或者相信你公司的核心价值观。

8. Swing big. Otherwise, it"s not worth people"s time, and it usually ends up working out.做出大的改变。不然,它不值得花时间对待,而且通常最后会把你消磨殆尽。

9. Never count yourself out, no matter howintimidating theopponent.不管对手如何凶猛,不要对自己丧失信心。

10. Be open to strange and sometimesirrational associations.能够接受奇怪的,甚至有时不合理的联想。

11. You can"t succeed unless you"re willing to put everything you"ve got into it.把你的全部投进去,不然你不能成功。

12. You can"t turn a side project into something amazing. You have tocommit.你必须承认,你无法把一个不重要的项目做得很出彩。

13. Staying the course and pretending things are normal is the riskiest thing you can do.坚持到底,假装事情很正常,对你来说是最有风险的。

14. Sometimes the only way to accomplish a goal is to fight and ignore fear.有时候,完成一个目标唯一的方法是去斗争并且无视恐惧。

15. Killing yourself over one project is a waste. It"s amarathon, not asprint.结束自己的一个项目是一种浪费。这是马拉松,而不是短跑冲刺。

16. In the end, only you can make the split second decisions that help you win. Trust your gut.最终,只有你一刹那的决定帮助你获胜。相信你的直觉。

17. Talent isn"t enough. You have to be smart about the choices you make.天赋是不够的。你必须迅速做出选择。

18. Always try to get the first and the last word to make sure you control the story.总是尝试掌握第一个和最后一个词来确信你掌握了整个故事。
