500字范文 > 外研版丨九年级上册英语重点短语/句型全汇总(3~4单元)


时间:2019-10-22 17:35:16



Module 3 Heroes


1. choose to do sth.选择做某事We choose to join the English club.

2. tell sb. About sth.告诉某人关于某事Please tell me about your vacation plan.

3. one of the +形容词最高级+可数名词的复数形式,最……的……之一

She is one of the most famous singers in China.

4. in the world在世界上5.play tabletennis打乒乓球

6. stoppingdoing sth.停止正在做的事stop to do sth.停下去做另外一件事

They stopped working and decided to have arest.

He stopped to talk with me.

7. attenduniversity abroad出国留学attend a meeting参加一次会议

8. Whatevershe does, she never gives up. 无论她做什么,她从不放弃。

whatever = no matter what无论什么

Take whatever you want.你想要什么就拿什么

give up doing sth. = stop doing sth.

放弃做某事You should give up smoking at once.

9. have astrong will有坚强的意志

10. as wellas 不但……而且;还 She can speakEnglish as well as Japanese.

as well as同……一样好(同级比较的结构) He plays the pianoas well as you.

11. She is simplythe best. 她确实是最好的。

12. die for为……而死He died for the country .

13. takecare of = look after 照顾;护理

takegoodcare of…= look after…well好好照顾

14. the +形容词,表示某一类人,表示复数意义,若用作主语,谓语动词用复数形式。

the rich富人the poor穷人the sick病人the old老人the young年轻人

the weak弱者the strong强者the blind失明的人the wounded伤员

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. 富者愈富,贫者愈贫。

15. so that以便;为的是(从句中出现情态动词,so that引导的是目的状语从句)

He got up early so that hecould catchthe early bus.

He got up early so that hecaughttheearly bus.

(从句中用的是行为动词的过去时,so that引导的是结果状语从句)

16. inventv.发明invention n.发明物inventor n.发明家

Can you tell me who invented the telephone?

He wants to be an inventor when he grows up.

What do you think is the most importantinventions?

17. at thattime那时候,在那时

18. on one’sown = by oneself = alone 独自;单独

The girl can finish the work on her own/by herself.

19. It’suseful for sb. to do sth.做某事对某人有用It’s useful for youto know the rules.

be useful to sb.对某人有用This book is useful to young people.

be useful for (doing) sth.某事/某物有用Dictionaries are usefulfor learning English.

20. withoutdoing sth.没有做某事(做伴随状语)without sth.没有某物

He went to school without eating breakfast.

We went out without any money.

21. manageto do sth.设法做成某事He managed toavoidan accident.避免

22. operatev.做手术n. operation手术

operate on +sb./某部位The doctor isoperating on a boy/his leg.

do an operation on sb.给某人做手术The doctor is doingan operation on a girl.

23. continuedoing sth.继续做原来的事continue to do sth.继续做另一件事

He continued reading Lesson Ten. They continued talking after the meal.

After reading Lesson Nine, he continued toread Lesson Ten.

24. in theend = at last = finally 最后;终于 In the end hefinished the work on time.

25. die of 因……而死(内因)后跟hunger, cold, illness, afever等名词。

The man died of his illness.

die from 由于…而死(外因)后跟wound, accident, over work, carelessness等名词。

The soldier died from his wound.

26. make +宾语+宾语补足语(名词/形容词)

We made him our monitor. 我们选他当我们的班长。

The presents made us excited.

27. take off(飞机等)起飞;脱下(衣服等)

The plane took off at nine. He took off his wet shoes. 他脱下了浸湿的鞋子。

28. aroundthe world = all over the world世界各地,全世界

29. in needof需要needn. The doctor told me I was in need of a good doctor.

30. be proudof为……感到自豪They are proud of their brave soldiers.

31. set off/ out =startoff/ out 出发;动身

set off for…动身/出发去…They set off for home then.

32. get away离开,逃离I hope to get awayearly in the morning.

33. learnfrom向......学习learn sth. from sb.向某人学习某事

Let’s learn from Lei Feng. I am learning English from Tom.

34. on one’sway home在某人回家的路上I bought a book onmy way home.

35. saveone’s life挽救某人的生命The doctor tried hisbest to save the boy’s life.



1.one of+the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数最.....的......之一

2.tell sb.about sth.告诉某人关于某事3.start doing sth.开始做做某事

4.begin todo sth.开始做某事5.stopdoing sth.停止做某事

6.on one'sown独自一人7.manage to do sth.设法完成某事

8.both...and... .......和......两者都9.want to dosth.想做某事

10.makesb/sth. +形容词使某人/某物......

11.try to dosth.努力干某事12.wait for sb. to do sth.等待某人做某事

Module 4 Home alone


1.look after照顾

2.be careful with/of小心(对待).......

3.make sure确保

4.plenty of许多,大量

5. cooksimple meals做简单的饭菜

6. wake up醒;醒来

7. be aboutto do sth.将要/打算做某事

8. have a good trip旅途愉快

9.a coupleof两个,几个 10.turn off关掉;关闭(设备)turn on 开

11. sb. be/feel boredwith sth.某人对某事感到厌烦

12. come true实现

13.be worried about= worryabout担心

14. onbusiness出差

15. atlast最后;终于

16. have fun玩得高兴

17.as soon as一......就......

18. hurry todo sth.匆忙做某事

19. ask sb. forsth.向某人要某物

20. hand in上交18. be unable to do sth.不能做某事

19. feeltired and sleepy感到又累又困

20. help sb. withsth. =help sb. (to) do sth.

21. tidy up收拾;整理

22. Plan to do sth.计划/打算做某事

22. dependon依靠;依赖;取决于

23. say goodbye to sb.和某人道别

24. see sb.off送别某人

25. be busy doing sth. be busy with sth.

26. be/get readyfor sth.为某事准备好be/get ready todo sth.准备好做某事

27. get sth.ready把某物准备好We must get dinner ready. The guests arecoming.

28. in ahurry匆忙hurry up赶快

29. by accident= bychance意外地,偶然地

30. later on以后,后来

31. take away拿走,带走

32. indanger处于危险中

33. allday long整天

34. pointout指出

35. call the police报警

36. clean up清理

37. fight with与……打架


1. so+be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语........也是如此

2. so+形容词/副词+that从句如此......以至于

3. lots of+可数名词复数/不可数名词许多......

4. advisesb. to do sth.建议某人做某事

5. be about to dosth.即将做某事

6.want to dosth.想要做某事

7. a bit+形容词/副词有点.....

8. have todo sth.不得不做某事

9. a few+可数名词复数几个......

10.be unableto do sth.不能做某事

11. try to dosth.设法做某事

12. want sbto do sth.想让某人做某事

13. start to dosth.开始做某事

14. be happyto do sth.做某事很高兴

15. tall sb. to dosth.告诉某人做某事

16. learn todo sth.学会做某事

17. be busydoing sth.忙于做某事
