500字范文 > 136 晨读夜诵 英语小故事(中英对照)“挺起胸膛”

136 晨读夜诵 英语小故事(中英对照)“挺起胸膛”

时间:2022-03-15 19:05:18


136 晨读夜诵 英语小故事(中英对照)“挺起胸膛”


More than 70 years ago, a young Norwegian(挪威人) man traveled far away across the sea to France. He wanted to take the examination for entering Paris Academy of Music.


During the examination, he tried his best to exert himself, but the examiner didn"t enroll him. The penniless(身无分文) young man went to a bustling(熙熙攘攘的) street outside the academy, tightened his belt and played the violin in his hands under a banyan(榕树) tree.

考试期间,他拼命表现自己,可是考官仍没有录取他。 年轻人身无分文,来到学院外一条人群熙攘的大街上,勒紧裤腰带,在一棵榕树下拉起了手中的小提琴。

He played one after another, attracting a lot of people to stop to listen. The hungry young man finally held his violin case in both hands, when the onlookers(围观者) produced their money and put it into the case.


A rogue(流氓) threw his money scornfully(轻蔑地) at the young man"s feet. The young man looked at the rogue, eventually bent down to pick up the money on the ground, handed it to the rogue and said, “Sir, your money dropped on the ground.”


The rogue took the money, threw it at the young man"s feet again and said arrogantly(傲慢地), “This money has been yours, and so you must take it!”


Looking at the rogue again, the young man deeply bowed to him and said, “Sir, thank you for your support! When you just dropped your money, I bent over to pick it up for you. Now my money dropped on the ground, may I trouble you to pick it up for me, too?”


The rogue was stunned(愕然) by the young man"s unexpected move, finally picked up the money, put it into the young man"s violin case and left crestfallen(灰溜溜的). Among the onlookers a pair of eyes had been quietly watching the young man.

无赖大吃一惊,他没想到年轻人出这么一招。他捡起钱,扔进琴盒,灰溜溜地走了。 就在路人中间,有一双眼安静地注视着这个年轻人。

It was the examiner just now. He brought the young man back to the academy and eventually enrolled him. This young man was called Bill Sadin, who later became a famous Norwegian muscian, whose masterpiece as “Straighten Your Chest”.

他就是刚才的考官。他把年轻人带回学院,终究 还是录取了他。 这位年轻人叫作比尔·撒丁,后来成了著名的挪威音乐家,他的代表作就叫《挺起你的胸膛》。

