500字范文 > 111 晨读夜诵 英语小故事(中英对照)“一包金子”

111 晨读夜诵 英语小故事(中英对照)“一包金子”

时间:2020-09-29 04:10:22


111 晨读夜诵 英语小故事(中英对照)“一包金子”


A beggar found a leather purse that someone had dropped in the marketplace. Opening it, he discovered that it contained 100 pieces of gold.


Then he heard a merchant shout, “A reward(悬赏)! A reward to the one who finds my leather purse!” Being an honest man, the beggar came forward and handed the purse to the merchant saying, “Here is your purse. May I have the reward now?”

这时,他听到一个买卖人喊到:“悬赏!悬赏!谁找到我的皮钱包,我重重有赏!” 乞丐是个老实人,他走上前去把钱包交给生意人,说:“我捡到了你的钱包,现在请把赏钱给我吧。”

“Reward?” scoffed(嘲笑) the merchant, greedily counting his gold. “Why, the purse I dropped had 200 pieces of gold in it. You"ve already stolen more than the reward! Go away or I"ll tell the police.”


“I"m an honest man,” said the beggar defiantly(挑战地), “Let us take this matter to the court.” In court the judge patiently listened to both sides of the story and said, “I believe you both. Justice is possible!

“我这人向来老实本分。”乞丐不服气地说,“咱们上法庭评评理吧。” 法庭上,法官耐心听完两方的陈述,说:“你俩说的话我都信。司法是公正的!


Merchant, you stated that the purse you lost contained 200 pieces of gold. Well, that"s a considerable cost. But, the purse this beggar found had only 100 pieces of gold. Therefore, it couldn"t be the one you lost.”


And, with that, the judge gave the purse and all the gold to the beggar.



scoff [skɒf] v.嘲弄

defiantly [dɪˈfaɪəntlɪ] adv.大胆对抗地

圣雄甘地(Mahatma Gandhi)认为:“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man"s need, but not every man"s greed.”(地球提供给我们的物质财富足以满足每个人的需求,但不足以满足每个人的贪欲。)
