500字范文 > 初中英语:英语单选答题技巧!附历年中考易错题


时间:2024-07-31 21:53:29





1. 直接法


——Will you come to the net bars(网吧)with me?

——Sorry. My mother always tells me there.

A. not go

B. go

C. not to go

D. to go

【解析】根据句意可知此题考查动词不定式的否定形式,即tell sb. not to do sth.,故此题应选C。

2. 关键词法

许多题目中都有这样一些词,它们对于快速而准确地判定答案起着至关重要的作用。我们称这些词为关键词key words。找到句中的关键词,也就找到了解题的突破口,例:

He hardly hurt himself in the accident, ?

A. didn't he

B. did he

C. does he

【解析】该题中hardly与hurt是起关键词作用的。凡陈述部分含有hardly, never, little, few等否定意义的词时,反意疑问句用肯定形式;而hurt一词的过去式与原形相同,此处hurt未加s,应为过去式。因此本题答案B是正确的。

3. 类推法


——Who's the man at the door?

—— .

A. He is a doctor

B. He is a friend of mine

C. He is a famous singer

D. He is twenty


4. 前后照应法


——He isn't a teacher, is he?

—— . He works in a hospital.

A. Yes, he is

B. No, he isn't

C. Yes, He isn't

D. No, he is


5. 排除法


The girl asked the teacher .

A. what does the museum looks like

B. what did the museum look like

C. what the museum looks like

D. what the museum looked like


6. 交际法


——Would you like to have another cup of tea?

—— .

A. Yes, I do

B. Not al all

C. No, thanks

D. Help yourself


二. 思维定势解题误区



1. Shanghai is larger than ___________ city in Jiangsu.

A. any

B. any other

C. other

D. one


2. There are a lot __________ apples in this basket than in that one.





【解析】此题学生往往会受短语a lot of的影响而选C,仔细研读该题则会发现此句是一个比较句型,句中的a lot实际上是用来修饰比较级的,该题的正确答案为B。

3. What did you ___________ at the meeting yesterday?





【解析】这道题学生一看会根据“在会上发言,speak at the meeting”这一短语而选A。实际上这一句的意思是“你昨天在会上讲什么了?”疑问词what在句中作动词say的宾语,指说的内容,故选取答案C。

4. The bus is coming. Let"s___________.

A. get it on

B. get it off

C. get on it

D. get it off


5. I"d heard a lot _________England. Some things were as I thought.

A. of

B. about

C. to

D. for

【解析】此题表面一看很简单,根据短语a lot of 选答案A。再看看句意,“我听说许多英国”,则发现正确答案为B,意为“听到很多有关英国的情况,有些正如我想的一样”。

6. ——Must I finish the work before five o"clock?

——No. You ___________ finish it before eight.

A. mustn"t

B. needn"t

C. can"t

D. can

【解析】对must引导的一般疑问句否定回答常用No,you needn"t.结构。但细细分析本句,就可以从标点看出No和它后面的部分实为两个句子,结合句意,可知答案为D。

7. There ________a film tomorrow evening.

A. will have

B. have

C. is going to be

D. has

【解析】此句意思很明显,“明天晚上有电影”。“有”易受汉语影响而选答案A。实际上本句应用There be句型,应选择C。

三. 解题的注意事项

1. 认真地阅读题干,哪怕是不需要填空的句子。

2. 熟记语法知识、固定短语、习惯用法。

3. 注意区分同(近)意词、同(近)意短语。

4. 学会寻找并发现题目中的关键点或隐含信息。

5. 注意解题方法的熟练运用




1. ________ it is today!

A. What fine weather

B. What a fine weather

C. How a fine weather

D. How fine a weather

解析:选A. 此题容易误选B. weather是不可数名词,前面不能有不定冠词。英语中经常考查的不可数名词有work, news, adivice, information等。

2. Which is the way to the __________?

A. shoe factory

B. shoes factory

C. shoe’s factory

D. shoes’ factory

解析:选A. 此题极易误选B, C, D. 英语中名词单数可以修饰名词,如:an apple tree—two apple trees. 但注意 a man teacher—two men teachers。

3. This class ________ now. Miss Gao teaches them.

A. are studying

B. is studying

C. be studying

D. studying

解析:选A. 此题容易误选B. class, family, team等单词如果表示整体谓语就用单数,表示个体就用复数,从语境及其后面的代词them可以看出,class表示个体,故选择A。

4. We will have a _________ holiday after the exam.

A. two month

B. two-month

C. two month’s

D. two-months

解析:选择B. 此题容易误选C, D. 在英语中数词中间用连字符号加名词单数,构成符合名词,在句中只能作定语, 如果选择C, 需要把逗号放s后面。

5. There is no enough ________ on the corner to put the table.

A. place

B. room

C. floor

D. ground

解析:选B. 此题最容易误选A.。room在句中是空间而非房间。句意:角落里没有摆桌子的空间了。

6. We can have _____ blue sky if we create _____ less polluted world.

A. a; a

B. a; the

C. the; a

D. the; the

解析:选A. 此题容易误选C, D. 根据句意:如果我们创造一个没有污染的世界,那么我们就用一个蓝色的天空。

7. — Are you ________ American or English?

— English. We are working in Wuhu.

A. a


C. the

D. an

解析:选B 此题容易误选D. 句中American是形容词而非名词,如果句中改为Are you __________ or an English man? 就选择D。

8. You like playing basketball, and he likes running, _______?

A. don’t you

B. doesn’t he

C. do you

D. does he

解析:选择B. 此题容易误选A. 其实不是对前面的句中进行反问,而是对he likes running进行反问。

9. —Why not take ____ umbrella with the sign “ Made in China”? It is _____ useful umbrella.

—What _______ good advice it is!

A. an; an; a

B. an; a; 不填

C. a; an; a

D. 不填; an; a

解析:选B. 大多数学生容易做错此题。记住an用在元音音素前而不是元音字母前,记住了这一点就知道了an umbrella 和a useful umbrella. 在最后一句中advice是不可数名词,前面不能接不定冠词。故选择B。

10. —When shall we meet again next week?

— ____ day is possible. It’s no problem with me.

A. Either

B. Neither

C. Every

D. Any

解析:此题非常难,选D. 下周任何一天都可以再次见面。Any在肯定句中意思是“任何的”。下周有七天容易排除A, B. 如果把next week 改为next Monday or Tuesday, 则必须选择A。

11. Robert has gone to ____ city and he’ll be back in a week.

A. other

B. the other

C. another

D. any other

解析:选C. 三个以上另外一个用another, other一般情况下修饰名词复数, the other表示两个中的另外一个,any other任何别的。句意:罗伯特去了另一个城市,一周后回来。

12.—A latest magazine, please.

—Only one left. Would you like to have ________?

A. it

B. one

C. this

D. that

解析:选A. 此题容易误选B. 根据句意:— 买一份最新报纸,—只剩下一份了,你要买这份吗?据此我们知道指的就是手里的那份报纸,并不是同一类事物。

13. —Which book would you like to borrow?

—_______ of the two books is OK with me.

A. Either

B. Both

C. Any

D. None

解析:选A. 此题容易误选B. 根据two books好容易排除C, D. 从谓语动词单数is 我们排除B。故选择A。

14. Mrs. Lee teaches ________ math. We all like her.

A. we

B. us

C. our

D. ours

解析:选B. 考查学生对teach sb sth。的掌握情况。此题容易误选C. 误选C的学生是看见后面有名词math, 思维定势名词前面必须用形容词性物主代词。

15. There are many trees on ________ side of the street.

A. either

B. any

C. all

D. both

解析:选A. 此题容易误选D. 街道只有两边,排除B, C. both后面接复数,on either side of the strreet等于on the both sides of. 。如果选择D. side必须用复数形式。

16.________ is the population of the city?

A. How many

B. What

C. How many people

D. How much

解析:B. 此题容易误选A, C. 人口多少用What. 相当于How many people are there in the city?

17. —Why don’t we take a little break?

— Didn’t we just have _______ ?

A. it

B .that

C. one

D. this

解析:选 C. 同类事物用one. 句意:—为什么我们不休息一会儿?—刚才我们不是才休息吗?

18. The teacher asked the boy many questions,but he only answered___ of them.





解析:A. 此题会误选D. 但前面有only, 如果去掉副词则选D。

19.About ______ the fans are waiting here. They want to see the great singer.

A. two thousand of

B.two thousand

C.thousand of

D.two thousands of

解析:选D. 此题极容易选错,误认为是B. 但two thousand后面直接接名词复数,不能有冠词the, 句意是:歌迷中大约有2000人在那里等,想看看这位伟大的歌星。

20. —How many apples do I have?

— You can have ______. I want none of them.

A. one

B. all

C. both


解析:选B. 学生易误选A , D. 其实如果没有I want none of them这句话,四个答案都是对的。从句意:我一个也不想要,就知道你可以吃所有苹果。

21.Japan is ________ the east of China. Taiwan is ____ the southeast of China.

A. in; in

B. to; in

C. on ; to

D. in; to

解析:选B. 日本位于中国东部(外面)用to, 台湾位于中国东部(内部)用in。

22.The postman shouted, “ Mr Green, here is a letter ________ you.”

A. to

B. from

C. for

D. of

解析:选C. 介词的考查。句意:Mr Green, 这是你的信。学生容易误选A。

23.He hasn’t heard from his friend __________ last month.

A. since

B. by the end of

C. for

D. until

解析: A. 此题学生容易受思维定势not… until…的影响误选D。since用于现在完成时,如果此题是一般过去时就选择D。

24.—Jimmy lost his key yesterday.

—________? It’s his third time in just one month.

A. Has he

B. Did he

C. Was he

D. Does he

解析:B. 根据上一句一般过去时可以判断。

25.You’ve passed the exam. I’m happy ______ you.

A. on

B. at

C. in

D. for

解析:选D. 句意:你考试及格了,我为你高兴。

26. I wonder ________ they finished so many different jobs in such a short time.

A. why

B. how

C. when

D. where

解析:选B. 句意:我想知道他在如此短的时间内是怎样完成这么多不同工作的。

27. —Ought I to go right now?


A. That’s very bad.

B. Yes, you go ought to

C. Yes, you ought

D. No, you ought not to

解析:选D. 句子的肯定回答为:Yes, you ought to. 否定回答为:No, you ought not to.

28. I don’t know when he ________. When he _______ here, I’ll call you in a minute.

A. will come; will arrive

B. comes; arrices

C. will come; arrives

D. comes; will arrive

解析:选C. 第一句是宾语从句根据语境用一般将来时,第二句是时间状语从句,由于主句是一般将来时,那么从句要用一般现在时来代替。

29. He turned ________ the radio a little because his father was asleep.

A. on

B. down

C. up

D. off

解析:选B. 此题学生会误选D. 但后面有个副词短语a little, 故选择B, 意为:把收音机调小一点,父亲在睡觉。如果去掉a little则选择D。

30. I don’t know the homework _______ today.

A. on

B. in

C. of

D. for

解析:选D. 句意:我不知道今天的家庭作业。

31. —Would you like some coffee?

—Yes, and please get me some milk. I prefer coffee _____ milk.

A. with

B. to

C. of

D. on

解析:A. 此题学生极易受思维定势prefer… to… 的影响误选B。句意:我喜欢加牛奶的咖啡。

32. They each ___ a book. Each of them ___ from China.

A. has;are

B. have; is

C. are having;are

D. is having;is

解析:选B. 此题考查主谓一致。此题应该用一般现在时,排除C, D. each作同位语谓语动词与主语保持一致,each做主语谓语动词用单数。

33. — __________ you ________ your book to the library?

— Yes. I returned it yesterday.

A. Did, return

B. Have, returned

C. Will, return

D. Do, return

解析:选择B. 此题容易误选A. 从句意看:你把书归还图书馆了吗?是的。我昨天归还了。对现在的影响是“书不在这儿了”。

34. Though it’s cloudy now, it _________ get sunny later.

A. can

B. may

C. must

D. need

解析:选B. 表示可能性用may. Can主要表示两种用法,一种是表示能力,另外一种是请求许可; must必须;need需要。

35.It is in the library, you _______ talk loudly.

A. may not

B. can’t

C. needn’t

D. mustn’t


36. If anyone wants to say something in class, you ________ put up your hands first.

A. must

B. may

C. should

D. can


37.The pen _________ him ten yuan.

A. paid

B. cost

C. took

D. spent

解析:选B. 动词辨析。主语是物用cost. Pay, spend的主语是人。Take的形式主语是it。

38. The train _________ for twenty minutes.

A. left

B. has left

C. is leaving

D. has been away

解析:选D. 此题形式会误选B. 但瞬间性动词不能与一段时间for twenty minutes连用。

39. — How many books _____ they ________?

— Five. But they haven’t finished reading even one.

A. did…borrow

B. had…borrowed

C . will…borrow

D. do…borrow


40. He _________ his bike,so he has to walk there.

A. lost

B. has lost

C. had lost

D. loses

解析:选B. 此题考查时态,根据语境他丢了自行车,对现在造成的影响是不得不走路。

