500字范文 > As she waited at the edge of the ice for her music to start Peggy took a quick look at he

As she waited at the edge of the ice for her music to start Peggy took a quick look at he

时间:2018-09-16 05:38:36


As she waited at the edge of the ice for her music to start  Peggy took a quick look at he


As she waited at the edge of the ice for her music to start, Peggy took a quick look at her father standing nearby with a group of parents and teachers. He smiled at her. Then she 1 out at the audience, 2 to see her mother. These two, Alvert and Doris Fleming, had 3 all the way from California more than 2,000 miles away, to see their 4 compete in this sports meet in Cleveland, Ohio.

The music 5 and Peggy moved onto the ice, letting the music 6 her along into her turns, and she began skating with much 7 in herself. The cold fear she always had in the 8 seconds before skating onto the ice was 9. She was feeling the movement of the 10 and letting it carry her. She skated easily, 11 did some jumps, a final turn and her performance was 12.

The crowd loved it and cheered 13 she skated off the ice. “Nice job,” said one of the other 14. It was the remark that 15 came after a free-skating performance. But what would the 16 say? Standing beside her father, Peggy 17 for the scoring to be finished. On all sides were other young skaters, some waiting 18 alone, others with a parent. Shortly before 10 o’clock the results were 19. The new United States Women’s Skating Champion was Peggy forming of Padena, 20!

1. A. looked B. watched C. found D. stepped

2. A. tried B. hoped C. hoping D. looking forward

3. A. flown B. driven C. hoped D. prepared

4. A. friend B. children C. son D. daughter

5. A. started B. played C. develop D. sang

6. A. allow B. set out C. carry D. support

7. A. thought B. belief C. success D. design

8. A. last B. following C. recent D. past

9. A. lost B. presentC. string D. gone

10. A. ice B. fear C. music D. audience

11. A. so B. or C. before D. then

12. A. satisfied B. finished C. unsatisfactory D. welcome

13. A. because B. untilC. as D. before

14. A. skaters B. parents C. judgesD. audiences

15. A. seldom B. always C. again D. hardly

16. A. players B. audience C. parents D. judges

17. A. looked B. wished C. waited D. asked

18. A. comfortablyB. anxiously C. hurriedly D. happily

19. A. cried out B. let out C. declared D. announced

20. A. California B. Cleveland C. Ohio D. England1-- 20 ACBDA CBADC DBCAB DCBDA




1. A。因为观众都是站在场外的,所以她向外“看”。

2. C。她向外看的目的是“希望”能看到她妈妈。

3. B。根据 all the way(全程)来判断他们是开车来的,其余选项均不宜与其搭配。

4. D。从文章开头的 …Peggy took a quick look at her father standing nearby …可得出答案。

5. A。根据滑冰场上的惯例,音乐“开始”后,滑冰运动员才开始滑动。

6. C。根据滑冰的情景,音乐“带”她进入旋转。

7. B。根据常识,比赛开始,运动员要“自信”,还可根据后面的in herself 来判断得出答案。

8. A。根据常识在比赛开始前的“最后”几秒钟产生畏惧感。

9. D。gone 表示“结束了”的意思。

10. C。因为比赛即将结束,可她心里还没有平静,就像惯性一样,认为“音乐”还在运动。

11. D。then 表示顺序的先后。

12. B。根据前面的 a final turn(最后的旋转)可知她的表演就要“结束”了。

13. C。根据前后句的所属关系,后面是时间状语从句,as=when(当…时候)。

14. A。因为前面已经叙述了观众的赞赏,所以对于后来的赞赏应该是“其中一个滑冰运动员”。

15. B。根据经验,自由滑冰表演之后“总是”要给予评判的。

16. D。根据前面的 remark 及竞技场上的常识,评判、打分应是“裁判员”。

17. C。运动员比赛完之后要“等待”最后的得分结果。

18. B。表示运动员“急切地”想知道分数的心情。

19. D。根据比赛常识,要“宣布、通知”比赛的结果。

20. A。从文章的第 1 段all the way from California可得出答案。
