500字范文 > I can still remember the first day when I met my best friend I hid behind my mother and s

I can still remember the first day when I met my best friend I hid behind my mother and s

时间:2022-08-10 20:07:16


I can still remember the first day when I met my best friend I hid behind my mother and s


I can still remember the first day when I met my best friend. I hid behind my mother and she hid behind her grandmother, 36 to look at each other. But we soon lost the 37 and started playing with each other. In the 7th grade, I first lost touch with her. She was 38 family problems and I deserted her to be with the “cooler people.” 39 of my new friends liked her as much as I did 40 they knew she had “problems”. However, every summer we would 41 sit at each other’s home and watch soap operas and talk about everything we liked.

It was last year when I 42 the problem. I guess I was just too busy in high school to realize she needed someone there for her. Well, she made a new “best friend” and 43 did I. Then I didn’t know why, but she started cutting herself.

She was diagnosed with clinical depression(抑郁症). I was very 44 at first, but with the late night calls, we still stayed in 45. I wanted to be there for her since her new best friend 46 deserted her, when people were calling her 47 , but I knew I still 48 her like a sister.

Yesterday she came 49 me and said this,” I never knew what a best friend was 50 I found you were the only person that would stop me from cutting, the only person that ever made me feel better about myself and my 51. You don’t know this but I was trying to kill myself one night when you 52 me. I 53 you so much, and you didn’t even know you were 54 me.” We both cried. And I guess a kind of lesson from my life so far is to never 55 your friends.

【小题1】A.pleasedB.excitedC.scaredD.disappointed【小题2】A.happinessB.kindnessC.shynessD.sadness【小题3】A.working outB.answering forC.helping withD.going through【小题4】A.AllB.NoneC.NoD.Every【小题5】A.becauseB.thoughC.whileD.yet【小题6】A.hardlyB.seldomC.justD.always【小题7】A.solvedB.noticedC.facedD.ignored【小题8】A.neitherB.soC.tooD.also【小题9】A.madB.carelessC.hopefulD.upset【小题10】A.touchB.bedC.hospitalD.love【小题11】A.luckilyB.successfullyC.actuallyD.calmly【小题12】A.selfishB.crazyC.braveD.lonely【小题13】A.believed inB.waited forC.cared aboutD.replied to【小题14】A.withB.afterC.uponD.to【小题15】A.untilB.whenC.sinceD.if【小题16】A.mistakesB.parentsC.friendsD.problems【小题17】A.visitedB.encouragedC.calledD.prevented【小题18】A.tellB.oweC.giveD.show【小题19】A.helpingB.remindingC.cheatingD.praising【小题20】A.give upB.look back atC.drop in atD.look down onC




【小题1】C考查形容词。根据hid behind my mother and she hid behind her grandmother可知两个孩子初次见面感到害怕。A.pleased“高兴的”,不合题意。B.excited“兴奋的,激动的”,不合题意。C.scared“恐惧的”,与前半句照应,是正确选项。D.disappointed“失望的”,不合常理。


【小题3】D考查动词。lose touch with与……失去联系,desert作动词表示“抛弃,遗弃”。作者之所以抛弃她的原因是她精神有问题,第二段最后一句“She started cutting herself!”也提供了暗示。A.working out“做出,解决”,她只是一个孩子,不能解决家庭问题。B.answering for“负责”,不合题意。C.helping with“帮助”,与下文不符。D.going through“经受”,与前一句照应,是正确选项。



【小题6】D考查副词。would过去经常,soap opera肥皂剧,talk about everything we liked谈论我们喜欢的一切。根据every summer和would可知是经常发生的动作。always“总是”,强调经常发生,是正确选项。

【小题7】B考查动词。 when在句中引导时间状语从句,不可与强调句型“it is/was...that...”混淆。她的病情在恶化,作者才意识到问题的严重性。下文“She started cutting herself!”也提供了暗示。A.solved“解决”,不合题意。B.noticed“注意到”,与下文照应,是正确选项。C.faced“面对”,是她生病而不是作者需要面对这一问题。D.understood“理解”,不合题意。

【小题8】B考查副词。so+助动词+主语表示……也是如此 (不同的人)。 助动词取决于上文的时态。

【小题9】D考查形容词。好朋友生病,作者自然会为此不安。A.mad“发疯的”,不合常理。 B.careless“粗心的”,与上下文无联系。C.hopeful“充满希望的”,不合题意。D.upset“不安的”,与前一句照应,是正确选项。

【小题10】A考查名词。根据上下文,他们在夜间用电话保持联系。A.stay in touch相当于keep in touch保持联系,与前半句打电话照应,是正确选项。B.stayed in bed表示“卧病在床”,不合题意。C.stayed in hospital表示“生病住院”,而作者并没有生病。D.love,他们只是孩子,与爱情无关。

【小题11】C考查副词。be there for her陪伴她。作者想照顾她的原因是她的新朋友基本上把她遗弃了。A.luckily“幸运地”,不合题意。B.successfully“成功地”,与后面的“抛弃”搭配不当。C.basically“基本上”,与下文照应,是正确选项。D.calmly“冷静地”,体现不出她承受的沉重打击。

【小题12】B考查形容词。她病情发作时会自残,因此人们认为发疯了。A.selfish“自私的”,文中没有任何地方可以表明此意。crazy“发疯的”,上下文“She started cutting herself!”照应,是正确选项。C.brave“勇敢的”,不合常理。D.lonely“孤独的”,她还有作者这位朋友,因此不孤独。

【小题13】C考查动词。朋友生病,应悉心照顾。A.believed in“信任”,不合题意。B.waited for“等待”,与后面like a sister不符。C.cared about“照顾”,与下文及二人之间的关系联系紧密,是正确选项。D.replied to“回答”,她并没有向作者提出任何问题。

【小题14】D考查介词。上文提到两人在晚上用电话保持联系,因此可推断她是来找作者。come with表示“和……一起来”,不合题意。come after表示“跟踪”,显然不对。come upon表示“突袭”,显然错误。come to表示“来”,与上下文呼应,是正确选项。


【小题16】D考查名词。 make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事,feel better about oneself自我感觉好了一些。上面多次提到她有精神问题,而她肯定会为此闷闷不乐。作者的关心给她树立了信心,让她不再为此而苦恼万分。A.mistakes“错误”,因病情发作而有非常举动是情不得已。B.parents“父母”,不合题意。C.friends“朋友”,她只有作者一个朋友。D.problems“问题”,前后呼应,是正确选项。

【小题17】C考查动词。前面提到用电话同她保持联系。A.visited“拜访”,应该是她来拜访作者。B.encouraged“鼓励”,文中没有提到作者对她的鼓励。C.called“打电话”,与前面照应,是正确选项。D.prevented“阻止” ,作者并不知道她要自杀。



【小题20】A考查动词短语。总括全文,呼应主题。give up on sb.表示“对某人的康复不再抱有希望”,与主题呼应,是正确选项。look back表示“回忆”,不合题意。drop in表示“顺便拜访”,显然错误。look down表示“轻视”,干扰性很强,但文中多次提到desert,显然作者意在表明任何情况下都不要放弃自己的朋友。
