500字范文 > When I was a little girl my father loved to play the game of “catch the ball” with me. I

When I was a little girl my father loved to play the game of “catch the ball” with me. I

时间:2019-02-14 13:06:36


When I was a little girl  my father loved to play the game of “catch the ball” with me. I


When I was a little girl, my father loved to play the game of “catch the ball” with me. I wasn’t good at it21 he didn’t mind at all. He was always telling me to22 my eyes on the ball; otherwise I would not be able to23 it when he threw it to me.

As I got older, we didn’t play the game as24 as before. If I had a 25 , I would go to my father and 26 his advice. He would try to make a joke and say, “Keep your eyes on the ball.” We would both laugh 27 that advice was not usually able to 28 the problem, but he would just try to make me 29 .

My father became 30 in 1995 when I was 23. There were not any more conversations, as he was 31 from a terrible disease. He couldn’t 32 ; he could only move his 33 without making a sound, which was sometimes 34 to understand. I seemed to be 35 good at reading his lips after a while, even better than the nurses that were 36 him.

During one of our last 37 I was telling him about a difficulty I was 38 . Once again, I could read his lips. “Keep your eyes on the ball,” he said. We both smiled. That was the last time I saw my father 39 he passed away.

Sometimes now, all those years later when I get into a 40 situation, I just tell myself, “Keep your eyes on the ball.”

【小题1】A.andB.but C.so D.or【小题2】A.keep B.leave C.find D.hold【小题3】A.watch B.feel C.move D.catch【小题4】A.quickB.much C.manyD.little【小题5】A.surprise B.wound C.dangerD.problem【小题6】A.pay for B.send for C.look for D.ask for【小题7】A.because B.unlessC.ifD.when【小题8】A.settleB.produce C.drop D.realize【小题9】A.worryB.smile C.studyD.talk【小题10】A.adviceB.ill C.busy D.wealthy【小题11】A.recoveringB.thinking C.suffering D.preventing【小题12】A.eatB.seeC.speakD.jump【小题13】A.lips B.face C.handsD.eyes【小题14】A.interestingB.boring C.easyD.hard【小题15】A.quite B.nearly C.hardlyD.still【小题16】A.waiting forB.thinking aboutC.caring forD.worrying about【小题17】A.impressionsB.experiencesC.games D.conversations【小题18】A.looking throughB.going throughC.coming upD.getting along【小题19】A.before B.afterC.until D.as【小题20】A.shockingB.puzzlingC.frightening D.troublingB




【小题1】B 上下文串联。我不擅长这个游戏,但是他一点也不介意。

【小题2】A 上下文串联。根据第二段第2行“Keep your eyes on the ball.说明A正确。

【小题3】D 动词辨析。A看B感觉C 移动D抓住;否则我就会抓不住扔向我的球。

【小题4】B 词义分析。As much as…和…一样多;随着我长大,我们玩这个游戏不如以前那么多了。

【小题5】D 上下文串联。根据28空后the problem说明我遇见了问题想父亲征求建议。

【小题6】D 短语辨析。A付钱买B派人去请C寻找D征求;我遇见了难题,想父亲征求建议。

【小题7】A 连词辨析。A因为B除非C如果D当…时;因为这个建议通常不能解决问题,我们都会心一笑。

【小题8】A 动词辨析。A解决B生产C脱落D意识到;settle the problem解决这个问题。

【小题9】B 上下文串联。指父亲想用这个笑话让我笑,让我有积极的态度来面对问题。

【小题10】B 上下文串联。根据下文描述,父亲生病了。

【小题11】C 动词辨析。A康复B思考C患病D阻止,预防;固定词组suffer from…患…病。

【小题12】C 上下文串联。根据下文我根据父亲的嘴唇来猜测他说的话,说明父亲不能说话。

【小题13】A 名词辨析。A嘴唇B脸C手D眼睛;父亲只能动嘴唇,但是却发不出声音。

【小题14】D 形容词辨析。A有趣B厌烦C容易D困难;有时候很难去理解父亲的唇语。

【小题15】A 副词辨析。A非常B几乎C几乎不D仍然;我非常擅长理解父亲的唇语。

【小题16】C 短语辨析。A等待B思考C照顾D担心;指我比照顾父亲的护士还要擅长理解父亲的唇语。

【小题17】D 名词辨析。A印象B经历C游戏D对话;在我和父亲的最后一次对话中,我告诉他我遇见了难题。

【小题18】B 短语辨析。A浏览B经历C出现D进展,相处;我告诉父亲我所经历的难题。

【小题19】A 连词辨析。A在…之前B在…之后C直到…才D当…时;这是父亲去世之前我最后一次看见他。

【小题20】D 上下文串联。当我陷入困境的时候,我总会想起父亲对我说的“Keep your eyes on the ball.”
