500字范文 > Richard’s father died when he was five. Later on he 36his mother. The poor boy had to 37on

Richard’s father died when he was five. Later on he 36his mother. The poor boy had to 37on

时间:2022-08-08 04:54:08


Richard’s father died when he was five. Later on he 36his mother. The poor boy had to 37on


Richard’s father died when he was five. Later on he 36his mother. The poor boy had to 37on his own, so he went to work for a rich farmer, who paid him nothing except food and clothes. An old woman felt 38for him and often helped him. The boy wanted to go to (the) 39very much, but he had no money. But he 40lost heart and found some old books near the school and 41himself to read and write.

There was a narrow 42between two mountains which connected the village and the town. One morning people 43there was a big stone on the path. It brought them 44: they had to move it away, or they had to cross the mountains to the town. 45the stone weighed thirty tons at least and even the strongest young man couldn’t move it. They 46for a long time, but nobody knew what to do.

Richard looked at it carefully for a while and said, “I have a 47to move it away.” But 48men believed him. Some villagers even 49him. The night 50and people went back. Only the boy stayed there. To their surprise, the villagers found the stone was 51the next morning. They didn’t 52who had moved it away. The old woman said Richard had done it all by himself.

“How could he?” the rich farmer called out, “He’s 53fifteen! He couldn’t move it at all!”

“He 54a big hole beside the stone.” said the old woman, “and then he could 55push it into the hole!”

Looking at each other, the villagers couldn’t say a word.

【小题1】A.lostB.lovedC.supportedD.helped【小题2】A.studyB.think C.liveD.work【小题3】A.angryB.proudC.sorryD.excited【小题4】A.townB.mountainC.schoolD.bed【小题5】A.stillB.evenC.everD.never【小题6】A.asked B.taught C.agreedD.caused【小题7】A.window B.pathC.doorD.river【小题8】A.foundB.believedC.askedD.counted【小题9】A.happinessB.moneyC.goodD.difficulty【小题10】A.ForB.SoC.And D.But【小题11】A.discussedB.stayedC.playedD.cried【小题12】A.bookB.questionC.textD.way【小题13】A.fewB.mostC.manyD.some【小题14】A.cared aboutB.looked atC.looked after D.laughed at【小题15】A.fellB.went C.madeD.worked【小题16】A.brokenB.heavierC.goneD.smaller【小题17】A.forget B.rememberC.knowD.notice【小题18】A.mainly B.only C.nearly D.already【小题19】A.putB.setC.dugD.filled【小题20】A.excitedlyB.easilyC.luckilyD.happilyA




【小题1】考查动词:A. lost失去B. loved爱C. supported支持D. helped帮助,句意:后来,他失去了妈妈。选A。

【小题2】考查动词:A. study学习B. think思考C. live生活D. work工作,句意:男孩只好自己生活,选C。

【小题3】考查形容词:A. angry生气的,B. proud骄傲的,C. sorry抱歉的D. excited兴奋的,句意:一个老太太为他感到难过。选C。

【小题4】考查名词:A. town城镇B. mountain山脉C. school学校D. bed床,男孩想上学。选C。

【小题5】考查副词:A. still仍然B. even 甚至C. ever曾经D. never从不,但他从不灰心,选D。

【小题6】考查动词:A. asked问B. taught教C. agreed同意D. caused导致,自学:teach oneself,选B。

【小题7】考查名词:A. window窗户B. path道路C. door门D. river河,两座山之间有一条小路。

【小题8】考查动词:A. found发现B. believed相信C. asked问D. counted数,句意:有一天人们发现路上有块石头。选A。

【小题9】考查名词:A. happiness快乐B. money钱C. good好D. difficulty困难,从后面的they had to move it away, or they had to cross the mountains to the town.可知是给他们带来了困难。选D。

【小题10】考查连词:A. For因为B. So所以C. And并且D. But但是,但是石头至少中30吨。选D。

【小题11】考查动词:A. discussed讨论B. stayed停留C. played玩D. cried哭,他们讨论了一段时间,但没有人知道怎么做。选A。

【小题12】考查名词:A. book书B. question问题C. text课本D. way道路,我有办法把它移开,way表示“方法”。选D。

【小题13】考查形容词:A. few几乎没有人B. most最多C. many很多C. some一些,几乎没有人相信他。 选A。

【小题14】考查词组:A. cared about在乎B. looked at看C. looked after照顾D. laughed at嘲笑,一些村民甚至嘲笑他。选D。

【小题15】考查动词:A. fell跌跤B. went去C. made制作D. worked工作,夜晚降临了,人们都去睡觉了。选A。

【小题16】考查形容词:A. broken破碎的,B. heavier更重的C. gone不见了D. smaller更小,村民发现大石头不见了。选C。

【小题17】考查动词:A. forget忘记B. remember记住C. know知道D. notice注意,他们不知道是谁把它搬走的。选C。

【小题18】考查副词:A. mainly主要是B. only只是C. nearly几乎D. already已经,他只有15岁。选B。

【小题19】考查动词:A. put扑灭B. set设置C. dug挖D. filled填,他在大石头旁边挖了大洞。选C。

【小题20】考查副词:A. excitedly兴奋地B. easily容易地C. luckily幸运地D. happily快乐地,然后很容易的把石头推倒洞里。选B。
