500字范文 > It was black in the evening. Andy a 12-year-old boy was unwilling to go outside. But his

It was black in the evening. Andy a 12-year-old boy was unwilling to go outside. But his

时间:2023-02-25 02:56:13


It was black in the evening. Andy  a 12-year-old boy was unwilling to go outside. But his


It was black in the evening. Andy, a 12-year-old boy was unwilling to go outside. But his mother, Lilly, was worried about his father and 36he go.

About an hour ago, the husband said he had to 37his car outside their house. 38enough, it seemed that the wife hadn’t heard a single 39for a long time.

“Go and have a look. What on earth is he doing?” she said to Andy.

The boy walked out and called into the darkness “Dad?”

“Andy?” 40was his father, who spoke slowly, in a strange way. Actually, his voice sounded 41.

That evening, when the man had to get 42the car to fix it, he used a forklift to lift the car. 43, the man didn’t place the blocks in front of the car’ s front tires to keep it from 44 forward off the forks, which was exactly 45it did afterwards.

Little Andy saw his dad’s feet 46out from beneath the car. 47to take a full breath, his father sank into a sleepy, half-alive 48.

“Keep calm, mum. Everything will be all right.” The boy 49the scared mother.

He climbed on and tried to do something to help. Finally, the car started to come off the ground and hung in the 50.

After a few minutes, the policemen were sent for. Luckily, the father, who 51under the car, could still breathe, alive.

It wasn’t 52his dad was carried into an ambulance heading for the hospital that the little boy 53and couldn’t help crying.

Andy says one satisfying change has come out of the 54: he is able to spend more time with his dad, who hasn’t touched a car 55his car fell on him.

【小题1】A.statedB.demandedC.declaredD.announced【小题2】A.cleanB.buyC.fixD.sell【小题3】A.StrangelyB.InterestinglyC.FortunatelyD.Naturally【小题4】A.wordB.voiceC.noiseD.sound【小题5】A.HeB.ThisC.ThereD.It【小题6】A.usualB.differentC.calmD.upset【小题7】A.intoB.ontoC.beneathD.above【小题8】A.SomehowB.AnyhowC.SomewhatD.Anyway【小题9】A.sinking B.rollingC.drivingD.running【小题10】A.whatB.howC.whyD.which【小题11】A.bringingB.movingC.stickingD.taking【小题12】A.UnableB.UnlikelyC.LikelyD.Able【小题13】A.circumstanceB.environmentC.stateD.position【小题14】A.encouragedB.comfortedC.requiredD.persuaded【小题15】A.shadeB.skyC.windD.air【小题16】A.sleptB.satC.stoodD.lay【小题17】A.untilB.unlessC.whenD.while【小题18】A.broke outB.broke downC.broke upD.broke off【小题19】A.matterB.affairC.accidentD.event【小题20】A.afterB.beforeC.whenD.sinceB




【小题1】B 动词辨析。A陈述B要求C/D宣布;妈妈要求他出去看一下爸爸在做什么。

【小题2】C 上下文串联。根据下文42空后to fix it说明父亲出去修理汽车了。Fix维修。

【小题3】A 副词辨析。A奇怪B有趣C幸运D自然;奇怪的是她一点声音也没有听见。

【小题4】D 名词辨析。A单词B嗓音C噪音D声音;这里的sound是任何声音。

【小题5】D 语法分析。It可以指代未知的看不见的人或者事物,这里是指黑暗中父亲的声音。

【小题6】B 形容词辨析。A通常B不同C镇定D难受;这里是指父亲的声音和平时不一样。

【小题7】C 介词辨析。要到车子的下面去修理,使用介词beneath在…下面。

【小题8】A 副词辨析。A不知何故B/D无论如何C稍微;不知道为什么他没有把障碍物放在车前。

【小题9】B 动词辨析。A沉没B滚动C驾驶D奔跑;指障碍物阻止汽车向前滚动。

【小题10】A 语法分析。这里的what引导的是表语从句,what在句中做宾语。

【小题11】C 动词辨析。A带来B移动C伸出D带走;他看见父亲的脚从车子下面伸了出来。

【小题12】A 形容词辨析。A不能B不可能C困难D能够;父亲无法充分呼吸,进入一种半死状态。

【小题13】C 名词辨析。A情况B环境C状态D职位;指父亲进入了一种很危险的状态。

【小题14】B 动词辨析。A鼓励B安慰C要求D说服;儿子在安慰惊恐的母亲不要担心。

【小题15】D 上下文串联。根据come off the ground说明汽车离地了,进入了空中。

【小题16】D 动词辨析。A睡觉B坐C站D躺;父亲躺在车子的下面,几乎不能呼吸,但是还活着。

【小题17】A 语法分析。这里的Not until直到…才…;直到父亲被抬进了救护车,这个男孩才崩溃了,情不自禁地哭了起来。

【小题18】B 短语辨析。A爆发B崩溃,垮掉C分解,破裂D折断,终止;这个男孩才崩溃了。

【小题19】C 上下文串联。根据上文的描述可知是在父亲修车的时候出现的一点事故。

【小题20】D 语法分析。横线前面句子使用了现在完成时,说明这里使用since连接;自从事故以来,他的父亲就一直没有开车。
