500字范文 > Long time ago there was a farmer who lived with his daughter. A young man fell in love wi

Long time ago there was a farmer who lived with his daughter. A young man fell in love wi

时间:2023-08-17 21:37:46


Long time ago  there was a farmer who lived with his daughter. A young man fell in love wi


Long time ago, there was a farmer who lived with his daughter. A young man fell in love with the farmer’s beautiful daughter and wished to 36 her. One day, he went to the farmer to 37 his permission. The farmer looked at him and said, “ Guy, stand out in that 38 . I’m going to release (释放) 39 bulls, one at a time. If you can 40 the tail of any one of the three bulls, you can marry my daughter.”

41 , the young man got out and stood in the field, 42 the first bull. The barn(牛棚) door 43 and out came the biggest bull that he had ever seen. He 44 that one of the next bulls had to be a better 45 than this one, so he ran over to the side and let the bull 46 .

A few 47 later, the barn door opened again. Unbelievable! The young man had never seen any bull so 48 and fierce as this one in his life. It stood there, pawing(扒) the 49 and eyeing the young man. “ What the next 50 was like ? It had to be a better choice than this one,” he thought. He let the bull pass through again.

The door opened a third time. A 51 came across the young man’s face. This was the weakest bull that he had ever seen. “ This one was my bull,” he 52 to himself. As the bull came running by, he positioned himself just right and 53 at just the exact moment. He threw his hands to catch ...... But to his 54 , the bull had no tail.

Life is full of opportunities.55 catch the first one.

【小题1】A.callB.recognizeC.respect D.marry【小题2】A.remember B.copyC.askD.answer【小题3】A.fieldB.forestC.river D.building【小题4】A.twoB.threeC.fourD.five【小题5】A.seeB.cut C.catchD.discover【小题6】A.ImmediatelyB.Quietly C.FinallyD.Proudly【小题7】A.talking aboutB.thinking ofC.looking forD.waiting for【小题8】A.movedB.openedC.brokeD.closed【小题9】A.decidedB.noticed C.suggestedD.learned【小题10】A.ruleB.helpC.choiceD.reason【小题11】A.get upB.go back C.fall downD.pass through【小题12】A.secondsB.daysC.hoursD.months【小题13】A.famousB.big C.shortD.beautiful【小题14】A.houseB.wallC.groundD.door【小题15】A.fishB.horseC.bird D.bull【小题16】A.pityB.shameC.smileD.tear【小题17】A.explainedB.saidC.sang D.flew【小题18】A.jumpedB.escaped C.stoppedD.shouted【小题19】A.angerB.surpriseC.joyD.excitement【小题20】A.NeverB.OftenC.SeldomD.AlwaysD




【小题1】联系上下文法。从下文 you can marry my daughter(原词复现)结合上一句中fell in love with the farmer’s beautiful daughter可知此处指年轻人希望娶农夫的女儿。

【小题2】联系上下文法。前面提到年轻人希望娶农夫的女儿,因而前往农夫家请求农夫的许可。ask permission请求许可。

【小题3】联系上下文法。从第二段stood in the field(原词复现)可知农夫要求年轻人站在田野里。故选A

【小题4】联系上下文法。从下文中the tail of any one of the three bulls(原词复现)可得知农夫说他会放出三头公牛。

【小题5】联系上下文法。从倒数第二段He threw his hands to catch ...及最后一段catch the first one..(原词复现)可知农夫让年轻人抓三头公牛中任何一头的尾巴,一旦抓住就把女儿许配给他。

【小题6】副词辨析。A.Immediately立刻,马上B.Quietly安静地C.Finally最后,终于D. Proudly自豪地。根据语境,年轻人急切的想娶农夫的女儿,自然会立马按农夫的要求去做,故选A

【小题7】短语辨析。A.talking about谈论,谈到B. thinking of想起,认为C.looking for寻找D.waiting for等待。句意:年轻人站在田里,等着公牛的到来。

【小题8】逻辑推理法。从下文的out came the biggest bull及 the barn door opened again可推断出牛棚被打开,故填opened。

【小题9】动词辨析。A. decided对…作出抉择;决定;选定。根据语境他认为下一头牛是更好得选择,这是他的决定,故选A。B. noticed注意到C. Suggested建议,暗示D.learned得知,获悉,不合题意。

【小题10】联系上下文法。从下一段It had to be a better choice than this one(复现)可知此处选choice

【小题11】联系上下文法。从下一段He let the bull pass through again可知此处选D


【小题13】 从“had never seen ”及“ fierce ”可以推断出第二出场的这头牛又大又凶猛,故选B

【小题14】第二出场的这头牛趴在地上,注视着年轻人。故选C。A.house房子B. Wall墙壁D.door门,均与语境不符。


【小题16】从下一句This was the weakest bull that he had ever seen说明年轻抑制不住心中的喜悦,故选smile。

【小题17】根据上一句“ This one was my bull,”推断出这是年轻人他暗自思忖着,故选B

【小题18】动词辨析。他调整好他的位置然后在精准的时刻跳过来抓(牛尾巴)故选A.而B.escaped躲避C. stopped停止D. shouted大声喊,均不合题意


