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阅读下列应用文及相关信息 并按照要求匹配信息 请在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字

时间:2021-10-03 17:15:10


阅读下列应用文及相关信息 并按照要求匹配信息 请在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字




A. Cao Amin, 18

Xuanhua No 1 High School, Hebei

Keeping pace with teachers is a good way to study.Teachers are experienced and their plans are systematic.But remember to work m a way that suits you.Its also important to team from past mistakes.Keep a notebook to make a record of the mistakes you make - itll help you avoid making the same ones later.

B.Zhang Zilu, 17

Xinyu No 1 High School, Jiangxi

This time of life may be hard, but you e not alone.You may be busy studying, but you can show your care by calling yow friends or sending a short message.Don let your friendships die.Some boys and girls in my class were in love, but Id advise against a relationship at this stage.

C. Zhan Yu, 17

Huanggang High School, Hubei

It’s as important to live well as it is to study well, I think. I went to bed no later than 11:30 pm. It put me in the right mood for the next day. I didn’t follow a special diet (饮食), but I did make sure I ate a nutritious breakfast each day.

D. Ju Shuntian, 18

Yantai Economic and Technological Development Zone Senior High School, Shandong

The person who plays well, studies well. Having a lot of schoolwork doesn’t mean having to give up on every other activity. I played basketball or took a walk to relax when I felt tired. Time out is not a waste of time but helps you study more efficiently.

E. Zhang Qingzhou, 17

Dongtai High School, Jiangsu

Besides taking the big exam, you have other choices for college. I took the independent enrollment (自主招生) exam held by Peking University and some other students even prepared to study abroad. Pay attention to any relevant information you can find, whether it’s from school, the news media or another source.

F. Wu Dandan, 18

Liaocheng No. 1 High School, Shandong

Besides learning from the textbooks, students can also learn a lot from traveling from place to place. In different places you will see different things, meet different people and have different experiences. If you are curious enough, you can explore deeper into the area and obtain more useful information, which serves as your new knowledge.


【小题1】Zhang Xu is an active and energetic boy who enjoys many sports like swimming, football, badminton, cycling and jogging. He has a lot of friends at school and they often spend a lot of time on rivers, fields and mountains. Is it good to spend so little time in the library? How to allocate time between academic lectures and outing? Thats his problem.

【小题2】Xiao Lili has much difficulty m catching up with her classmates m chemistry and physics. But her superiority lies in music and English, so she is dreaming of becoming a professional singer. She hopes that her strong points can help pave her way to future success. Can I go to a musical college without taking NMET? she wonders.

【小题3】Guo Jie is a hardworking boy but, unfortunately, he gets low marks in every test. He is always busy with his own study plan. When he didn’t finish his work the earlier day, he will bury his mind in his work to fulfill his plan, ignoring the teacher’s lectures. “How can I raise my marks?” he is puzzled.

【小题4】Song Siwei is a slim and pretty girl, who works hard at all her lessons. But she was so absorbed in her studeies that she is even unwilling to tear herself off at meal times. She is always the last to leave the classroom and the first to arrive. She starts to feel dizzy and have headaches. “What might happen to me?” she wonders.

【小题5】Zhang Lan is a charming girl who is active both in the classroom and on the sports field. She is kind to all her classmates. Some boys in her class tend to talk to her at every possible opportunity and even invite her to meals. That makes her pleased but costs her quite some time. She doesn’t know whether it is right to accept kindness from the boys.F




【小题1】F Zhang Xu喜欢户外运动,朋友狠多。他把很多的时间都花在了户外了。把很多的时间花在图书馆里是否值得。F项的Wu Dandan和Zhang Xu的情况很类似,喜欢户外活动,喜欢旅游;从户外运动中学习到很多的知识。故这两个人可以分为一组进行讨论。

【小题2】E Xiao Lili物理化学成绩不好,特别喜欢音乐和英语,希望未来做歌手。希望自己不参加高考就能上大学。E项的Zhang Qingzhou,认为除了高考以为,还可以参加大学的自主招生,不通过高考就可以读大学,故这两个人的观点一致。

【小题3】A Guo Jie学习很努力,但是成绩却不好。他总是在按照自己的计划来做,不管老师的建议。他想知道如何提高自己的文化成绩,A项中的Cao Amin认为服从老师的要求是最重要的。因为老师是很有经验的,故Cao Amin可以给郭杰这方面的建议。

【小题4】C Song Siwei学习非常刻苦,对身体已经产生了不好的影响了。C项中的Zhan Yu认为学习好喝生活好同样重要。他可以给Song Siwei一些在学习和生活上取得平衡的建议。

【小题5】B Zhang Lan很迷人成绩也很好;但是受到了很多男生的影响。B项中的Zhang Zilu认为现在的学生应该把学习放在第一位上,故Zhang Zilu可以给张兰一些建议。

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