500字范文 > 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分;满分20分)My name is Amy. I’m a 25-year-ol

完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分;满分20分)My name is Amy. I’m a 25-year-ol

时间:2020-04-16 02:58:19


完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分;满分20分)My name is Amy. I’m a 25-year-ol



My name is Amy. I’m a 25-year-old graduate student who likes yoga, home-decorating shows and eating spoonfuls of peanut butter 1from the jar. Oh yeah, and I’m an iPhone addict.

I wasn’t always an addict. In fact, for many years I told myself I didn’t want a 2cellphone. They seemed like too much work, always beeping, ringing and 3attention. I was 4content with my simple antique (古董,此处指旧手机), and I didn’t expect to change my mind any time soon.

However, about a year ago, I found myself envious of all those proud iPhone owners, cradling their shiny new phones and 5all their friends. I started listening secretly to conversations about “iPhone apps”, feeling like a 6listening to a language I couldn’t speak.

Eventually I couldn’t 7my iPhone instinct (本能) any longer, and I welcomed my new iPhone into my life.

To my surprise, I suddenly found myself with a whole new circle of friends. They 8my iPhone-related inquiries when my other friends couldn’t, and didn’t 9when I bragged about (吹嘘) all the things little Eloise (yes, I named her) could do.

However, I realized I had a problem when one day I found myself Google-mapping my way to my mailbox, which happens to be right outside my front door.

When I 10the past few months, I couldn’t believe I didn’t see this coming. All the 11signs were there. Eloise slept right beside me and was the first thing I 12in the morning. I 13my e-mail about 20 times a day. I also experienced 14when I left poor Eloise in the change room at the gym. 15she beeped and needed my response?

Okay, so I was addicted to my iPhone.

I decided 16had to be done. But, as I quickly realized, iPhones are like 17and not easy to quit.

Then, while taking the bus to work one day, I was 18forced to quit—at least 19. When I reached into my purse to grab Eloise, (to refer to my e-mail for only the seventh time that morning), I found her 20by fever. She was so hot that I dropped her immediately back into my bag. When I picked her up again, she was gone.

【小题1】A.straight B.excitedlyC.hurriedlyD.randomly【小题2】A.faithfulB.fancyC.fragileD.curious【小题3】A.demandingB.attemptingC.rejectingD.paying【小题4】A.partlyB.frequentlyC.perfectlyD.gradually【小题5】A.showing them off toB.impressing them onC.discussing them withD.recommending them to【小题6】A.farmerB.touristC.nativeD.worker【小题7】A.inspectB.submitC.ignoreD.confirm【小题8】A.turned downB.laughed atC.comment onD.responded to【小题9】A.roll their eyesB.open their mouthsC.wave their handsD.nod their heads【小题10】A.rest onB.reflect uponC.settle downD.concentrate on【小题11】A.funnyB.guiltyC.warningD.positive【小题12】A.dream ofB.came acrossC.glanced throughD.reached for【小题13】A.checkedB.wrote C.deliveredD.deleted【小题14】A.happinessB.anxietyC.starvationD.disappointment【小题15】A.How whenB.How aboutC.What if D.In case【小题16】A.nothingB.anythingC.everythingD.something【小题17】A.cigarettesB.coffeeC.booksD.milk【小题18】A.instantlyB.unexpectedlyC.completelyD.surprisingly【小题19】A.permanentlyB.unwillinglyC.temporarilyD.accidentally【小题20】A.drownedB.removedC.explodedD.overcomeA




【小题1】A. straight直接地 B. excitedly 兴奋地 C. hurriedly急忙忙地 D. randomly随便地;句意:我喜欢直接从罐头中吃花生酱,故选A

【小题2】A. faithful忠实的 B. fancy昂贵的,想象的 C. fragile易碎的 D. curious好奇的;后文提到content with my simple antique所以此处应该是我并不想要一个昂贵的手机,故选B


【小题4】A. partly 一定程度上 B. frequently经常地 C. perfectly完美地 D. gradually 渐渐地,句意:我非常满足于我的那个旧手机,故选C

【小题5】句意:他们手捧着他们耀眼的手机,给他们所有的朋友都炫耀他们的手机,show off炫耀,故选A

【小题6】A. farmer农民 B. tourist旅行者 C. native 本地人 D. worker工人,句意:像一个旅行者听不懂他们所说的语言一样,故选B

【小题7】A. inspect 检查 B. submit 递交 C. ignore 忽视 D. confirm确认,句意:最终不不能忽视我对iphone的诉求,故选C

【小题8】A. turned down拒绝 B. laughed at嘲笑 C. comment on评论 D. responded to回复,句意:令我惊讶的是,我突然感觉我有了很多的朋友,他们对我提出的问题都给予回复,故选D


【小题10】A. rest on依靠 B. reflect upon仔细回顾C. settle down 定居 D. concentrate on集中于;句意:当我仔细回顾过去的几个月的时候,我真的不相信那件事情真的会发生,故选B


【小题12】A. dream of梦想 B. came across偶然遇见C. glanced through 浏览 D. reached for 伸手去拿;根据句意此处应该是伸手去拿,故选D

【小题13】A. checked检查 B. wrote写 C. delivered 传输 D. deleted删除,句意:我一天检查我的邮箱20次,故选A

【小题14】A. happiness快乐B. anxiety焦急C. starvation饿死 D. disappointment失望;当我把它落在体育馆的更衣室时,我非常的焦急,故选B

【小题15】B. How about 怎么样 C. What if 如果…怎样呢? D. In case 万一,句意:如果它在嘟嘟响,需要我的答复该怎么办呢?故选C



【小题18】A. instantly立即地B. unexpectedly 出乎意料地

pletely 完全地D. surprisingly惊人地;句意:我出乎意料地强迫自己放弃,故选B

【小题19】A. permanently永久地 B. unwillingly不情愿地C. temporarily暂时地 D. accidentally 意外地;句意:至少是暂时的放弃,故选C

【小题20】A. drowned 淹没 B. removed移动 C. exploded 爆炸 D. overcome克服;此处overcome by 应意为受不了了,故选D

完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分;满分20分)My name is Amy. I’m a 25-year-old graduate student who likes yoga
