500字范文 > A long time ago there was an emperor(皇帝). One day he told his horseman that if he could r

A long time ago there was an emperor(皇帝). One day he told his horseman that if he could r

时间:2021-02-07 11:01:27


A long time ago  there was an emperor(皇帝). One day he told his horseman that if he could r


A long time ago, there was an emperor(皇帝). One day he told his horseman that if he could ride on his horse and 26 as much land area as he liked, he would give him the area of land he had covered. 27 enough, the horseman quickly jumped onto his horse and 28as fast as possible to cover as much land area as he could. He 29 riding and riding, whipping the horse to go as fast as possible. Even when he was 30 or tired, he did not stop 31 he wanted to cover as much area as possible. When he at last covered a large amount of land, he was exhausted and was32 . Then he asked himself, “Why did I33 myself so hard to cover so much land area? Now I am dying and I only 34 a very small area to 35 myself.”

The above story is 36 to the journey of our 37 . We push ourselves very hard every day to make more 38 , to gain power or recognition. We neglect(疏忽,忘记) our 39 , time with our family and to appreciate(欣赏) the surrounding 40 and the things we love to do. One day 41 we look back, we will 42 that we don’t really need that much, 43then we cannot turn back time for what we have 44 .

Life is not about making money. Life is definitely(肯定地) not about work! Work is only 45 to keep us living so as to enjoy the beauty and pleasures of life.

【小题1】A.use B.coverC.workD.get【小题2】A.Good B.Strange C.SureD.Interesting【小题3】A.rodeB.ranC.expanded D.struggled【小题4】A.kept onB.asked forC.gave upD.succeeded in【小题5】A.sad B.excitedC.confused D.hungry【小题6】A.but B.soC.becauseD.if【小题7】A.sleepingB.arguingC.dyingD.smiling【小题8】A.pushB.makeC.destroyD.prove【小题9】A.needB.have C.findD.show【小题10】A.live B.bury C.supportD.sleep【小题11】A.useful B.certainC.similarD.special【小题12】A.future B.pastC.historyD.life【小题13】A.friendsB.progressC.discoveriesD.money【小题14】A.health B.career C.honorD.freedom【小题15】A.things B.conditionC.peopleD.beauty【小题16】A.before B.whenC.unlessD.since【小题17】A.realizeB.regretC.apologizeD.explain【小题18】A.or B.untilC.howeverD.but【小题19】A.savedB.missed C.reduced D.won【小题20】A.possibleB.probable C.necessaryD.suitableB




【小题1】B 考查动词:A. use使用,B. cover覆盖,看完,走完,C. work工作,D. get得到,从下文的give him the area of land he had covered.看出这里填cover表示“走完”。选B。

【小题2】C考查形容词:A.Good好的,B. Strange奇怪的,C. Sure确定的,D. Interesting 有趣的,sure enough表示“很肯定的”,皇帝要把马夫走完的土地都给他,马夫是很肯定的,选C。

【小题3】A考查动词: A.rode骑,B. ran跑,C. expanded扩展,D. struggled挣扎,前面说:jumped onto his horse,说明是“骑马”。选A。

【小题4】A 考查词组:A. kept on“一直做某事”,,B. asked for要求,C. gave up放弃,D. succeeded in成功的,句意是:他一直骑这马。选A。

【小题5】D 考查形容词:A. sad悲伤的,B. excited兴奋的,C. confused困惑的,D. hungry饥饿的,应该选一个可以和tired并列的形容词,就是hungry。选D。

【小题6】C 考查连词:A. but 但是,B. so因此,C. because因为,D. if如果,这两句话是因果关系,句意是:他不停下是因为他想覆盖尽可能多的土地。选C。

【小题7】C考查动词:A. sleeping睡觉,B. arguing争论,C. dying死,D. smiling微笑,从前面的he was exhausted看出是快死了。选C。

【小题8】A考查动词: A. push推,逼迫,B. make使得,C. destroy破坏,D. prove证明,词组:push sb too hard“把某人逼得太紧了”,符合句意。选A.

【小题9】A考查动词:A. need需要,B. have 有,C. find发现,D. show展示,句意是:现在我要死了,我只需要一点地方埋葬自己。选A。

【小题10】B考查动词: A. live生活,B. bury埋葬,C. support 支持,D. sleep睡觉,句意是:现在我要死了,我只需要一点地方埋葬自己。选B。

【小题11】C考查形容词: A. useful有用的,B. certain肯定的,C. similar相似的,D. special特殊的,考查词组:be similar to“和…相似”。句意是:上面的故事和我们的人生旅途相似。选C.

【小题12】D 考查名词:A. future未来,B. past过去,C. history历史,D. life生活,句意是:上面的故事和我们的人生旅途相似。选D。

【小题13】D考查名词:A. friends 朋友,B. progress进步,C. discoveries发现,D. money钱,考查词组make money“挣钱”。选D。

【小题14】A考查名词:A. health健康,B. career事业,C. honor荣誉,D. freedom自由,句意是:我们忽略了健康,和家人共处的时光。选A。

【小题15】D考查名词:A. things事情,B. condition条件,C. people人们,D. beauty 美丽,从下文的enjoy the beauty看出这里是:欣赏周围的美景。选D。

【小题16】B 考查连词:A. before在…前面, B. when当….时候,C. unless除非, D. since自从,这里是when引导时间状语从句,意为:当我们回顾时,我们会意识到我们并不需要那么多。选B。

【小题17】A考查动词:A. realize 意识到,B. regret后悔,C. apologize道歉,D. explain解释,意为:当我们回顾时,我们会意识到我们并不需要那么多。选A。

【小题18】D 考查连词:A. or 或者, B. until直到,C. however然而,D. but但是,表示转折,但是我们不能使时光倒流。选D。

【小题19】B考查动词:A. saved救,B. missed错过,C. reduced减少,D. won赢得,指我们失去的东西。选B。

【小题20】C 考查形容词:A. possible可能,B. probable可能,C. necessary必要的,D. suitable合适的,表示工作只是为了生存必要的。选C。
