500字范文 > A young woman was driving alone through the country. Itdark and raining. Suddenly she saw

A young woman was driving alone through the country. Itdark and raining. Suddenly she saw

时间:2019-12-26 02:29:30


A young woman was driving alone through the country. Itdark and raining. Suddenly she saw


A young woman was driving alone through the country. Itdark and raining. Suddenly she saw an old woman by the side of the road, holding her hand out as if she a lift.

“I can’ther out in this weather,” the woman said to herself , so she stopped the car and opened the door.

“Do you want a lift?” she asked, the old woman nodded andthe car. After a while she said to the old woman, “Have youfor a long time?” The old woman shook her head. “Strange,” the young woman. She tried again, “Bad weather for the timeyear,” she said. The old woman nodded. Although the driver tried some more , the lady saidexcept for a nod of theor something else .

Then the young womanthe lady’s hands. They were very large and with thick hair. Suddenly she knew the lady was a! She stopped the car. “I can’t see that mirror,” she said, “Would you mind cleaning it for me?” The lady nodded and opened the door.

As soon as the lady wasthe car, the woman drove off quickly. When she got to the next village, she. She found that the old lady had left a handbag behind. She picked it up and opened it . She gave out a deep breath. the bag was a gun!

【小题1】A.was gettingB.didC.was doingD.was coming【小题2】A.likedB.askedC.hadD.needed【小题3】A.throwB.leaveC.makeD.let【小题4】A.took inB.get offC.climbed intoD.went to【小题5】A.lainB.keptC.satD.waited【小题6】A.thoughtB.saidC.spokeD.talked【小题7】A.outB.offC.inD.of【小题8】A.nothingB.anythingC.somethingD.everything【小题9】A.handB.headC.faceD.eye【小题10】A.searchedB.knewC.sawD.looked【小题11】A.boyB.girlC.womanD.man【小题12】A.quicklyB.clearlyC.carefullyD.slowly【小题13】A.onB.out ofC.intoD.in【小题14】A.fearedB.sleptC.stoodD.stopped【小题15】A.OnB.Out ofC.InsideD.OutsideA




【小题1】A 考察系动词。本题横线后面给出的是形容词dark,说明这里应使用系动词,故get正确。

【小题2】D 动词辨析。A喜欢B询问C有D需要;老妇人站在外面好像需要搭便车。故D正确。

【小题3】B 动词辨析。A扔B使…处于某种状态C生产D让;本句的leave her out指让她留在外面。.

【小题4】C 上下文串联。这位年轻的女士是在开车的。停车以后,对方应该爬上汽车。故使用climb into. A吸收,理解,欺骗;B下车;C去;故C正确。

【小题5】D 动词辨析。A位于;躺B保持C坐D等待;年轻的女士在询问对方是否等了很久。以示关心。

【小题6】A 动词辨析。A思考,想B说C讲(不及物动词)D谈论;前面的形容词strange说明这是这位女士心里的想法。

【小题7】D 介词辨析,of表示所属关系。这里是指这是一年中的天气不好的时间。

【小题8】A 上下文串联。根据上文描述可知这位老妇女不说话,只是点头。所以这里指除了点头之外,别的什么都没有。使用否定词nothing。

【小题9】B 上下文串联。上文连续出现nod,点头是与head连续在一起的。

【小题10】C 动词辨析。A寻找B知道C看见D看(动作);这是年轻的女士看见了对方的手。横线后面直接加了宾语the hand,说明应该使用see。故C正确。

【小题11】D 上下文串联。手上都是毛,说明这是一位男性,而不是女性。故D正确。

【小题12】.B 副词辨析。A迅速地B清楚地C仔细地D缓慢地;她对歹徒说看不清汽车的玻璃,希望对方下车擦一下。故B正确。

【小题13】B 介词辨析。Out of出去;本句是指对方一从汽车里出去,她就加速逃跑。故B正确。

【小题14】.D 动词辨析。A害怕B睡觉C站立D停止;到下个村子的时候,她停车检查具体情况。

【小题15】C 词义辨析。A在…上B出去C里面D外面;本句是指在包里面是一支枪。故C正确。
