500字范文 > Joy in the journey If you have ever been discouraged because of failure please read on. F

Joy in the journey If you have ever been discouraged because of failure please read on. F

时间:2019-05-03 13:26:58


Joy in the journey If you have ever been discouraged because of failure  please read on. F


Joy in the journey

If you have ever been discouraged because of failure, please read on. For often, achieving what you set out to do is not the important thing. Let me explain.

Two brothers decided to dig a deep hole behind their house. As they were working, a couple of older boys stopped by to . “What are you doing?” asked one of the visitors. “We plan to dig a hole all the way through the!” one of the brothers volunteered .

The older boys began to, telling the younger ones that digging a hole all the way through the earth was. After a long silence, one of thepicked up a jar full of spiders, worms and many other kinds of insects. Hethe lid and showed the wonderfulto the scoffing(嘲笑的)visitors. Then he said quietly and, “Even if we don’t dig all the way through the earth, look at what we have foundthe way!”

Their goal was far too ambitious, but it did cause them to dig. And that isa goal is for — to cause us to move in thewe have chosen, in other words, to keep us! But not every goal will be fully. Not every job will end. Not every hope will come to pass. Not every love will last. Not every dream will be. But when you fallof your aim, perhaps you can say, “Yes, but look at what I found along the way! Look at the wonderful thingsmy life because I tried to do something!” It is in the digginglife is lived. And I believe it is the joy in the journey, in the end, that truly .

【小题1】A.restB.workC.watch D.laugh【小题2】A.houseB.earthC.wallD.road【小题3】A.calmlyB.patientlyC.excitedlyD.impatiently【小题4】A.laughB.thinkC.stareD.smile【小题5】A.importantB.difficult C.impossibleD.interesting【小题6】A.passers-byB.watchersC.visitorsD.diggers【小题7】A.movedB.removedC.broke D.pushed【小题8】A.contentsB.scenesC.pictures D.jars【小题9】A.properly B.confidentlyC.carefullyD.happily【小题10】A.inB.alongC.toD.out【小题11】A.whatB.howC.whereD.which【小题12】A.wayB.directionC.lifeD.sight【小题13】A.thinkingB.moving C.digging D.living【小题14】A.madeB.preparedC.kickedD.achieved【小题15】A.hopelesslyB.pleasantlyC.surprisinglyD.successfully【小题16】A.come trueB.realized C.madeD.treasured【小题17】A.shortB.lostC.outD.behind【小题18】A.breaking intoB.turning toC.coming intoD.holding to【小题19】A.whenB.where C.whichD.that【小题20】A.mattersB.happensC.appearsD.existsC




【小题1】C考查动词的词义。句意为:两个兄弟决定在他们的屋后挖一个很深的坑,正当他们工作的时候,一对年龄稍大的兄弟在旁边停了下来去注视他们两个,你们正在干什么呢,一个来访者问。rest vt 使休息,使轻松;work vt工作;watch vt观察,注视;laugh vt笑,嘲笑。来访者还不知道他们干什么,所以此处嘲笑是不恰当的,故答案应为C。

【小题2】B考查名词的词义。句意为:我们正计划挖一个深坑,直到穿过地球。house n房子;earth n地球;wall n墙;road n路,第四个空的后面指出了这里是要挖穿地球,故答案应为B。

【小题3】C 考查形容词的词义。句意为:当年长的兄弟问他们正在干什么的时候,他们兄弟中的一个很兴奋的回答,他们要挖穿地球。calmly adj 平静地,镇静地;patiently adj有耐心地;excitedly adj兴奋地;impatiently adj 不耐烦地。此处应表示兄弟两个对做这件事很兴奋。故答案应为C。

【小题4】A 考查动词的意思。句意为:那对年长的兄弟开始去嘲笑,告诉年轻的兄弟,挖穿地球是不可能的. laugh vi嘲笑,讥笑;think vt认为,考虑;stare vi盯着;smile vi笑,微笑。这里是在讥讽这对兄弟,所以应为嘲笑,故答案应为A。

【小题5】C 考查形容词的含义。句意为:那对年长的兄弟告诉他们挖穿地球是不可能的。important adj 重要的;difficult adj困难的;impossible adj 不可能的;interesting adj有趣的。故答案应为C。

【小题6】D考查名词的词义。句意为:在沉寂了一会儿之后,挖洞兄弟中的一个捡起了一个里面挤满了蜘蛛,蠕虫,以及各种各样昆虫的罐子。paaser-by n 经过者,路过者;watchers n观察者,注视者;visitors n拜访者,参观者;diggers n挖掘者。故答案应为D。

【小题7】B 考查动词的意思。句意为:他捡起罐子,把盖子移开。move vt移动,感动; remove vt移开,移走;break vt打破,打断;push vt推,推进。这里意为打开坛子,所以应为B。

【小题8】A考查名词的意思。他打开罐子,显示出了里面奇妙的东西。content n 内容,所、包含的东西;

scene n 幕,一幕;picture n画,图画; jar n坛子,罐子。这里是指罐子里的东西。所以应为A。

【小题9】B 考查副词的词义。句意为:他静静地自信地说,尽管我们挖不穿地球---.properly adj 合适地,

适当地;confidently adv自信地,有信心地;carefully adv小心地,仔细地; happily adv 愉快地,幸福地。


【小题10】B 考查介词的词义。句意为:尽管我们挖不穿地球,看一下我们沿路发现的东西吧。in prep在---里面;along prep沿着,顺着;to prep表趋向,相对于;out prep在---外面。along the way 沿路的意思。故答案应为B。


【小题12】B 考查名词词义。句意为:那就是我们的目标,致使我们朝着我们选择的方向前进。way n方

法,路;direction n方向,指导;life n生活,生存;sight n视力,风景。朝着我们选择的方向前进。故答案


【小题13】C考查动词词义。句意为:换句话说,是让我们一直挖下去。thingking vt 思考,考虑;moving vt动,移动;digging vt挖,掘;living vt生活,居住。他们选择的方向就是一直挖下去,故答案应为C。

【小题 14】D 考查动词的词义。句意为:但是不是每一个目标都能实现。made vt制造,使得; prepare vt 准备;kicked vt踢;achieved vt实现,完成,achieve one’s goal 实现目标的意思,故答案应为D。

【小题15】D 考查副词的意思。不是每一份工作都以成功而告终。hopelessly adv 无望地,绝望地;pleasantly adv 高兴地,愉悦地;surprising adv令人吃惊地;successfully adv成功地;故答案应为D。

【小题16】B 考查动词的意思。不是每一个希望都能到达,不是每一份爱都能持续,不是每一个梦想都能

实现.come true 实现;realize 意识到,实现;make 制造,使得;treasure 珍藏,珍爱。come true 也可作实


【小题17】A 考查形容词的意思。句意为:但是当你不足以到达你的目标时,你会说,那就看一下我在路

上看到的东西吧。short of 不足,短缺; lost of丢失,失去; out of在—外面;behind 在---后面。故答案



东西吧。breaking into 破门而入;turning to转向;coming into进入; holding to 举办,支持。故答案应为C,


【小题19】D考查形容词的含义。句意为:正是在挖掘的过程中,生活才有生命的气息。强调句型:It is +


【小题20】A 考查动词的意思。句意为:旅途中的乐趣才是重要的。本题目中也是强调句型,强调了句子的主语。matter vi 重要,要紧;happen vi 发生;appear vi出现; exist vi存在,生存。故答案应为A。

