500字范文 > My 9-year-old daughterAnd I were flying from our home in Carolina to spendA week with my h

My 9-year-old daughterAnd I were flying from our home in Carolina to spendA week with my h

时间:2022-03-03 02:34:09


My 9-year-old daughterAnd I were flying from our home in Carolina to spendA week with my h


My 9-year-old daughterAnd I were flying from our home in Carolina to spendA week with my husband in Florida.We were___About the trip because we hadn seen him for five months,And her Dad terribly.

As usual on the Charlotte-to-Miami flight, the plane was totally. Because we did not get our boarding passes until weAt the gate, KallieAnd I could not get seats togetherAnd were by theAisle(过道). IAsked two passengers in my row if they would switch places with KallieAnd me, we could be together. They , saying they thought they should stay in theirAssigned seats.

Meanwhile,A motherAnd her three children were inA _several rowsAhead of us. There had beenA mistake in their boarding passes,And _the whole family had been split up. The passengers in her row_refused to move elsewhere. She was veryAbout the younger boy sitting with strangers. She was in tears, yet nobodyto help her.

There wereA troop of Boy Scouts(童子军) on . Suddenly the Scout leader stood upAnd said, Ma’am, I think we can help you. He then five minutes rearranging his group so thatAdequate space was for the family. The boys followed his directions cheerfullyAnd without _,And the mothers relief was obvious.

Kallie, however, was beginning to panicAt the _not being next to me. I told her that there wasn’tAnything I could do. , the man sitting next to the Scoutmaster, to meAndAsked, Would youAnd your daughter like our seats? to himselfAnd the Scoutmaster. We traded seatsAnd continued our trip, very much relieved to be togetherAnd watch the scenery from Kallie’s window seat.

【小题1】A.worriedB.excitedC.anxiousD.eager【小题2】A.lovedB.consideredC.imaginedD.missed【小题3】A.fullB.crowdedC.emptyD.overweight【小题4】A.reachedB.arrivedC.landedD.knocked【小题5】A.dividedB.blockedC.separatedD.connected【小题6】A.in caseB.even ifC.as ifD.so that【小题7】A.preventedB.refusedC.agreedD.promised【小题8】A.panicB.hurryC.rushD.seat【小题9】A.howeverB.otherwiseC.thereforeD.instead【小题10】A.tooB.evenC.everD.also【小题11】A.concernedB.curiousC.particularD.content【小题12】A.suggestedB.offeredC.providedD.supplied【小题13】A.dutyB.watchC.boardD.spot【小题14】A.tookB.costC.paidD.spent【小题15】A.convenientB.availableC.probableD.comfortable【小题16】A.permissionB.excuseC.apologyD.complaint【小题17】A.thoughtB.endC.feelingD.sense【小题18】A.ImmediatelyB.PuzzlinglyC.ClearlyD.Amazingly【小题19】A.turned upB.turnedAroundC.turned outD.turnedAway【小题20】A.stickingB.keepingC.wavingD.referringB




【小题1】考查形容词:A.worried担心的,B.excited兴奋的,C.Anxious焦虑的,D. eager渴望的,自己五个月没有见到丈夫,女儿没有见到爸爸,自然对这次旅行感到“兴奋”。选B。

【小题2】考查动词辨析:A.loved 爱,B. considered考虑,C. imagined想象,D. missed错过,想念,女儿五个月没有见到爸爸了,所以非常“想念”爸爸。选D。

【小题3】考查形容词:A. full 充满,B. crowded拥挤的,C. empty空的,D. overweight肥胖的,根据下文的“换座位”和此处的副词totally判断,飞机满员,但不能用“拥挤的”。选A。

【小题4】考查动词辨析:A. reached到达,B.Arrived到达,C. landed着陆,D. knocked敲,arrivedAt the gate到达门口,reach是及物动词,不能接at。选B。

【小题5】考查动词辨析:A. divided分离,B. blocked堵塞,C. separated分离,D. connected联系,根据上文的I could not get seats together判断,作者和女儿被过道分隔开了。divide表示把一个整体分成若干份。选C。

【小题6】考查连词:A. in case以防,B. even if即使,C.As if 好像,D. so that为了,根据上下文的语意判断,we could be together是目的,所以用so that,意为“以便”。选D

【小题7】考查动词辨析:A. prevented防止,B. refused拒绝,C.Agreed同意,D. promised答应,许诺,根据下文的saying they thought they should stay in theirAssigned seats判断,他们“拒绝”了。选B

【小题8】考查名词:A. panic害怕,B. hurry匆忙,C. rush匆忙,D. seat座位,be inA panic乱成一团。一个妈妈带了三个孩子,又能不能坐在一起,所以很慌乱。选A

【小题9】考查副词:A. however然而,B. otherwise否则,C. therefore因此,D. instead相反,由于出了错,“所以”一家人被分开了。选C

【小题10】考查副词:A. too也,B. even甚至,C. ever 曾经,D.Also也,作者请求换座位,人家拒绝了,这位女士请求换座位,人家“也”拒绝了。Also放在句中,too放在句末,选D

【小题11】考查形容词:A. concerned关心的,担心的,B. curious好奇的,C. particular 尤其的,特别的,D. content满足的,由于自己的孩子和陌生人坐在一起,所以妈妈很“担心”。选A

【小题12】考查动词辨析:A. suggested建议,B. offered 提供,主动提出,C. provided提供,D. supplied提供,根据she was in tears判断,没有人帮她。offer to do sth.意为“主动提出做……”。选B

【小题13】考查词组:A. on duty值班,B. on watch守望,C.on board上船/飞机/车,D. on spot在出事地点,有一群童子军也在飞机上,选C

【小题14】考查动词辨析:A. took拿,带走,花,B. cost花,C.paid付钱,D. spent花费,根据下文的rearranging判断,此处应为spend time doing sth.句型。选D

【小题15】考查形容词:A. convenient方便的,B.Available可获得的,C. probable 可能的,D. comfortable舒服的,此处指“给她们腾出了足够的可以坐的地方”。选B

【小题16】考查名词:A. permission允许,B. excuse 借口,C.apology道歉,D. complaint抱怨,上文曾谈到两个人不愿意换座位,而这些孩子们不仅同意换座位,而且还没有“怨言”。选D

【小题17】考查动词辨析:A. thought想法,B. end 结束,C. feeling感觉,D. sense感觉,at the thought of意为“一想到……”,是固定短语。一想到不在我旁边,Kallie开始害怕了,选A

【小题18】考查副词:A. Immediately立刻,B. Puzzlingly困惑地,C.Clearly清楚地,D.Amazingly令人惊讶地,请求跟别人换座,人家不换,而这时有人主动和作者换座,这是作者没有料到的,所以作者感到“惊奇”。选D

【小题19】考查词组辨析:A. turned up出现,露面,B. turnedAround转身,C. turned out结果是,证明是,D. turnedAway拒绝入内,童子军队长旁边的那个人转向我,选B

【小题20】考查动词辨析:A. sticking坚持,B. keeping 保持,C.waving挥手,D.referring指,referto“所指”那个人坐在scoutmaster旁边,所以此处“指的是”他们两个人。选D
