500字范文 > Back in my country when I was a child I used to go to “market day” with my mother. One d

Back in my country when I was a child I used to go to “market day” with my mother. One d

时间:2020-03-04 20:35:07


Back in my country  when I was a child  I used to go to “market day” with my mother. One d


Back in my country, when I was a child, I used to go to “market day” with my mother. One day each week, farmers used to 1 their fruit and vegetables into the city. They 2 one street to all cars, and the farmers set up tables for their 3. This outdoor market was a great place to 4. Everything was fresher than produce in grocery stores because the farmers brought it in 5 after the harvest. My mother and I always got there early in the morning to get the 6 produce.

The outdoor market was a wonderful adventure for a small child, 7 was like a festival — full of colors and 8. There are red tomatoes, yellow lemons, green lettuce, peppers, grapes, onions. The farmers did their own 9. They all shouted loudly for 10 to buy their produce. “Come and buy my beautiful oranges! They’re juicy and delicious and full of vitamins to 11 your children healthy and strong!”

Everyone used to 12 with the farmers over the 13 of their produce. It was like a wonderful drama in a theatre; the buyers and sellers were the “14” in this drama. My mother was an 15 at this. First, she picked the freshest, most attractive tomatoes, for example. Then she asked the price. The seller told her.

“What?” she said. She looked very surprised. “ So 16?”

The seller looked terribly 17. “My dear lady!” he replied. “I’m a poor, 18 farmer. These are the cheapest tomatoes on the market!”

They always argued for several minutes before agreeing 19 a price. My mother took her tomatoes and left. Both buyer and seller were 20. The drama was over.

1. A. carry B. take C. bring D. fetch

2. A. opened B. closed C. started D. stopped

3. A. produce B. goods C. food D. product

4. A. buy B. sell C. bargain D. shop

5. A. hurriedly B. immediately C. directly D. straightly

6. A. best B. finest C. freshest D. cheapest

7. A. who B. that C. which D. what

8. A. voices B. noises C. sounds D. accent

9. A. shopping B. business C. shouting D. advertising

10. A. customers B. producers C. themselves D. sellers

11. A. keep B. let C. except D. make

12. A. argue B. talk C. discuss D. speak

13. A. order B. price C. quality D. form

14. A. viewers B. listeners C. actors D. directors

15. A. actress B. inventor C. advancer D. expert

16. A. wonderful B. exciting C. cheap D. expensive

17. A. injured B. hurt C. damaged D. wounded

18. A. excellent B. fair C. honest D. easy

19. A. with B. to C. in D. on

20. A. disappointed B. encouraged C. satisfied D. tired1-5CBADB 6-10CCCDA 11-15DABCD 16-20DBCDC


(答案→)1-5CBADB 6-10CCCDA 11-15DABCD 16-20DBCDC

解析:1. C。take 意为“拿走、带去”;carry 意为“携带、搬运”。fetch 意为“去取来”。前面三词与句意不符。而bring“带来、带来”,表示农民把他们生产的水果和蔬菜带到城市里来。

2. B。close 意为“关、封闭”。此句表示:这些农民封闭一条街,不许车辆通行,作为交易市场。

3. A。produce 意为“农产品(尤指水果、蔬菜等)”。

4. D。shop 意为“买东西” (from )。

5. B。immediately意为“立即、直接地”。此句表示:农民收获后立即就把农产品拿到市场去卖,因此他们的东西比杂货店的要新鲜。

6. C。freshest 意为“最新鲜的”。与上句中的fresher对应,一大早的水果、蔬菜是最新鲜的。

7. C。which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面的名词the outdoor market,说明露天市场像节日一样。

8. C。sound可指任何可以听到的“声音”。与下文的叫卖声、讨价还价声相一致。

9. D。advertising 意为“广告(总称)”。由上句可知:这些农民高声叫喊是为他们的产品做广告。

10. A。customer意为“顾客”。农民高声叫卖是为了招来顾客买他们的产品。

11. D。make 意为“使”。句意为:这些橘子果汁丰富、味道好、富含维生素,能使你们的孩子健康强壮。

12. A。argue意为“争吵”。买东西的常常为了降低价格而与农民讨价还价,发生争吵是常有的事。

13. B。price 意为“价格”,后面也提到价格问题(from )。

14. C。actor 意为“演员”。作者把市场交易比作一场戏,那么所有的买东西的人和卖东西的人都是演员。因为他们都充当这曲戏中的一个角色。

15. D。expert意为“专家、能手”。指作者的母亲是买东西的能手,会挑选东西,会讨价还价。

16. D。expensive意为“价高的、昂贵的”。在讨价还价中,买东西的人总是会说“价格太高、太贵”之的类话。

17. B。hurt意为“使痛心”。hurt可指肉体或精神上的伤害。这里指买东西的出价太低而痛心,不指肉体的伤害或损伤,因而其他动词不宜用(from )。

18. C。honest意为“诚实的、老实的”。意即:老实人要的老实价,与后面的these are the cheapest tomatoes on the market 相一致。

19. D。agree on sth表示经过讨论或协商后达成一致。这里表示经过一番讨价还价之后,最终把价格确定下来。

20. C。satisfied意为“满意的”。只有当价格在买卖双方都认为合理时,交易才能实现,这时买卖双方才感到满意。
