500字范文 > One day Einstein met an old friend of his in the street in New York. “Mr. Einstein ” said

One day Einstein met an old friend of his in the street in New York. “Mr. Einstein ” said

时间:2021-04-29 10:13:23


One day Einstein met an old friend of his in the street in New York. “Mr. Einstein ” said


One day Einstein met an old friend of his in the street in New York. “Mr. Einstein,” said the friend, “you need a new coat. Look, it is very old!” “It doesn’t matter,” answered Einstein, “Nobody knows me here.” A few years later, they met in New York again. Einstein became a famous scientist, but he still wore the same old coat. Again his friend tried to persuade (劝说) him to buy a new coat. “There is no need now, since everybody here knows me.”

阅读短文,判断正误。正确的用“T”。错误的用“F”. (每小题1分,共5分)

【小题1】The story happened in England.

【小题2】Einstein was a great scientist.

【小题3】His friend asked him to buy a new coat because he was a scientist.

【小题4】Einstein didn’t want to buy a new coat because he had no money.

【小题5】A few years later Einstein became a great scientist and still wore the old coat.F





【小题1】细节理解题.本句是说这个故事发生在英国.根据One day Einstein met an old friend of his in the street in New York.描述可知本句描述错误。

【小题2】细节理解题.本句是说爱因斯坦是个伟大的科学家.根据短文Einstein became a famous scientist,描述,可知爱因斯坦是个伟大的科学家.故本句描述正确。

【小题3】细节理解题.本句是说他朋友要求他买一件外套,因为他是个科学家.根据“you need a new coat. Look, it is very old!”描述,可知朋友要求他买一件外套是是因为天气很冷.故本句描述错误。

【小题4】细节理解题.本句是说爱因斯坦不买新外套是因为没有钱.根据“There is no need now, since everybody here knows me.”描述,可知是他不买新外套是因为他认为这已经没有必要了.故本句描述错误。

【小题5】细节理解题.本句是说几年后,爱因斯坦成了一名著名的科学家,仍旧穿着那件旧大衣.根据A few years later, they met in New York again. Einstein became a famous scientist, but he still wore the same old coat.描述,可知本句描述正确。
