500字范文 > Today we can see that many people are cutting down the trees in the forests. A lot of lan

Today we can see that many people are cutting down the trees in the forests. A lot of lan

时间:2020-08-08 14:10:23


Today we can see that many people are cutting down the trees in the forests. A lot of lan


Today we can see that many people are cutting down the trees in the forests. A lot of lands have become deserts. If we read newspapers, we’ll learn that the forests on the earth are getting smaller . We are cutting down large numbers of trees we need wood and farmland. Some scientists say that there will not be any great forests 20 or 30 years.

What will happen if the forests disappear? A lot of plants will die and the animals will

their homes. In many places the new farmland will soon look the old desert. Crops will not grow there. There won’t be enough , and the weather will get hot and dry. If the climate of the earth changes, life will be for everyone. Our living environment will become . More and more rich farmland will disappear. We will suffer a lot from both droughts (干旱) and floods.

It’s our duty the forests well. Everyone should try his best to make a contribution (贡献) to taking care of the forests. Stop cutting down the trees and make the world greener!

【小题1】A. rich B. low C. lonely

【小题2】A. on time B. all the time C. in time

【小题3】A. or B. so C. because

【小题4】A. at B. on C. in

【小题5】A. find B. build C. lose

【小题6】A. up B. like C. at

【小题7】A. snow B. rain C. wind

【小题8】A. easy B. happy C. hard

【小题9】A. better and better B. worse and worse C. bigger and bigger

【小题10】A. to protect B. do C. to doA




【小题1】考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:很多肥沃的农田变成了沙漠。rich 肥沃的;low 低的;lonely 孤独的,寂寞的。这里是用来修饰农田farmland,所以用rich。故选A。

【小题2】考查固定短语及语境的理解。句意:我们知道地球上的森林一直变得越来越少。on time准时;all the time 一直,总是;in time 及时。根据文意,地球上的森林不断的减少。故选B。

【小题3】考查连词及语境的理解。句意:我们砍伐了大量的树木,因为我们需要木材,需要农田。根据文意,这里应是因果关系。故选C。or或者,否则;so 因此,所以。B选项正好把因果弄颠倒了。

【小题4】考查介词及语境的理解。句意:科学家们预言在二、三十年之后将不再有大片的森林。in 用于一般将来时,后跟一段时间,表示在…之后;at 后常跟具体的时间点;on 后跟具体的某一天。故选C。

【小题5】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:很多植物将会死亡,很多动物将失去它们的家。lose 丢失,失去;find 发现,找到;build 修建,建造。根据句意,没有了森林,很多动物就没有了栖息的场所,所以是失去了家。故选C。

【小题6】考查介词及语境的理解。句意:在很多地方,新的农田看起来就像古老的沙漠。look like 看起来像;look up 查阅;look at 看…。根据句意选B。

【小题7】考查名词及语境的理解。句意:将没有充足的雨,天气会变得又热又干燥。根据句意,天气会变干燥,所以是没有足够的雨。snow 雪,下雪会使天气变冷,不符合文意;wind 风,跟后面天气变得热、干燥没有关系。故选B。

【小题8】考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:如果地球上的气候发生变化,生活对每个人来说将会变得困难。easy 容易的,不符合文意;happy 高兴的,快乐的;跟文意不沾边;hard 困难的。故选C。

【小题9】考查形容词比较级及语境的理解。句意:我们的生活环境将变得越来越糟糕。better and better 越来越好;bigger and bigger 越来越大; worse and worse 越来越糟糕。根据文意可知,没有了森林,地球的环境会变差,那我们的生活当然会变得糟糕。故选B。

【小题10】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:保护好森林是我们的职责。It’s our duty to do sth. 做某事是我们的职责。在这个句型中应该用动词不定式。故选A。
